[FNZ] Role Madness Bullet Train Role Madness

Which role is the Best? What' role would you love playing the most?

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different luka, but lukundo is a v cool person and the fact that you know them inspires me for how youre going to play this game <3
well inspires makes no sense in this context but my point should still come across lol
Oh you know the guy? tell him I say hi, it sure been a while since I got in touch with him. Hopefully he is doing well. I remember when he was a youngling roaming this world and being crazy. Good times.
yeah we're playing mafia not memory
if i slip and dont do it one of two things happens
1. im twon who forgot
2. im mafia who forgot
so... that gives you no information

and since i just posted about it like 5 minutes before, its like 99% chance i wont have forgotten lol
its just a pretty objectively poor angle to take tbh
It really does not matter if you post things 5 minutes ago, or hours ago, point of the matter here is that you will be questioned regarding your own claims, you by outing such information should be well aware that you will be questioned. So acting confused for being questioned/tested comes off as odd. I guess that's what I found odd about your statment and I disagree with it being an objectively poor angle, but I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

but like how does it benefit you lol
its not logical at all, its the antithesis of logical. you should take me at face value since either im lying or im not lying, either way im going to do the same thing.
How it would not benefit me you should ask yourself, it was beginning of the game, you outed your information, someone tested the information and it sparked a discussion that is worth looking into. That by itself is benefital for me and for people who actually care about capturing scum here. You expected people to just read your post and just move on like nothing happened? don't you think that would be odd? like did you expect something like that to happen?

Does you outing such information super early not warranted at all gives you some benefit of the doubt? sure, does it give you a clear? eh not really.

its like if i vote somebody. you can question that vote, but either way its a vote i made regardless of alignemnt. or i accuse a person of being 3rd party, you can question it but either way its minute
Everything is gonna be questioned, if a person has doubts that they want to clear then they will question it, regardless of it being a claim, an action, a vote. That's the entire point of this game we discuss and question one another to unveil the person intentions and solve. Atleast that's what I do atleast lol.


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
My early votes are just hunches and then I see if I'm right as the Days go on, really just throwing darts into a crowd

But these two are who I'll be looking more into as we progress
vote lynch soulkiller
sorry, its kinda nagl fmpov how you think alexis has any town equity whatsoever and they're the only person you chose to town lean in the thread lol

What does nagl mean? lol is this a new phrase I am not aware of? or maybe I am not caught up yet with all the slangs yet.

It's not deep really, I enjoyed the dude posts, enjoyed the vibes, and got a town lean from me. He actually made me laugh which to his credit is not an easy accomplishement. He feels carefree not stressed at all. Why do you think he is scummy? I did think I read somewhere that he is new? is that's the case?

Why do you think he is scummy? because his way of playing the game is not necessairly fits your agenda of being "contributive" ? if he is new as he proclaims he seems like an easy target for me to frame. Don't you think?

Alright, now that I am caught up. Let's take a look at what we have here.

Luka claiming his abilities out of the blue is a good thing, he was not warranted to do so, but that within itself is not a clear, tbh I didn't have much issue with him per say. I thought some of his posts were bit odd but he seems active and contributing enough which is more than alot of the folks here so far atleast. I am not big fan of his direction as of late, dude seems content with going after a guy who is mostly having fun and being care free and apparently me for giving the guy my first town lean because he gave off good vibes. Seems very lazy to me. Making statements such as 'Let's pop one of these and move on' does not strike me as a person who want to scum hunt and very eager to jump the gun and lynch someone just because they gave a townie lean while catching up, but again I am not really familar with the person gameplay. Maybe he is like this? His claim on it's own does not really clear him either, but I do recall flower stating that he is a person who usually does not like claiming, so the fact he did is odd. Either way, I do want to see more of him and see how his mind process move forward. Null for now with a slight town lean. I am actually interested in someone who is familar with the guy playstyle actually. Give me some insight.

Ultra vs Crowned, in this interaction I actually liked Crowned more and felt like Ultra argument was weak. Definetly better looking on crowned here and glad he actually decided to switch the font/style lol. I actually liked what I saw from Crowned generally speaking with him pressing luke, and came off better with ultra interaction. Slight town lean for crowned and Ultra can remain in the null zone for now. Need to see more of him.

Orca, I believe the only thing I remember is his banter with Ultra. Surprisingly enough, he as we speak has quite good amount of posts but nothing really strikes me as relevant or contributive tbh. Just alot of posts I guess which in a vacuum is not a good look.

Yoho is kinda in a similar boat to Orca tbh.

The Polar Bear, gave reads, took a swing at Luka claim, and is one of the vocal ones I would say? but nothing really that makes me lean one way or another tbh.

Fuji, similar to Orca has not bad amount of posts but nothing contributive to the cause of caputring scum, mostly fluff. He did mention in one of his posts he did mention that either indigo or pot is scum and that was that, not sure if he was serious when he made such statement either. I am willing to give fuji more time and see what he cooks, if not then we will have to pressure the guy.

Flower, was giving off her reads and updating it continuously throughout the game which I thought was good look, she was keeping it clear on where she stands as the game progress. So far not bad, town lean from me.

