[FNZ] Role Madness Bullet Train Role Madness

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Apparently because he does not like the way the dude posts lol and find it non contributive. But yet does not have a problem with Mango for example who does have similar style in writing as well (Love it too mango!! keep doing you!! xD), or does not have a problem with people who barely posted or people who posted but did not really contribute in a meaningful capacity. Puzzling really lol.

Played with Luka before? how does he behave/play usually?
He's cringe
It really does not matter if you post things 5 minutes ago, or hours ago, point of the matter here is that you will be questioned regarding your own claims, you by outing such information should be well aware that you will be questioned. So acting confused for being questioned/tested comes off as odd. I guess that's what I found odd about your statment and I disagree with it being an objectively poor angle, but I guess we will have to agree to disagree.
can you explain how like it benefits town though
im asking this question and youre just not budging. this is largely petty fwiw and if you still refuse to answer ill drop it since both alignemnts should realistically back off upon thinking of it further lol
How it would not benefit me you should ask yourself, it was beginning of the game, you outed your information, someone tested the information and it sparked a discussion that is worth looking into. That by itself is benefital for me and for people who actually care about capturing scum here. You expected people to just read your post and just move on like nothing happened? don't you think that would be odd? like did you expect something like that to happen?
no it sparked a discussion that wasted threads time and got me voted 3 times as a joke making it so my vote cant be on stronger reads
what information did you gain from it? youre holding onto a point that you really have no business holding onto
Why do you think he is scummy? because his way of playing the game is not necessairly fits your agenda of being "contributive" ? if he is new as he proclaims he seems like an easy target for me to frame. Don't you think?
he specifically said he wasnt new though, and that aside hes wolfy since he has 9 messages roleplaying and one read list that seems at the very least slightly feigned
uh they used chatgpt to decide reads
that has a 100% read rate through 1/1 games somebody did it in

honestly its largely just: existing in thread, this isnt their first game of mafia and theyre not contributing to the game
soulkiller is wolfier just on a surface level i guess
I would laugh my ass off if he was using it as a crutch as mafia but he could just be shitposting
I am not big fan of his direction as of late, dude seems content with going after a guy who is mostly having fun and being care free and apparently me for giving the guy my first town lean because he gave off good vibes
yeah i mean its just roleplaying in thread you towned the slot for no reason which i find to be TMI esque
Making statements such as 'Let's pop one of these and move on' does not strike me as a person who want to scum hunt and very eager to jump the gun and lynch someone just because they gave a townie lean while catching up, but again I am not really familar with the person gameplay
i mean, i do re-evaluate. continue posting and i might. try not to tunnel lol (even in cases where i should)
but I do recall flower stating that he is a person who usually does not like claiming
uhm flower never stated this
she said i dont like mech, which is true. but i am capable of fakingthis claim as scum
that aside throughout your reading this is kind of side stepping a lot of simple concluison
you call things good and bad looks but you never state a claim of somebody salignment. this is more likely town than not ect
you do this on flower and thats about it which is fairly easy to town lean here as scum

i do feel as though this read is coming from a bit of a "i want to find whats wolfy with this post" without it being organic tho so ill wait to see what others say
Apparently because he does not like the way the dude posts lol and find it non contributive. But yet does not have a problem with Mango for example who does have similar style in writing as well (Love it too mango!! keep doing you!! xD), or does not have a problem with people who barely posted or people who posted but did not really contribute in a meaningful capacity. Puzzling really lol.

Played with Luka before? how does he behave/play usually?
i think ultra summed it up best in that im very cringe. in hindsight my alex push is largely backed with 0 logic except for the fact that the person is kinda just memeing in thread (hich tbf can be wolfy!)

i can self meta a lot but i cant really describe my playstyle. here are some of my recent games i guess:

i chose only games i won for fun :curtain:
Wanna elaborate? because so far it seems like, I am wolfy because I gave the dude a town lean while catching up. But nothing warrant him to be this dead scum as you make him out to be tbh.
i over emphasize how much i believe in reads ftr
anyways; i guess i can start off by the fact that you gave them a town lean. in the 21 pages of content so far the only person you commented on and gave a town lean while catching up was the person who was basically trolling in thread by writing walls of uh roleplay which either alignment can do. it just comes off as odd and kind of not natural thought process. this is a game where a lot of slots have been towny too
Naomi def has presence in the thread, I thought how she automatically assumed luka is town from the get go was odd. Like does she know luka is not scum? lol. But besides that she is around. Null for now.
the reads alone seem kinda ~~okay i guess, but 1. as mentioned before they lack substance. the only town lean you give i think is on flower, you imply town leans on crown (you actually explicitly state that, missed that.) but then you go:

Just alot of posts I guess which in a vacuum is not a good look.
Yoho is kinda in a similar boat to Orca tbh.
but nothing really that makes me lean one way or another tbh.
I am willing to give fuji more time and see what he cooks, if not then we will have to pressure the guy.
Nothing from Pot and if memory serves me right an inactive/non contributive pot is a scummy pot lol. If he does not pick things up I have no qualms lynching him. Or maybe he became much different in that time I was absence in? 0.0
As for the rest, nothing really done or said much that warrant an opinion from me yet anyways.
just kind of a bunch of nothing lol. you dont even have comments on alexis (god i hope i remember this name) who was the only slot you replied to while posting up

while the thread is dead i do kind of expect something ~~different from a town
can you explain how like it benefits town though
im asking this question and youre just not budging. this is largely petty fwiw and if you still refuse to answer ill drop it since both alignemnts should realistically back off upon thinking of it further lol
I already answered in the very post you just quoted lol. Unless you gonna address the points themselves, no point repeating myself.

