Character Discussion Anybody else disappointed with Kuma's reveal?

That's because it's not a good story. It's like million dollar baby if all the fight scenes were off paneled.:milaugh:
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What did you gain from the flashback? Bonney is literally 12 and for all we know her crew is in jail. Kuma is almost certainly about to die. Vegapunk imo is ruined because he crippled the Revolutionaries for funds and to create an army and now decided to leave all his work behind to save his own hide. Dragon looks inept and luffy is literally sleeping. We got introduced to a revolutionary officer who's only feat is being violated in the most disrespectful manner absolutely no gain was made in taking down the wg. Big mom got speed blitzed by arms.

Garp looks like a fool. Nothing more of Rocks vs Roger was revealed. Garling is just a nasty human being with no feats. Kong got dehyped. Kuma's strenght is as ambiguous as ever. Kizaru might become a nika fanboy. Moria was about as sleep as Luffy is present time. I didn't actually read the chapters but Dragon kidnapping a celestial or finding out who's Bonney father is or even interacting with Bonney didn't happen.

About the only interesting good thing that happened is we know Dragon was a marine. Even when we go back to present time we have a goursei holding down a yonkou level commander with his mind, lucchi vs Zoro off paneled and Luffy unconscious after landing one punch to an admiral who was one shot.
Everybody has been dehyped except Saturn who is probably going to be dehyped right as Kuma explodes or something.

If you ever read a good book where every page is interesting and you read interesting good things every page. Even the dialouge is good. When a character dies it has impact and is well written. Oda's writing style has been bullet points since timeskip.

Law has been on screen for a decade and all we know about him is he hates bread is a D and is kinda sorta trying to be pirate king. Kuma was a slave and he's trying to make the world less painful but he has no weight in the story other than to help the main character who doesn't know what's going on or really care.
You think the high level film critics at the Academy gave Million Dollar Baby the best picture award, because of the boxing scenes?

A tad bit disappointed for sure. I personally thought, up until the moment it was revelaed, that it wasn't entirely about Bonney, but some bigger altruistic goal he had or purpose he could fulfill.

I guess for such a long mystery the expectations for it were blown up a little too much. It doesnt damage his character though, the FB is pretty much what ive wanted from him anyway otherwise.
Maybe it was originally and then changed his mind later on. Oda having a daughter has influenced his writing quite a bit and Kuma doing all this for Bonney is pretty inline with his values of how far a parent would go for their child.
Maybe it was originally and then changed his mind later on. Oda having a daughter has influenced his writing quite a bit and Kuma doing all this for Bonney is pretty inline with his values of how far a parent would go for their child.
Ehh, by the time the mindwipe plot even existed to readers (Marineford as we didnt even have a clue he would be a faceless robot before this), Bonney already existed and was really upset about the situation right when it what was happening (see her reaction after Marineford when they were watching the war from afar).

I just think the longevity of the series really blew our expectations on it out of proportion. In reality, its a justifiable motivation that works, its just simple between him and Bonney
Completely disappointed about Kuma's entire flashback.
Pre-TS Kuma is in my top 10 favorite characters.
Post-TS Kuma is garbage.
Everything Post-TS Loda touches turns to shit. He’s even managed to ruin the Warlords

Did you see the latest episode? Oda gave Mihawk and Crocodile clown color schemes
What's better. A flashback about a cliche'd "spy working for the greater good" plot line that people theorized 15 years ago, when Kumas connection to the Revolutionaries was revealed, or a story about a man who only ever cared about the people around him, and even at the expense of his own well being, would do everything in his power to make sure others didn't suffer. Then one day, after being riddled with guilt for failing to protect the woman he loved, he receives a small glimmer of hope and joy when that woman's daughter comes into his arms. But the World is a cruel place, and the child was born with a life threatening disease. So in a fashion that was true to his character, he did everything in his power to ensure the child's survival?

Decisions decisions.....
Dude, your entire recitation of Kuma's flashbacks is the definition of cliché and has already been done before in One Piece (minus the disease angle). I'd rather have a somewhat interesting spin with the spy shit than what we've already seen with people like Rebecca and Shirahoshi. Oda is getting lazy and needs editors to crack the whip on his ass.
As the flashback went added disappointments.
like most things...we can forget about it in the big picture.

In the end only luffy's punch matter in this series..other peoples efforts are pretty much insignificant.
Oh yes I'm so disappointed. Olda's senile writing is really tiring and I keep questioning his beliefs regarding racism. It took Oda 4 chapters FOUR CHAPTERS to build up what seemed like one of the best characters he's ever written and subsequently destroy this character entirely and turn him into One Piece's version of an Uncle Tom.
Congratulations Lolda:joker:
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It would have felt like less of an asspull had this character and their connection been established way earlier.
Like 240 ish chapters ago?
Honestly I had zero expectations on Kuma's FB but the beginning of it was so strong, I couldn't help but get excited about what was gonna happen... But then it moved on to Kuma trying to live a normal life haha, and it wasn't so bad to be honest. The only reason why Kuma became a big figure in OP is a rejection of injustice so strong that he couldn't help but get shit done and join his transbro and random Che popping up trying to overthrow an oppressive worldwide regime, followed by bringing down the evil monarch of his kingdown with a revolution, then becoming a pirate to avoid justice, just to end up becoming a Warlord to save his daughter... Kuma's only agency is to the people he's helping and taking care of, in a weird way he's the exact opposite of Luffy, so selfless he had to submit to the people who took everything and everyone he cared about, meanwhile Luffy is so selfish he doesn't share meat, even with Tama (don't factcheck that). So yeah Oda is writing him as a selfless hero, sure, but I don't think we're supposed to accept everything he did as the right way to act... Maybe I'm reading too much into this... To sum it up: yeah flashback good, not one of the best, not one the worst.
Dude, your entire recitation of Kuma's flashbacks is the definition of cliché and has already been done before in One Piece (minus the disease angle). I'd rather have a somewhat interesting spin with the spy shit than what we've already seen with people like Rebecca and Shirahoshi. Oda is getting lazy and needs editors to crack the whip on his ass.
? Minus the disease angle. Kuma's flashback is literally a combination of chopper law and Rebecca's flashback. Law even had a disease that covered his body.

Kuma got caught at the hospital the same way Cora got caught up I think at a hospital as well.