Just finished epsiode 5 and absolutely loved it! Such a fantastic, adventurous, quirky, funny, creative, unique etc episode! Boomer I mean Bumi is one of my favourite characters of all time now too!
The designs of the air and earth temples are fantastic, extremely excited for the water one and even fire. This is exactly what I was hoping from the show and then some!
Bumi's challenges were fantastic, really think outside of the box stuff and all those twists in the episode, Bumi's complete eccentricity and actual motives were such a great surprise and entertainment. I loved the showcase of earth bending, I've seen glimpses of the elemental bending powers in Avatar including Bumi much later on I believe and its exactly also what I love, my kind of thing through and through!
Zuko's duel with Zhao in a previous episode was great too and I really enjoyed the episode focusing on Kyoshi and the female warriors. I felt the writing was a little odd by the end of the episode but I loved the female warriors designs and their storyline and Sokka training with them and learning humility/respect to them and embracing his feminine side hahahaha!
I really regret not checking this show out many years ago and ignoring it for some obtuse, obscene reason but better late than never!
I'm seeing a lot of hate for Legend of Korra and have done before too, so I'll have to go into that with quite a cautious mind I guess when the time comes. I have the official game of it too but never played it for some reason too, I love water powers and water but I kept ignoring Avatar/Korra for some bizarre reason I can't explain lol.
I've heard Season 3's first half of Avatar is apparently quite fillery and people didn't like it but I'll try to have an open mind for that too.
Season one was almost purely written by the two co creators and it shows.
This explains a lot on why the 1st season is good too then. I saw some complaints it starts off too slow but so far I'm really enjoying it despite how lax it is and there's still important stuff going on, especially with the Fire Nation hunting them.
As someone who deeply loves the game Jade Empire too, this show really feels like Jade Empire as a tv series and I love it for that too.
I'm trying to avoid binging the series recklessly but the temptation is real, especially now I'm so captivated/interested already!
The door for the air temple, the horns and musical chimes aspect was really cool too btw!