Are people to blame for what their ancestors did?

It's not like this.
It's exactly like this.

No one blames innocent people but when someone raise their kids in a way where they made them believe what Nazi ancestor did was good then fuck them all.
That's a different case. However, I am NOT responsible for what my ancestors did 400 years ago. That is not the same as someone being raised in a Nazi household.


Lazy is the way
Nah Rayan. It doesn't look this good as you think.

I literally know a family who reached off their wealth on other family that I know and their kid were raised to know their "superiority" to that other family.

This is bullshit what you just said now.

Don't tell me you believe in shit like people raised in wealth families and being like UH I CANT STAND THE WEALTH THAT MY PARENTS STOLE IN THE PAST.

"Grabs 10k$ jacket" and walks off home.

You have way too much faith in humanity Rayan.
Maybe I missed it but I didn't really understand your point with what I said earlier.

This is Nidai part of the post that I answered to :

Imagine a relative/friend giving you a gift which he stole from someone else, shouldnt you be accountable for keeping it under your possession? Can you tell the police, "I will keep the gift because I am not responsible for the actions of someone else"?
And then I said that about that point :

Its called "receiving stolen goods" : it is a criminal offense in France (recel), and likely in other countries. So yes this is a crime.

But that doesn't mean the one who kept the object stole it. The one who stole the object stole it, the one who kept it knowingly has done an other crime. You can't assimilate the thief to the receiver.

Each people their own crime.


nothing is permanent even the sun
So does anybody want to ruin their lives just for revenge and holding grudges and go on for an endless cycle
Just let go of those attachments and you will be free.
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Well you can try but that won't make them responsible.
If one of my ancestor killed someone in the 12th century because he was a piece of shit, that has nothing to do with me.
This is what we are talking about isn't it. An ancestor doing something wrong, and you want the descendant to be blamed for what reason exactly?
It does have to do with you, you carry the blood of said person.

Hitlers family were sterilized after WW2, even when they weren't involved, your decision making in life has alot more to do with your genes than you care to admit.