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Dude, your acting more on headcannon than factual if you think Bege is same lvl as Page One given Page One's performance. Also doubt using seastone will affect his Haki if it hits Bege and nullify his powers from taking heavy damage. Yes it does when stated by Law he is an 'ANCIENT ZOAN' (Emphasizing, not yelling) and they have tough durability, you think bullets and can easily beat this guy? Dude your not saving your side one bit if you think like that.

You do realize that was Ship, not Bege hurting him with his powers unlike Sanji who fling him easily by speed blitzing. That's not power from Bege, that's him and his crew using the ship, and also he depends on his crew for some of his attacks if I am not mistaken. All Sanji needs to do is take out the fodder and Bege is majorly helpless without them.

Nah, dude. Nothing proof that him and Sanji was ever same lvl at all. Just that he couldn't hang with guys who much tougher. Oven even took down his Su Long form easily and he is same guy Sanji push back right away and yet he couldn't even in Su Long form. Your grasping at straws on trying to hype up Pekoms at a lvl he isn't on. I respect him and his character, but he isn't up there with very top tiers especially those related to Katakuri as they aren't slouches.

Not saying Zoro won't do anything in the arc, but looking at performances especially fighting, Sanji is not really slouching on his purpose in the arc as Oda keep on having him being main fighter against the enemies and to the plan more than majority of characters. He is destined to go up there with top commanders as not just how performance been, but as Monster Trio and Bounty, he is destined to fight more enemies stronger than last just like them and others of the crew. You haven't been paying attention to WCI Arc if you think that is message. That doesn't mean Sanji is done being a fighter or he lost purpose. Oda sees him very potential and expect big things. If he didn't, he wouldn't be giving him performance better than even Zoro in Wano arc.

Your not trying to understand and seems your putting your own headcannons thinking how Oda's think when that's farthest from the truth from what your saying. Sanji is a cook, yes. Though he is also a fighter too as portrayed so far. This isn't gonna stop him evolving as a fighter, but push him harder which why from how writing going, he will face top tiers and apart of major force to help bring back Kaido. You got expand your mindset and read back on the arcs that what your saying is hardly true at all.

Also Jack is stronger than Cracker and maybe close to Katakuri given his performance. Idk where your thinking Jack is 'weak' as he hardly is. The guy is major tank, he can withstand a lot of things and his only fight he ever lost was just to combination of Sengoku, Tsura, and Fujitora. If he came back alive despite facing those 3, then he isn't slouch at all especially we haven't even seen his full power, so your judging too much on your own thoughts than how story is portraying deadly force he is along with Queen and King who could be stronger than Katakuri given their bounties and we have yet to see what they can show fully.

Sanji is up there, man. Idk what to tell you as I am not only one who think this on the site. Again look at Wano arc so far and see who been doing most fighting and contributing in plans. Sanji is one of the major ones. If Oda didn't want him to be, he could be doing something else. Performance says otherwise and looking at it so far, Sanji has a purpose to show majorly especially to top tier opponent more when Fire Festival starts. Don't underestimate Sanji as your going to be taken back later if you think he is not one to evolve to be a stronger person later in this arc and after it.
I don't see how its absurd to think that Bege in on the same or greater level of Page One considering his wide range of abilities including Big Father(seriously, WTF is Page One going to do against something that could last longer against Big Mum than a calamity). Ancient zoans are tough, not invincible(in fact far from it), I see no reason to believe that canons wouldn't at least have some effect on Page One, especially if they were close range, nor do have reason to believe that someone like Page One would be able to halt Big Father in its tracks, or penetrate its defences, and even if he did manage to enter Big Father, he would still be completely screwed when you consider that Bege has complete control of what goes on inside of Big Father and is literally the last place you want to be fighting him. Also worth mentioning the fact that Bege's tiny pea shooter pistol was still powerful enough to send someone like Oven flying as far as when Sanji kicked him.

