Success breeds jealousy. the zoroach losers on here are getting their microdicks hard posting the lamest “lanji” cringe shit with other virgins completely wasting their lives. They will die alone, and those who unfortunately make it to an elderly age [burdening the rest of us] can at least look forward to thinking back on how many ungodly hours they spent utterly wasted when they could have been learning skills or actually having real experiences in life instead of staring at a monitor in the dark
They hate Sanji because Sanji represents sophistication, elegance, chivalry, class, wealth, standing true to one’s principles. Meanwhile go on Twitter, check the profiles of the most prominent zorowanking sanjihaters and it’s clear that they come from places where they can’t relate to any one of these concepts. Good things happening to Sanji is a sobering reminder that there are in fact people out there superior to them in every way, while they are forever cursed to be living in squalor and filth- and I don’t even mean in the worldly sense. Their very minds are rotten to the core.