[FNZ] Role Madness Bullet Train Role Madness

Which role is the Best? What' role would you love playing the most?

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Howdy there lovely folks, it's good to see all these lovely faces once again, too bad some of these lovely faces will have to be hanged up to the tallest tree in this town for all to see. For that is the faith befitting of a filthy scum.

It's been a long long road getting here. So excuse me for I am going to the nearest cabin to have some supper ay lads? for healthy mind and a full belly is what is needed to start cracking down on scum. So why don't you join me and introduce yourselves? I promise you I don't bite.

Let's get this party started ay?
why are you giving scum info?

also what do you mean omgus? like ability or how play?
Why was the first thing you thought to say is "why are you giving scum info?" did you just automatically assume he is townie for outing his abilities without validating them or looking deeper into it?
i mean, as scum im going to do it to fake my passive
and as town im going to do it too cuz yk i have to
you test it out sure, but its fakable as scum like i mentioned so im a bit confused at what exactly youre testing here?
It does not matter if you can fake it or not, your claim will need to be tested regardless. So why acting confused because someone decided to actually test your claims? isn't that natural course of things? if you are a townie as you proclaim wouldn't you wanna test another person claim to see if it's legit or not? I mean sure, you can fake it, but maybe you would not and slip? I don't think I have ever played with you before if you are not the luke I have in mind. But it's natural behavior for a townie to be suspicious and check your claims. We are playing mafia here. It's the thought that matters.
The only ones who should kill, are those who are prepared to be killed.

On another note.

El Psy Kongroo! It seems the Organization has attempted to deceive the great Hououin Kyouma with a fabricated Alpha worldline! But their efforts are futile against my superior intellect and Reading Steiner ability.

I, the mad scientist Hououin Kyouma, can see through this pathetic ruse. The true Alpha attractor field convergence is etched into my very being - SERN's dystopia inescapable within its bounds. This "fake" Alpha timeline lacks the weight of countless iterations I've experienced.

Do not underestimate the power of chaos and involution! The true path of Steins Gate cannot be imitated by mere pretenders. The battle of Ragnarok may be over, but the war against the Organization continues! Our Future Gadget Laboratory will pierce through their deceptions and reach the truth that lies beyond 1% divergence.

Remember this well, Mango - there is only one mad scientist capable of bending worldlines to his will, and that is I, Hououin Kyouma! Fuahahaha!
LMAO! I like this guy already, hey man keep doing you xD
this is kinda the only thing i have against crowned fyi
it could just be a game theory difference but voting me to test out the omgus feels like, it only exclusively is something a scum wants to do?
like i dont get how it benefits town if you get what i mean lol
Interesting, I would definetly test a person claims in a game where you have to decieve the person to win lol. Like that is the most logical approach if you truly wanna scum hunt. You expect people just to take you at face value here and call it a day? I don't understand. It benefits, because you get more insight on you as an indiviual.

If I get Ultra banned, do we all win?
Daymn, what did my boy @Ultra do in my absence? You been up to no good huh?
Hey man.

I apologize for not immediately answering your question. Let me clarify my actions and provide some explanations for everything I've done.

1. Ignoring Your Question:
I didn't intend to ignore your question. It seems like there might have been a misunderstanding or I may have overlooked it in the midst of the roleplaying. My focus (which I admit was wrongly placed) was more on enjoying the game and engaging in the roleplaying aspect, which led to me missing your question. I assure you it wasn't intentional.

2. Roleplaying in Thread:
While roleplaying, I aimed to bring some fun and creativity to the game. I understand that this can sometimes be seen as evasive behavior, but my intention was purely for the purposes of entertainment. I didn't mean to dance around your vote or anything.

I know that I should have balanced roleplaying with more serious gameplay. I see now that this might have caused some confusion and suspicion. I'll make sure to be more transparent and responsive moving forward.

Detailed Reasoning

I don't feel that Fujishiro has contributed much to the discussion (not that I have the right to say anything about that).

Flower has been overly agreeable with certain players, which can be a tactic to avoid conflict and suspicion. When Luka questioned them, Flower quickly shifted the conversation to another topic, which seemed like an attempt to divert attention.

Crowned Witch:
Crowned Witch has been selectively participating, chiming in only when it benefits their perceived image. They’ve been quick to support other players’ suspicions without adding new insights, which can be a way to blend in without drawing attention.

Pola's responses have been cautious and calculated. They often respond with questions rather than answers, which can be a way to gather information without revealing much about themselves.

Naomi has been actively pushing certain narratives and then backtracking when questioned. For example, they initially agreed with Luka’s suspicion of another player but then changed their stance when pressed for details.