Oven hit Sulong Pekoms. That didn't take him out. It gave the giant army surrounding him the opportunity to subdue him. What Oven did to Pekoms in terms of damage is roughly the equivalent of what someone like Sanji did to Oven or Ichiji did to Peros, they hit them hard, and it hurt, but were still able to do stuff afterwards. It would be the equivalent of me saying that Yuen took out Sanji.(its just in Pekoms case he got surrounded by an army, one that would have taken out someone like Sanji just as easily, and almost did). Pekoms is not Katakuri level at all, but his not a slouch, he just never really got an opportunity to fight someone noteworthy. The situations that he was placed in would have done in characters like Sanji as well(IE, getting riddled with Bullets from behind by Bege, or getting surrounded by an army which almost did do in Sanji).

Yeah, Sanji is one of the strawhats main fighters, and that has been reflected in the things his done this arc, but even going by that metric, Zoro has still done far more, in terms of plot lines and actual panel time, Zoro has had a far greater focus than Sanji this arc, and generally greater focus has been placed upon everything Zoro has been doing. I don't see how Sanji has done anything that measures up to Zoro this arc in terms of focus and relevance(he did fight Page One, but the conclusion to that fight was pretty much off panelled), with the majority of Zoro's major conflicts having shown resolutions.

Sanji is a strong guy. He doesn't need to beat top commanders in order to still be considered an extremely strong fighter. His still going to be top brass, but again, like in WCI, where he did a lot of impressive things, his shine is going to spread between loads of other extremely capable guys.

Never said Jack was weak, I'm saying Jack is in the same league as guys like Cracker and Katakuri, and that its ridiculous to think that Sanji currently has anything matching up to that, when you consider that both Cracker and Katakuri decimated Luffy with and without gear 4th(as well as Katakuri annihilating Ichiji with no difficulty), and also, that the dukes, who were matching up to Jack, would be weaker than Sanji currently even though Sanji has never shown anything to suggest he'd be capable of matching up to the commanders we've seen thus far.

Again, Sanji IS up there. But his up there with a lot of other characters, several of whom are more capable than he is, and several of whom have had their relevance to this arc highlighted more than his(such as Zoro).
I don't see how its absurd to think that Bege in on the same or greater level of Page One considering his wide range of abilities including Big Father(seriously, WTF is Page One going to do against something that could last longer against Big Mum than a calamity). Ancient zoans are tough, not invincible(in fact far from it), I see no reason to believe that canons wouldn't at least have some effect on Page One, especially if they were close range, nor do have reason to believe that someone like Page One would be able to halt Big Father in its tracks, or penetrate its defences, and even if he did manage to enter Big Father, he would still be completely screwed when you consider that Bege has complete control of what goes on inside of Big Father and is literally the last place you want to be fighting him. Also worth mentioning the fact that Bege's tiny pea shooter pistol was still powerful enough to send someone like Oven flying as far as when Sanji kicked him.

Oven hit Sulong Pekoms. That didn't take him out. It gave the giant army surrounding him the opportunity to subdue him. What Oven did to Pekoms in terms of damage is roughly the equivalent of what someone like Sanji did to Oven or Ichiji did to Peros, they hit them hard, and it hurt, but were still able to do stuff afterwards. It would be the equivalent of me saying that Yuen took out Sanji.(its just in Pekoms case he got surrounded by an army, one that would have taken out someone like Sanji just as easily, and almost did). Pekoms is not Katakuri level at all, but his not a slouch, he just never really got an opportunity to fight someone noteworthy. The situations that he was placed in would have done in characters like Sanji as well(IE, getting riddled with Bullets from behind by Bege, or getting surrounded by an army which almost did do in Sanji).

Yeah, Sanji is one of the strawhats main fighters, and that has been reflected in the things his done this arc, but even going by that metric, Zoro has still done far more, in terms of plot lines and actual panel time, Zoro has had a far greater focus than Sanji this arc, and generally greater focus has been placed upon everything Zoro has been doing. I don't see how Sanji has done anything that measures up to Zoro this arc in terms of focus and relevance(he did fight Page One, but the conclusion to that fight was pretty much off panelled), with the majority of Zoro's major conflicts having shown resolutions.

Sanji is a strong guy. He doesn't need to beat top commanders in order to still be considered an extremely strong fighter. His still going to be top brass, but again, like in WCI, where he did a lot of impressive things, his shine is going to spread between loads of other extremely capable guys.

