Loki could do with a hype tool. Holy knights power is right now vague but Big Mom is a known entity, if she comes back here. Even if she has an "excuse" of being weakened, Loki beating her would cement his power level.
Unlike Shinobi War, Tybw, and even Wano, Marineford is a rarer case where a big war arc is done well. No Straw Hats, powerlevels aren't fleshed out, and a limited amount of chapters and still it holds up well among rereads. Still the two best deaths in the entire manga even now years later.
Big Mom the better character and villain with the better backstory and the better and stronger crew.
That said Kaido is better in anything combat related, and had the much better fight and conclusion. Though outside the bombs, Big Mom cursing Roger and wondering what the One Piece I quite liked.
Rayleigh and Gaban are the strongest on their side. From mirroring placement we can tell who Whitebeard's two strongest at the time are. Rakuyo then Whitey Bay.
Whitebeard in theory could've "forced" his friends to fight alongside him. Minks, Neptune FMI and even the other fodder ally crews he no doubt has. But he was too soft for that and the Marines knew that. Even if he did, Marines had plenty of soldiers too they could add. The result would be the...
We seemingly got another devil fruit sword in Cerberus. But it might not be, and that's not the only weapon we've seen that's vague on a being a fruit power.
Goldberg's shield which looks more like a Homie weapon.
Rakuyo's chain which is alive and can bite. Though we've never seen it...
Especially with Aokiji on board they are far from weak, but they remain in a Yonko crew strength range. Still nothing compared to Imu's forces. Navy, Blackbeard and Straw Hats might temporarily ally to beat Imu which could still make him the final villain after.
I think the island is surrounded underwater in some way. Either the entrance or just in general. Otherwise anyone who flies might find it by chance already. Only ones who would be able to get there are fishmen or someone highly skilled in coating. Both of which the Roger Pirates happened to have.
It would be some disappointment , but a huge benefit to the Revolutionaries. It would leave Marijoa wide open for them.
Maybe if Holy knights all show up, Dragon would be willing to beat them teaming up with Luffy.
Though at this point, Dragon is likely ending up a hype tool. Sabo is likely...
He could also be "short" for an ancient giant or hasn't reached his max height. Normal Giant's live 3 times longer than humans. Ancient giants should also have some difference.
According to Road there are no pure ancient giants left. He could've meant just in Elbaf or he's speaking in general that Oars is "dead" like Marco was initially thought to be.
Still Oars was hurt badly in Marineford and even presumably fought in the Payback War. He might actually be dead. If...
I like Marco more but overall their about the same.
Marco has his moments but Katakuri is a far more developed from a writing standpoint. It's the reverse on battle relevancy. Roger Pirates, Marineford, Payback war and even Wano. He's the gold standard among the normal YC1 trio.
Those with Conquerors just has another source of potential power.
Same for those with devil fruits. On a basic level more potential than those without. Whether they reach the full potential is another thing altogether.
Where it really matters is at the highest levels. Generally any who eat a...
It might not strictly be related to Loki's battle prowess.
Turning the world to ruin is likely the "evil" version of the Dawn of the World the minks talk about. And we still don't know what that is.
The easy answer is Luffy, but that seems too obvious.
If he's really that strong, Loki might free himself. For a captured person he seems too chill and casual for someone wanting to cause the end of the world. Seems like he's just waiting for the "right time".
He hasn't gotten his power up yet. Nami got Zeus, Chopper got extended monster point.
Ussopp technically has Observation, but he doesn't even know he has it properly. But I wouldn't be surprised if he gets another powerup in some way, whether devil fruit or another type of weapon.
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