Naomi def has presence in the thread, I thought how she automatically assumed luka is town from the get go was odd. Like does she know luka is not scum? lol. But besides that she is around. Null for now.

Nothing from Pot and if memory serves me right an inactive/non contributive pot is a scummy pot lol. If he does not pick things up I have no qualms lynching him. Or maybe he became much different in that time I was absence in? 0.0

As for the rest, nothing really done or said much that warrant an opinion from me yet anyways.

Vote Lynch: Emil

@Emil time to come out and play Mr.Ekko.
Yoho said that he feels two people are scum but didn’t provide details as to why
Why didn't you ask other people for their reads on their suspects? why single out Yoho and not the rest? any reason for that? it did feel forced and out of the blue ngl.

Also, what is your input in the game so far? You ignored this.
I honestly have 0 clue what you're scum reading this Alex guy for actually
Apparently because he does not like the way the dude posts lol and find it non contributive. But yet does not have a problem with Mango for example who does have similar style in writing as well (Love it too mango!! keep doing you!! xD), or does not have a problem with people who barely posted or people who posted but did not really contribute in a meaningful capacity. Puzzling really lol.

Played with Luka before? how does he behave/play usually?

Alright, now that I am caught up. Let's take a look at what we have here.

Luka claiming his abilities out of the blue is a good thing, he was not warranted to do so, but that within itself is not a clear, tbh I didn't have much issue with him per say. I thought some of his posts were bit odd but he seems active and contributing enough which is more than alot of the folks here so far atleast. I am not big fan of his direction as of late, dude seems content with going after a guy who is mostly having fun and being care free and apparently me for giving the guy my first town lean because he gave off good vibes. Seems very lazy to me. Making statements such as 'Let's pop one of these and move on' does not strike me as a person who want to scum hunt and very eager to jump the gun and lynch someone just because they gave a townie lean while catching up, but again I am not really familar with the person gameplay. Maybe he is like this? His claim on it's own does not really clear him either, but I do recall flower stating that he is a person who usually does not like claiming, so the fact he did is odd. Either way, I do want to see more of him and see how his mind process move forward. Null for now with a slight town lean. I am actually interested in someone who is familar with the guy playstyle actually. Give me some insight.

Ultra vs Crowned, in this interaction I actually liked Crowned more and felt like Ultra argument was weak. Definetly better looking on crowned here and glad he actually decided to switch the font/style lol. I actually liked what I saw from Crowned generally speaking with him pressing luke, and came off better with ultra interaction. Slight town lean for crowned and Ultra can remain in the null zone for now. Need to see more of him.

Orca, I believe the only thing I remember is his banter with Ultra. Surprisingly enough, he as we speak has quite good amount of posts but nothing really strikes me as relevant or contributive tbh. Just alot of posts I guess which in a vacuum is not a good look.

Yoho is kinda in a similar boat to Orca tbh.

The Polar Bear, gave reads, took a swing at Luka claim, and is one of the vocal ones I would say? but nothing really that makes me lean one way or another tbh.

Fuji, similar to Orca has not bad amount of posts but nothing contributive to the cause of caputring scum, mostly fluff. He did mention in one of his posts he did mention that either indigo or pot is scum and that was that, not sure if he was serious when he made such statement either. I am willing to give fuji more time and see what he cooks, if not then we will have to pressure the guy.

Flower, was giving off her reads and updating it continuously throughout the game which I thought was good look, she was keeping it clear on where she stands as the game progress. So far not bad, town lean from me.

Naomi def has presence in the thread, I thought how she automatically assumed luka is town from the get go was odd. Like does she know luka is not scum? lol. But besides that she is around. Null for now.

Nothing from Pot and if memory serves me right an inactive/non contributive pot is a scummy pot lol. If he does not pick things up I have no qualms lynching him. Or maybe he became much different in that time I was absence in? 0.0

As for the rest, nothing really done or said much that warrant an opinion from me yet anyways.

Vote Lynch: Emil

@Emil time to come out and play Mr.Ekko.
It's hard for me not to see your assertion here that crowned was actually doing with Luka is extremely generous at worst and forced at best. The guy had an awkward start and barely posted anything relevant so I'm not sure where the hell you're getting this.

He didn't pressure him whatsoever, he just reacted to Luka's claim and confirmed he'd vote him back and moved on. Secondly, Luka is correct that him "testing" him there didn't really accomplish anything...it would have only implicated Luka if he were to break the rule he had immediately established which would be dumb.
I honestly have 0 clue what you're scum reading this Alex guy for actually
uh they used chatgpt to decide reads
that has a 100% read rate through 1/1 games somebody did it in

honestly its largely just: existing in thread, this isnt their first game of mafia and theyre not contributing to the game
soulkiller is wolfier just on a surface level i guess
uh they used chatgpt to decide reads
that has a 100% read rate through 1/1 games somebody did it in

honestly its largely just: existing in thread, this isnt their first game of mafia and theyre not contributing to the game
soulkiller is wolfier just on a surface level i guess
honestly scratch the "just on a surface level" part theyre just wolfier lol
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