General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

Rate the Wano Bounties

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Luffy should be the Firetank Pirates treatment for Wano. Be seen as sidekicks to Marco and any more of the Whitebeard Pirates that show up.
Luffy 1.6 bill
Zoro 960 mill
Sanji 730 mill
Jimbei 600 mill
Usopp 250 mill
Franky 194 mill
Robin 180 mill
Brook 133 mill
Nami 116 mill
Carrot 79 mill
Chopper 1000
Lol the whole world knows Luffy and Law are on their way to wano fuck with Kaido. Big mom basically broadcasted it on the den den mushi that he is going to wano coz Luffy is there and the marines heard it. Then we had BB confirm it that he knows Luffy is on his way to Wano to battle Kaido. At this point Kidd will likely be viewed as Bege. Law at least is a known ally.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and speculate we won't even get a Bounty increase reveal after Wano considering we basically just got two almost back to back with Dressrosa and WCI. The next increase probably won't be revealed until after the next arc.
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Zoro Worshipper
So zoro gains a bounty greater than BB's? What next Mihawk for 5B bounty?
Mihawk's bounty shall never go far off the 2-3 billlion range but that is merely in that he is all alone and not in a crew made of dangerous pirates, just like he never beat a yonko, assaulted the WG etc. He is not that much of a dangerous man, only by potential he is.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and speculate we won't even get Bounty increases after Wano considering we basically just got two almost back to back with Dressrosa and WCI. The next increase probably won't be revealed until after the next arc.
You mean similar to the post Alabasta arc increase where Luffy only new before going to sky island? But in this increase we as readers won’t see it?
You mean similar to the post Alabasta arc increase where Luffy only new before going to sky island? But in this increase we as readers won’t see it?
Yeah, I just don't see it hitting at the very end of the arc for one reason or another. Not so soon after the huge bombshell of a billion berri increase just one arc prior. Luffy is very close to Blackbeard in terms of Bounty at the moment, and I believe that before we see him and the Straw Hats get another Bounty increase, Blackbeard will have been revealed to have done something that increases his bounty even more.
Yeah, I just don't see it hitting at the very end of the arc for one reason or another. Not so soon after the huge bombshell of a billion berri increase just one arc prior. Luffy is very close to Blackbeard in terms of Bounty at the moment, and I believe that before we see him and the Straw Hats get another Bounty increase, Blackbeard will have been revealed to have done something that increases his bounty even more.
Sounds good tbh, what you said makes since despite me wanting to see the rest of SHs new bounties lol. I would be fine if Oda reveal it by the end of the next arc as I expect it to be a short one related to Vegapunk...
I'm going to go out on a limb here and speculate we won't even get Bounty increases after Wano considering we basically just got two almost back to back with Dressrosa and WCI. The next increase probably won't be revealed until after the next arc.
People kept saying this shit for WCI, and I said no way. Major arc = Bounty increase.

Wano is the biggest arc in One Piece, obviously we'll get bounty increases. I think Luffy will be 5 billion. Since Roger is 5.50 like Ace but 10x, Luffy will also go to 5.6 billion at some point. Maybe even after Wano.
People kept saying this shit for WCI, and I said no way. Major arc = Bounty increase.

Wano is the biggest arc in One Piece, obviously we'll get bounty increases. I think Luffy will be 5 billion. Since Roger is 5.50 like Ace but 10x, Luffy will also go to 5.6 billion at some point. Maybe even after Wano.
That's way to excessive of a leap at this point, especially considering Luffy won't get sole recognition for the downfall of Kaido and Big Mom. Kidd and Law will get partial credit, and depending on what happens with the other Worst Gen members, they might be added to that mix as well. I see Wano being the battle which will basically give rise to the Worst Generations era. If everyone does get an increase after Wano, the max I can see Luffy being at is 2.5-3 Billion.

Remember, we haven't even seen Dragons Bounty yet, which is probably around the same amount of Whitebeard and Roger. Luffy shouldn't be near or above that before it's ever even revealed.
Yeah, I just don't see it hitting at the very end of the arc for one reason or another. Not so soon after the huge bombshell of a billion berri increase just one arc prior. Luffy is very close to Blackbeard in terms of Bounty at the moment, and I believe that before we see him and the Straw Hats get another Bounty increase, Blackbeard will have been revealed to have done something that increases his bounty even more.
blackbeard will probably do something during the events of wano. He might even come to wano and steal some devil fruits.
blackbeard will probably do something during the events of wano. He might even come to wano and steal some devil fruits.
Blackbeard is too calculating for that. At this point he should believe that the Straw Hat alliance stands no chance against the Big Mom and Kaido alliance. He's not going to risk heading straight into the lion's den. Invading WCI and raising it to the ground for Big Mom's Road Poneglyph is feasible though.
Blackbeard is too calculating for that. At this point he should believe that the Straw Hat alliance stands no chance against the Big Mom and Kaido alliance. He's not going to risk heading straight into the lion's den. Invading WCI and raising it to the ground for Big Mom's Road Poneglyph is feasible though.
do you believe they get no bounty raises after an emperor goes down
too hard to cover man
its a lot different from moriah . its a literal shift in the world stage.