Never said Jack was weak, I'm saying Jack is in the same league as guys like Cracker and Katakuri, and that its ridiculous to think that Sanji currently has anything matching up to that, when you consider that both Cracker and Katakuri decimated Luffy with and without gear 4th(as well as Katakuri annihilating Ichiji with no difficulty), and also, that the dukes, who were matching up to Jack, would be weaker than Sanji currently even though Sanji has never shown anything to suggest he'd be capable of matching up to the commanders we've seen thus far.

Again, Sanji IS up there. But his up there with a lot of other characters, several of whom are more capable than he is, and several of whom have had their relevance to this arc highlighted more than his(such as Zoro).
Big Mom wasn't even trying to hurt him that much, just her natural body. Bege is not really up there and he can't even get far enough on durability alone if attack is not up there to help. Now rest your saying is headcannon in your mind as again if it was that simple, he would have been down long ago as with the crew for long time if hitting him with bullets and cannon are that easy which they aren't. Page One got Haki, he can nullify his defense easily, it wouldn't matter fighting him inside or outside if Bege can't withstand it. Nothing is pushing Bege at that lvl, sorry man.

Oven didn't go down, he simply let go of his wife, but that didn't push him even much compare to Sanji all the way into an building. Your still grasping more at straws here man.

They did take him down as he didn't get back up right away after getting slammed down. Soon BM Pirates swarm him easily and he couldn't do much at all after that. Your examples doesn't fit the same at all especially Yuen vs Sanji as he wasn't trying to fight, he is protecting Luffy. He can't fight like himself and drop his captain in a swarm of BM Pirates. Nothing however was holding back Pekoms or Oven, so it's much different case. Again your overshooting on character on lvl he isn't on. Performance shows and Pekoms didn't do much, nothing should hold him back, but he couldn't handle it end of the day. Not same with Sanji who carrying his injured captain and can't possible fight with them in his situation while trying to escape. You literally can't compare them both here, man.

Not really, his panel time and performance are share by others mostly and he has not even won a fight with an credible opponent. His fights lately make him look bad in comparison especially the ones with Killer and Gyaku which fanbase is holding him more accountable on those from what I seen on many sites even this one. You be surprise what be in store for Sanji as wasn't that talk before many didn't think he do much in Wano, but Oda been counting the claims as of late with his performance, so again, do not underestimate what he could bring. Will Zoro do something major in the arc? Yes, but more plot lines of who he might face being Orochi, but given Sanji's performance of defeating PO (Please don't use that off-screen excuse. Oda off-screen on other stuff, but they still happen by context, he doesn't need to show everything to let us know the deeds have been done) and fighting with Drake, he is going to be up there as major threat in this arc. I am just explaining to you on situation at hand for both and what they could bring to the table.

He is going to face one looking at performance direction and plus RS being modify by Usopp and Franky to get rid of Germa stuff to fit him more. If he is able to handle T6H/Numbers easily in fights with or without RS, then his next destined fight are YCs being probably Queen or King. Oda not gonna hype it up just for him to face someone low-level with what he is building with him, he is going to face major threats and probably back to back fights with very strong enemies in the progress too. Shouldn't overlook him just by WCI Arc which meant something else in that arc, not same for this one where fighting is very much needed for dominating and defeating the enemies.

It's a Shounen, you do know characters gets stronger and face stronger foes each arc and it fits the Monster Trio facing tougher enemies along the way. If Luffy is going to take down an Yonko himself, then Sanji and Zoro are probably going to face others below Yonko lvl, but closest to it being YCs and probably Orochi (Zoro's plotline pushing him wanting Orochi more). It been that way when the characters fight in same arc and dynamic too. It's not me thinking within my mind, it's how Oda's write the fights. Plus it is true Sanji never shown his full power or even his old techniques and new techniques in Haki and DJ format more, so don't be surprise if he give new tricks especially if he plans to use along RS.

Not really, I know which ones who I can say are probably stronger than him, but Zoro is more his equal (Well lesser lately after his past fights as hard to take his durability and couldn't beat a fox for his sword back so far). Sanji been highlighted as much if notmore than most characters even new ones, so I wouldn't put that away on him as again from fighting performance and plans with RS (Also Sanji is strongest out of his siblings in power especially heavily hinted on him able to beat Yonji with RS and damage Niji easily. Plus his RS is like mashup of all his siblings onto his design, heavily hinting more he is strongest one of all), Oda got big plans for him to do, so doubt it be doing something minor. He is major threat along with many and be probably one of the major commanding forces in taking to the rebellion due to the famous as Black Leg and Soba Mask/Stealth Black persona he use for disguise.

