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  1. Buusatan94

    One Piece 1117:Mo-

    Unfortunately I don't think that Hancock will ever suffer karma for the stuff she did.
  2. Buusatan94

    One Piece 1117:Mo-

    If only.
  3. Buusatan94

    One Piece 1117:Mo-

    Oda's consistency with powers.
  4. Buusatan94

    One Piece 1117:Mo-

    What happened to them in the Netflix adaptation ? I didn't watch it
  5. Buusatan94

    One Piece 1117:Mo-

    Vegapunk really looks like the most wasted character since Big Mom and Smoothie.
  6. Buusatan94

    One Piece 1117:Mo-

    I don't expect the truth about the D to be that epic or interesting anyway.
  7. Buusatan94

    One Piece 1117:Mo-

    Yeah I can't stand the giants of Elbaf.
  8. Buusatan94

    One Piece 1117:Mo-

    We can only hope the hype is real, and not another future wet firecracker.
  9. Buusatan94

    One Piece 1117:Mo-

    It makes no sense indeed, but it's convenient which is how One Piece story works
  10. Buusatan94

    One Piece 1117:Mo-

    They were longer and closer allies or rather cheerleaders to Luffy. Though the real answer is plot convenience. The healing time of characters in OP is as long as Oda wants it, though conveniently it's far longer for antagonists and other characters that Oda want out of the picture or to serve...
  11. Buusatan94

    One Piece 1117:Mo-

    Because he isn't a Straw Hat, he's not shown to be fine in only one or few chapters after the fight is over.
  12. Buusatan94

    One Piece 1117:Mo-

    If he had come with the Straw Hats after Wano he would have recovered in a few chapters.
  13. Buusatan94

    One Piece 1117:Mo-

    That I remain skeptical of, or that the Final War will be as amazing as many hope it will be.
  14. Buusatan94

    One Piece 1117:Mo-

    I wish I could have your faith. But I feel that I have been patient and lenient enough toward Oda over his treatment of not only Smoker and Tashigi, but also many other characters, and I have been disappointed too many times.
  15. Buusatan94

    One Piece 1117:Mo-

    Even the drawing is starting to decline.
  16. Buusatan94

    One Piece 1117:Mo-

    I think that you're too optimistic, I love Smoker but after all this time and how he has been treated I don't have high expectations about what Oda will do with him anymore.
  17. Buusatan94

    One Piece 1117:Mo-

    Nothing new, scale and height inconsistencies happen often in OP.
  18. Buusatan94

    One Piece 1117:Mo-

    Better enjoy it, it's not gonna last.