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Rate the Wano Bounties

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Marco has had significantly more plot significance than Katakuri has despite Katakuri and Marco holding the same positions on their respective crews.

Marco is more relevant to the story as an overall figure than Katakuri is. The only time when Katakuri was relevant, was when he was literally the main antagonist. Aside from that, his relevance and impact on the plot has been minimal.
Marco never was held high by WB
The moment WB sees Ace, he wants him as PK lol WB only held Ace and Oden specially not Marco.

Marco importance is to lose badly and be support cast while Katakuri importance is to lead his crew and Co ally with Luffy in the future.
Marco doesn't even lead any squad at Wano, he was basically riding under Neko leads.

Any pirate who lacks CoC or FS / adcoa doesn't have any argument above or equal to Katakuri.
Marco never was held high by WB
Marco was held in high regard by Marco(Marco was literally his right hand man).

Even freaking Shank's wanted Marco as a crew mate..
Marco importance is to lose badly and be support cast while Katakuri importance is to lead his crew and Co ally with Luffy in the future.
Marco doesn't even lead any squad at Wano, he was basically riding under Neko leads.
Is Katakuri's role to lead his crew through his total absence in the story?

Katakuri may be powerful, but he was very little practical relevance in the story. Its very strongly implied, that when Big Mum loses, thats the end of her kingdom and empire. Katakuri isn't capable of picking up the pieces of an emperor. Arguably even less so than Marco.

Marco doesn't lead any squad, because he himself is pretty much a massive boost in fire power in of himself.

Any pirate who lacks CoC or FS / adcoa doesn't have any argument above or equal to Katakuri.
Luffy did it. Luffy beat Katakuri despite being worse than him in literally every single respect.


Remember that bounty, to a certain degree, is power level related. Katakuri and Marco already peaked and are not portrayed to get a higher bounty, though, Marco's bounty could grow after Wano.

Katakuri lost to Dressrosa Luffy, a weakling. Marco is portrayed to fight Top Tiers, Kata got nothing on that.

Marco is stronger than Katakuri.
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- Jinbe got destroyed against Akainu.
- Sabo was trolled.

Marco has the balls to challenge Top tiers. That scrub Kata doesn't even leave Totland cause he is scared of tough challenges. He rather fights Low High tiers, lmao.

- Call me when Kata challenges Top tiers.
- Call me when Kata is hyped to be able and stop MF teach ( Blackbeard needed 1 year training to beat Marco)

Again. Kata got nothing on the GOAT
Teach didn't need 1 year lol
It was Marco who needed one year and challenged Teach... It's called "payback war" because it was Marco acting tough but failed miserably, low diff

That's wasn't even a battle, it didn't make Teach grow coz winning low/mid diff doesn't make you stronger. Teach was vastly superior to Marco.

When you have a panel of Jinbei losing 1 v 1 against Akainu, post it.
Sabo got trolled... the only time Fuji beat Sabo was when he had GB at reverie.. Wait did they even win?

Zoro, Jinbei, Luffy has guts to challenge Admirals and BM,...
Oh wait.. Even Brook did

I guess it makes them above Kata... We all know the same g2 and g3 that Fuji praised, that handled Kaido and Fuji, the same boundman that rattler Big Mom, and trashed Doffy, the same Luffy and Jinbei were fodder to Katakuri

Until Luffy unlocked FS.

I forgot, he needs hybrid form and named attack to kick a mere ship and failed to break woods
He used hybrid at MF and failed to damaged anyone
G4>G3~Jozu >= Marco in AP... Both g3 Luffy and Jozu damaged Top tiers, so thing Marco can't.

CComeback when Marco has CoC FS Awakening g3++ attacks, great CoA, Main Man of Yonko Arc
One of the 4 main fights in Yonko Saga : Katakuri WCI , Kaido and BM Wano , Teach Beehive arc.
Main faces of Yonko saga against Yonko: Kidd, Law and Luffy.

Imagine thinking Marco can ever one of the main faces of Yonko saga. Never

UUnless he's a D or has CoC, he's a background support.
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Marco was held in high regard by Marco(Marco was literally his right hand man).

Even freaking Shank's wanted Marco as a crew mate..

Is Katakuri's role to lead his crew through his total absence in the story?

Katakuri may be powerful, but he was very little practical relevance in the story. Its very strongly implied, that when Big Mum loses, thats the end of her kingdom and empire. Katakuri isn't capable of picking up the pieces of an emperor. Arguably even less so than Marco.