To each our own, but again got to disagree on most of your points on Sanji and on other characters too. Just saying to you.
Big Mom wasn't even trying to hurt him that much, just her natural body. Bege is not really up there and he can't even get far enough on durability alone if attack is not up there to help. Now rest your saying is headcannon in your mind as again if it was that simple, he would have been down long ago as with the crew for long time if hitting him with bullets and cannon are that easy which they aren't. Page One got Haki, he can nullify his defense easily, it wouldn't matter fighting him inside or outside if Bege can't withstand it. Nothing is pushing Bege at that lvl, sorry man.

Oven didn't go down, he simply let go of his wife, but that didn't push him even much compare to Sanji all the way into an building. Your still grasping more at straws here man.

They did take him down as he didn't get back up right away after getting slammed down. Soon BM Pirates swarm him easily and he couldn't do much at all after that. Your examples doesn't fit the same at all especially Yuen vs Sanji as he wasn't trying to fight, he is protecting Luffy. He can't fight like himself and drop his captain in a swarm of BM Pirates. Nothing however was holding back Pekoms or Oven, so it's much different case. Again your overshooting on character on lvl he isn't on. Performance shows and Pekoms didn't do much, nothing should hold him back, but he couldn't handle it end of the day. Not same with Sanji who carrying his injured captain and can't possible fight with them in his situation while trying to escape. You literally can't compare them both here, man.

Not really, his panel time and performance are share by others mostly and he has not even won a fight with an credible opponent. His fights lately make him look bad in comparison especially the ones with Killer and Gyaku which fanbase is holding him more accountable on those from what I seen on many sites even this one. You be surprise what be in store for Sanji as wasn't that talk before many didn't think he do much in Wano, but Oda been counting the claims as of late with his performance, so again, do not underestimate what he could bring. Will Zoro do something major in the arc? Yes, but more plot lines of who he might face being Orochi, but given Sanji's performance of defeating PO (Please don't use that off-screen excuse. Oda off-screen on other stuff, but they still happen by context, he doesn't need to show everything to let us know the deeds have been done) and fighting with Drake, he is going to be up there as major threat in this arc. I am just explaining to you on situation at hand for both and what they could bring to the table.

He is going to face one looking at performance direction and plus RS being modify by Usopp and Franky to get rid of Germa stuff to fit him more. If he is able to handle T6H/Numbers easily in fights with or without RS, then his next destined fight are YCs being probably Queen or King. Oda not gonna hype it up just for him to face someone low-level with what he is building with him, he is going to face major threats and probably back to back fights with very strong enemies in the progress too. Shouldn't overlook him just by WCI Arc which meant something else in that arc, not same for this one where fighting is very much needed for dominating and defeating the enemies.

It's a Shounen, you do know characters gets stronger and face stronger foes each arc and it fits the Monster Trio facing tougher enemies along the way. If Luffy is going to take down an Yonko himself, then Sanji and Zoro are probably going to face others below Yonko lvl, but closest to it being YCs and probably Orochi (Zoro's plotline pushing him wanting Orochi more). It been that way when the characters fight in same arc and dynamic too. It's not me thinking within my mind, it's how Oda's write the fights. Plus it is true Sanji never shown his full power or even his old techniques and new techniques in Haki and DJ format more, so don't be surprise if he give new tricks especially if he plans to use along RS.

Not really, I know which ones who I can say are probably stronger than him, but Zoro is more his equal (Well lesser lately after his past fights as hard to take his durability and couldn't beat a fox for his sword back so far). Sanji been highlighted as much if notmore than most characters even new ones, so I wouldn't put that away on him as again from fighting performance and plans with RS (Also Sanji is strongest out of his siblings in power especially heavily hinted on him able to beat Yonji with RS and damage Niji easily. Plus his RS is like mashup of all his siblings onto his design, heavily hinting more he is strongest one of all), Oda got big plans for him to do, so doubt it be doing something minor. He is major threat along with many and be probably one of the major commanding forces in taking to the rebellion due to the famous as Black Leg and Soba Mask/Stealth Black persona he use for disguise.

