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  1. DenifClock

    Character Discussion Time to face it - Garling is Shanks if he was cool

    Gassing a guy who's pleasure is slaughtering defenseless slaves at God Valley is not a flex
  2. DenifClock

    General & Others Has there been an arc that you liked at first. But over time you started to dislike?

    Real. This "older one was better" mentality is very prelavent in humans, not only just in One Piece community. People aways say sequels are worse than the original. It happens so many times, you start to wonder, are they right? If you do the math, the chances of sequels ALWAYS being worse is...
  3. DenifClock

    Character Discussion Its been almost two years now

    Kaido's flashback is scattered throughout One Piece. (even starting from Thriller Bark, Moria mentioning Kaido)
  4. DenifClock

    Character Discussion Teach’s portrayal is proof he’s Big Mom 2.0

    Teach being a clumsy goofball is part of his charm Why can't you see that? The word "aura" should just be deleted from existence. It's corrupting ya'll brains.
  5. DenifClock

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1123 Spoilers Discussion

    Love how you don't even acknowledge my argument because you can't say anything to it. Always pulling the "title" card.
  6. DenifClock

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1123 Spoilers Discussion

    If haki is all that matters in swordsmanship, doesn't that mean Luffy could just pick up a sword and no diff Zoro, since Luffy has way better haki?
  7. DenifClock

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1123 Spoilers Discussion

    Joyboy's haki is being compared to Shanks's by giants who lived for 200 years. That's a W in my book. That just further strengthens my belief that Shanks has the strongest haki right now in the verse. (maybe below Imu)
  8. DenifClock

    Character Discussion Joyboy dresses like Shanks?

    In-universe wise, sure. Story-wise? Debatable. Shanks started Luffy's journey
  9. DenifClock

    Character Discussion Best arc for each Straw hat in terms of writing

    Chopper peaked at Punk Hazard with Mocha
  10. DenifClock

    Current Events Blue Data Book Confirms That Mihawk Wants To, And Cannot, Become The Pirate King

    Mihawk is an irrelevant bum whose only purpose is to job to Zoro. He lost the only thing he had going for him too, his aura.
  11. DenifClock

    Questions & Mysteries Has Zoro ever said this?

    Zoro ain't all that. He was not even featured among the most relevant characters of One Piece in the latest chapter. Deuteragonist my ass. Nami has more screentime than him. Statements about Zoro from decades ago don't matter shit.
  12. DenifClock

    Questions & Mysteries Has Zoro ever said this?

    No. That's a place for the MC. Zoro is not Luffy. edit: he will be above Mihawk, but not Roger
  13. DenifClock

    General & Others I wish that the war against the Yonko was more spread out

    Marineford had some little strategy (the encircling walls plot line), so Oda is maybe capable of it if he dedicates himself to it.
  14. DenifClock

    General & Others Is WorstGen the Center of OP Fandom?

    What communities have you been in? Shanks is only popular in casual fanbases and youtube. Usually he is downplayed.
  15. DenifClock

    General & Others Meet the Egghead Vice Admirals

    To be fair, Doberman appeared way before this arc, not just a 1 arc side villain. He is still clean, hope Oda is cooking smth with him
  16. DenifClock

    Controversial What the hell happened to the art in the manga? (Chapter 1118 and beyond)

    However you don't really see such long mangas as One Piece, so I don't think it's fair to judge One Piece art falling off like that. One Piece has has been getting better and better to and peaked around Fishman Island, Punk Hazard. That's already many many years into the series. Find me another...
  17. DenifClock

    Speculations Favorite Small Unsolved Mystery?

    My favorite unsolved mystery is who threw the paper at Chopper in Punk Hazard. Some people theorize it was Monet, some say it was Law. We never really got the answer to that and I don't mind it. Some mystery never hurts
  18. DenifClock

    Character Discussion Strawhats' Performances Egghead Arc Rankings (1060 - 1112)

    This is all cool and interesting, but this pointing system clearly favors those with few screentimes sometimes. How is Brook who literally did nothing this arc above Zoro? I know Zoro had lot of Ls, but he also had lot of Ws. There is just no way Brook's "performance" (of what, doing nothing) is...
  19. DenifClock

    Current Events Ju Peter Sucks Off An Entire Island (Island Level Sucking Power)

    Saturn's attack (that was redirected by Luffy) was so strong, it destroyed Warcury and he had to regen. The same Warcury that tanked Luffy's red roc.