Marco doesn't lead any squad, because he himself is pretty much a massive boost in fire power in of himself.

Luffy did it. Luffy beat Katakuri despite being worse than him in literally every single respect.
He was RH per people! not per WB
Find me a panel of WB calling or any WB pirate calling Marco RH/VC.

For Katakuri, you can't recuit him unless you beg like how Roger begged WB for Oden.
WB wasn't even pissed or sad that Shanks recruited Marco while WB was not okay whe Roger was recruiting Oden.
Just to show you that Oden and Ace are way special coz they have CoC

He's not, he's just another dude like Sanji Killer
He won't be much of help as Kidd Law Yamato a.

CoC is the mark of NW, the very best have CoC.

Well, Marco has shown nothing to beat Doffy and Cracker even.
"but he kicked admirals" yeah admirals don't have hard body like biscuit clones or Jozu or Freaks.
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I think we are close now to see king and marco bounties since marco officially entered onigashima.

WSM:whitepress: VC
vs WSC :kaidowhat:VC


Who is higher ?!

WB 5B Kaido 4.6B

Will the difference be the same between VCs ?!

The difference between WB and kaido is like 10% of 5b

Who will give oda more the hype by bounty ,the ally or the villain?!

My guess is king is higher even its short amount like 100 million or less
I think we are close now to see king and marco bounties since marco officially entered onigashima.

WSM:whitepress: VC
vs WSC :kaidowhat:VC


Who is higher ?!

WB 5B Kaido 4.6B

Will the difference be the same between VCs ?!

The difference between WB and kaido is like 10% of 5b

Who will give oda more the hype by bounty ,the ally or the villain?!

My guess is king is higher even its short amount like 100 million or less
As Oda will likely go the route of "the later revealed, the higher the bounty" with the first commanders, the bounties of Marco and King might be close to each other, probably a bit higher for the evil one, King.
I'd guess:
Marco = 1.540.000.000
King = 1.680.000.000
Beckman = 1.750.000.000
It’s interesting looking back at Whitebeard and Roger’s bounties in particular, because before Chapter 957 came out, I think I recall at least a few people saying that their bounties would have been at least 25 billion, in addition to others saying that they wouldn’t have had bounties at all for being “too dangerous.”

Makes me wonder what a pirate would have to do to end up with a 25+ billion bounty assuming bounties can truthfully go that far. I suppose that a pirate would have to be responsible for committing mass genocide of at least a dozen countries for that to happen.
By now? 150M imo.
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Am I the only one who thinks it’s nearly hard to accept the Brook and Franky to reach the 300M or above? I believe it’s too high for them, what do you guys think?
Nah, Brook and Franky deserve to have 300+ million bounty. Brook is super competent and Franky's capability of destruction can only grow from here.

It’s interesting looking back at Whitebeard and Roger’s bounties in particular, because before Chapter 957 came out, I think I recall at least a few people saying that their bounties would have been at least 25 billion, in addition to others saying that they wouldn’t have had bounties at all for being “too dangerous.”

Makes me wonder what a pirate would have to do to end up with a 25+ billion bounty assuming bounties can truthfully go that far. I suppose that a pirate would have to be responsible for committing mass genocide of at least a dozen countries for that to happen.
Well, Roger, WB, and the Yonkos can destroy countries with ease. If someone has a 25+ billion bounty, that someone probably has to be able to destroy a planet with ease.
Nah, Brook and Franky deserve to have 300+ million bounty. Brook is super competent and Franky's capability of destruction can only grow from here
As much as I want to believe that, but I cannot see Franky and Brook as of now and post Wano to be comparable to CC, Pekoms, Pedro, Oven, Cavendish, Daifuku and Capone who are all in the 300s M their strength and threat lvl is not even close for the time being. Being in the 200s M seem more understandable unless you think those two will PU massively and be known feared fighters.

around 200M increase to their current bounties is impressive enough.
Now this is funny TBH... Don't tell me you also believe that ZSJ won't be Sweet Commanders/Calamities level Post-Wano?
I definitely see Franky and Brook at high veteran level post-Wano. If Yamato joins, the crew will have a monster quartet (Luffy excluded due to being captain) and the ones next in line would be these two. 2-3 modifications for Franky and a sword like Napoleon for Brook should put these two in Oven/Daifuku ballpark, if not above.
At most I see Franky and Brook being able to challenge the heavy hitters of an emperors crew outside of the calamities by the end of the series.

I don't see them necessarily being at that sort of supernova(worst gen) level now though.