The Orca:
The Orca has been liking posts without contributing much to the conversation. Additionally, when directly addressed, The Orca gave very brief and non-informative responses, which is suspicious.

oh no
@Luka Luke is this you? or is this a different luke? Banana and mayonese? does that ring any bell? I was curious actually if this is "The Lukundo" or not lol.
different luka, but lukundo is a v cool person and the fact that you know them inspires me for how youre going to play this game <3
well inspires makes no sense in this context but my point should still come across lol
It does not matter if you can fake it or not, your claim will need to be tested regardless. So why acting confused because someone decided to actually test your claims? isn't that natural course of things? if you are a townie as you proclaim wouldn't you wanna test another person claim to see if it's legit or not? I mean sure, you can fake it, but maybe you would not and slip? I don't think I have ever played with you before if you are not the luke I have in mind. But it's natural behavior for a townie to be suspicious and check your claims. We are playing mafia here. It's the thought that matters.
yeah we're playing mafia not memory
if i slip and dont do it one of two things happens
1. im twon who forgot
2. im mafia who forgot
so... that gives you no information

and since i just posted about it like 5 minutes before, its like 99% chance i wont have forgotten lol
its just a pretty objectively poor angle to take tbh
Interesting, I would definetly test a person claims in a game where you have to decieve the person to win lol. Like that is the most logical approach if you truly wanna scum hunt. You expect people just to take you at face value here and call it a day? I don't understand. It benefits, because you get more insight on you as an indiviual.
but like how does it benefit you lol
its not logical at all, its the antithesis of logical. you should take me at face value since either im lying or im not lying, either way im going to do the same thing.

its like if i vote somebody. you can question that vote, but either way its a vote i made regardless of alignemnt. or i accuse a person of being 3rd party, you can question it but either way its minute
Ah, Mango, your question is as twisted as the fabric of spacetime itself! But fear not, for I, Hououin Kyouma, shall answer it with the utmost respect for the madness that is ambition.

The name that echoes in the corridors of my mind, the one who could pose a threat to Britannia, is none other than... Fujishiro! Yes, the very same Fujishiro who bears the visage of Hisoka, a character as unpredictable as the quantum fluctuations of the universe itself!

Hisoka, oh Hisoka! A character known for his... peculiar tastes and eccentric behaviors. His actions often raise eyebrows, much like the uncertainty principle raises questions in quantum mechanics! His suspicious actions, his unsettling interest in young talents, it's all a bit... well, let's just say it's as perplexing as trying to understand the 11 dimensions of M-theory!

Fujishiro's chats, oh, his chats! They are as enigmatic as the mysteries of the cosmos. One moment he's pleading for protection from 'these hoes', the next he's declaring the Viking blood of the Polar brothers a threat to Britannia. His messages are as fluctuating as the strings of string theory, oscillating between emojis and cryptic statements. His unpredictability, his audacity, his sheer randomness... all these make him a potential threat to the equilibrium of Britannia.

So, Mango, keep a close eye on this Fujishiro. For in the world, he is as chaotic and unpredictable as a quantum particle! El. Psy. Kongroo.

Bruh, add this guy to my town lean list xD loving the dude vibes.
Hahaha! The gears of fate turn, and Hououin Kyouma shall unveil the truth! My observations have led me to suspect the following individuals of being entangled in the web of the mafia:

1. Fujishiro: His movements are cloaked in shadows, and his interactions resonate with the frequency of deception. His subtle manipulations suggest a hidden agenda.

2. Flower: Like a blossom concealing its thorns, Flower's seemingly innocent demeanor masks a calculated mind. Her actions are too coordinated, too precise.

3. Crowned Witch: Her words weave a spell of confusion, attempting to divert our attention. Her strategic positioning and evasive responses are telltale signs of a puppet master at work.

4. Polar: The chill of his presence sends shivers through the game. His cold, detached observations are a cover for his calculated moves within the mafia's ranks.

5. The Orca: Beneath the surface, The Orca's serene facade hides a predator. His calm and collected nature is a smokescreen for his true intentions.

6. Naomi: Her interactions are too smooth, too rehearsed. Naomi's charm is a veil for her hidden machinations, aligning perfectly with the mafia's insidious plans.

Together, these individuals form a nexus of deceit. Trust in my analysis, for the path to victory lies in unmasking these traitors. El Psy Kongroo!
Why did you decide to give reads on these indiviuals and leave other indiviuals out? Like Luka and Ultra for example? enlighten me with your infinite wisdom.
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