To each our own, but again got to disagree on most of your points on Sanji and on other characters too. Just saying to you.
Big Mum was trying to kill Bege. That was the point. By killing Bege, the castle would disappear and everyone would fall out. Haki doesn't make you bullet prove, and being an ancient zoan doesn't make you immune from damage(although it does make one very tough). Also, how would haki nullify his defence? Again, still strong enough to hold out against an emperor longer than Queen, another ancient zoan did. Page One would need a lot of time to get anywhere considering that. Unless you honestly think Page One is somehow on Big Mum's level attack wise, I don't see how he'd be able to do any real damage to Bege's castle, or stop it just generally.

Um, it sent him flying. Wouldn't say it was exactly a weak attack with that in mind. It was still roughly as effective as Sanji's attack on him.

Again, Pekoms was screwed regardless. As a lone fighter, he stood no chance, and getting socked in the face by one of the strongest members of the Big Mum pirates is sure as hell going to take any supernova off their feet. Again, the expectation was that he would be instantly subdued, and he was. Same happened for Sanji, despite the fact he had the element of surprise and had to deal with considerably less opponents due to taking to the air. I don't think Pekoms being taken out in a situation where that was literally expected, and where even Sanji ended up in a similar state despite more favourable circumstances, should be held against him.

Zoro beat another member of the worst generation on screen over 2 chapters, overcame Hawkins, and clashed against Kyoshiro, not to mention he overpowered Gyu when they next met. Also, again, Zoro is one of the few characters that has been given his own major subplots and story without regard for other members of the crew. In terms of panel time and reactions, the story is far more oriented around Zoro than Sanji in Wano. Sanji has beaten, actually we don't even know if he defeated Page One(a character that only appeared for 3 chapters anyway, doesn't really speak highly of his importance does it) because it was off paneled) and he fought Drake, generally though, Sanji has been mainly been interacting or serving alongside other members of the crew, having less general autonomy than Zoro has in story. Yes, Sanji is top brass. Doesn't mean his going to be main top brass though, when you consider that plenty of other characters have more important roles to fulfill and have been given more focus(again, like Zoro, who has been given a shit ton of focus).

I'm mixed on the whole RS thing. Yes, it'll probably allow him to annoy a calamity, but we know literally nothing about Page One in terms of how he measures up to others, and if anything, things are pointing towards him not being much, with characters like Drake fairing far better against Sanji's attacks. Its a bit of the jump of the gun to think he'll magically fight a calamity. Do however see him fighting one of the members of the numbers. That would be a strong enough opponent for someone like Sanji if they are indeed new world veterans ranked below the calamities like the high ranking ministers of WCI.

Zoro dominated the fight against Gyu, so I don't really get what you're saying with that. Don't see what you're getting at there. Sanji needs to show he can beat a guy on the level of a top executive of the Doffy pirates before his on Zoro's level(Page One is an unconvincing example). I have no idea what the future holds for Zoro, Orochi isn't actually a swordsman, so I think its likely he'll match up to Kyoshiro once more. Sanji is still definitely a major force, but I don't see him taking down the right hand of an emperor just yet, though I'm sure he'll fight some strong opponents like the numbers. What I'm saying is, there are a lot of other characters, and several of them have been highlighted more than Sanji(again, like Zoro).

Anyway, depending on what Sanji does, I could easily see him getting a greater than 400 million berry bounty.
The good old Yonko....
Kaido and Big Mom will be close in terms of their bounties.
Big Mom - 2,5 b
Kaido - 2,73 b

Whitebeard and Shanks will be around 3 b.
Whitebeard - 2,974 b
Shanks - 3,03 b

King should be around Luffy's, my bet is 1,47 b.
Wasn't it from some magazine or something?
And the magazine was basing on nothing and if I remember correct it was a game magazine ,not involved with shueisha or the editors.

They just made the assumption Kaidou and BM had a bounty over 2b due to BB's and another assumption about Shanks.(edit: to be honest I don't remember what exactly they said about Shanks. An implication about him having the highest or something along the lines. )

That how I remember it at least .