Yeah I was really pissed about that but that makes complete sense actually! Odas saving it for whenever the hell he will show us the void century flashback lol.
Oda purposely admitting he dropped some stuff about Zoro and Ushimaru has me very worried too. We might have to rely on non-manga content like novels, SBS, vivre cards etc at this rate...
Surely he to show Toki in the VC flashback and what she was running from, why she left etc? Maybe it relates to Zoros ancestors potentially?
Tbh I kinda wanted Zoro and Hiyori to be lovers reincarnated after centuries, I love stuff like that! Star crossed lovers?
Jackie Chans The Myth was about this concept and was such a beautiful film, especially the even more BEAUTIFUL song he sung with this fantastic Korean woman too! I forgot her name unfortunately lol.