General & Others 4 CoC users in Strawhat crew

Luffy we already know
Zoro chapter 1010
Yamato got confirmed this chapter and she def gonna join the crew
Usopp,Oda foreshadowed Usopp's coc this chapter

Roger,Ray,Oden and Shanks in Roger pirates

@Bogard @DynaMight @Doggo @Red Admiral @Seraphoenix @Marimo_420 @Jackteo @Chaves @nik87 @Ice devil slayer @MarineHQ62 @Peroroncino @Steven @MonsterKaido @Echizen_Jo_Ndule @Shanal @mly90 @m0nst3Rx @Orojackson Refugee @kumae @Gensui Sazid @HA001 etc
Five if you believe Momoron will be an apprentice post-Wano.
Loving? Desperate?
I'm just giving my opinion on Story, i don't care whether she joins or not
There should be a Major Death in this Arc, and Yamato is one of Candidates
No need for Drama
We Have Kin'emon right there my friend to and the rest of Scabbards, so calm down with this Tragic deaths on Yamato.

Her will join your like it or not, her have connections with two most important SHs Luffy and Zoro (Ace and Uchimaru).

So get over it, Yamato receive so much hype moment in this week.


Tobidara Believer
Usopp will unlock basic CoC in Elbaf (cuz duh).

Sanji will unlock Adv CoC this arc (hopefully) due to his "feats"
It's too soon for Sanji reach this level. Also I think Oda is planning a different way for him.

Like admirals have top tiers DFs as their main weapons, Sanji will get a big power-up in his flames.
In my opinion, the only Haki where he will get a great improvement is CoO.
The parallel is complete with Roger, Rayleigh, Oden, and Shanks. Not Crocus, Gabban, Devil Dutch, etc. Three users is already a feat.

Sanji will mutate and Usopp will learn observation
I would have been fine if Oda changed his mind about the first lie of Usopp having CoC, but this is the second! You know it’s happening :kayneshrug:
And it's funny how Oda made Yamato and Zoro the main talk of the chapter but the 1st page starts off with usopp mentioning haki but immediately dismisses it.

Oda playing with the idea like he did with Brook and Zoro before zoro was confirmed to have it