no it sparked a discussion that wasted threads time and got me voted 3 times as a joke making it so my vote cant be on stronger reads
what information did you gain from it? youre holding onto a point that you really have no business holding onto
Why do you think it wasted thread time? the game barely started and it sparked a conversation and discussion which gives you insight on multiple players. If this lasted for like 20+pages I would agree with you, but that was not the case at all. It gave me a read on crowned, and a better read on you to give an example.

I feel like this is a philosphy approach that I deem useful that you think is unecessary and wasteful when it's really not and I am curious on why you think so? Like you keep saying I am not budging when I merely explained myself and you are coming at me with the same question when you already have your answers. You being dense on purpose or?

he specifically said he wasnt new though, and that aside hes wolfy since he has 9 messages roleplaying and one read list that seems at the very least slightly feigned
and? like it's DP0 more than 50% of the players are fluffing and fucking around, yet I don't see you having this passion against them as for the guy lol. Like if you wanna pressure him go for it by all means, the dude can defend himself. But I personally don't find him scummy, and gave off good vibes from him. So as of now thats where he gets leaned, moving forward that can change ofc.
and? like it's DP0 more than 50% of the players are fluffing and fucking around, yet I don't see you having this passion against them as for the guy lol. Like if you wanna pressure him go for it by all means, the dude can defend himself. But I personally don't find him scummy, and gave off good vibes from him. So as of now thats where he gets leaned, moving forward that can change ofc.
whos this mythical player thats doing the same thing as alexis out of curiosity lol
im bound to miss somebody but i think that other people are somewhat okay. mango is a bit different but hes had no pressure applied to his slot, alexis has and responded in a unsatisfactory way imho

also why are you still saying you got good vibes from him when it was called out for ai, you can run it through an ai checker yourself
yeah i mean its just roleplaying in thread you towned the slot for no reason which i find to be TMI esque
So if I give a player a town read, that means I have TMI? it's called hunch and vibes, I do often lean into while playing the game. What are your read list again if you don't mind? I can garuntee you that you have some players there who really didn't do much yet you have them as town read. Does that make you scum? not necessairly no. Like the logic does not hold up.

i mean, i do re-evaluate. continue posting and i might. try not to tunnel lol (even in cases where i should)
Good to know lol.

she said i dont like mech, which is true. but i am capable of fakingthis claim as scum
that aside throughout your reading this is kind of side stepping a lot of simple concluison
you call things good and bad looks but you never state a claim of somebody salignment. this is more likely town than not ect
you do this on flower and thats about it which is fairly easy to town lean here as scum
I am not following here exactly? how am I side stepping a conclusion? I am clear and straight forward with my thoughts, why do you believe there must be a certain conclusion this early in the game? I am not that generous of a person to lock someone town? I gave multiple town leans actually, go reread again lol. But nothing is certain and I am more familar with players than others, even though it's been a while so might be off tbh. But I go with what memory I have.

Also, you said it here you are capable of faking it as scum, yet you get defensive when people question your claim, like just what exactly did you think would happen? this is mafia my guy.
i think ultra summed it up best in that im very cringe. in hindsight my alex push is largely backed with 0 logic except for the fact that the person is kinda just memeing in thread (hich tbf can be wolfy!)

i can self meta a lot but i cant really describe my playstyle. here are some of my recent games i guess:

i chose only games i won for fun :curtain:
Best way to get to know someone is to scrap it up with the guy so I am getting accustomed on getting to know you the more we interact don't worry ^^, don't have time to read previous games, especially not from mafiauniverse lol.

You said it yourself, zero logic. Like don't get me wrong I don't mind that you view him scummy, but that does not dictate how I view him. Nothing from him warranted 'scummy' from me. I saw alot of people meme and turn out to be townie, hell I can meme alot early on too, it's fun and reminicing tbh. Vibes checks out, laughed. For now, I have no intentions getting him gut, moving forward that would be different. Because everyone or should I say mostly everyone is memeing so far and fluffing, does that mean they are all scum? lol
So if I give a player a town read, that means I have TMI? it's called hunch and vibes, I do often lean into while playing the game. What are your read list again if you don't mind? I can garuntee you that you have some players there who really didn't do much yet you have them as town read. Does that make you scum? not necessairly no. Like the logic does not hold up.
i mean, if the read has no basis yeah id say it leans itself towards that way
no it doesnt (wrt me having players on their who didnt still do much), but i still have like reasonings for it. its like a reasonable accusation no matter what your alignment is lol
am clear and straight forward with my thoughts, why do you believe there must be a certain conclusion this early in the game? I am not that generous of a person to lock someone town? I gave multiple town leans actually, go reread again lol. But nothing is certain and I am more familar with players than others, even though it's been a while so might be off tbh. But I go with what memory I have.
you have 2 town reads (crowend and flower) unless i missed one. you hedged on 67 players.
Also, you said it here you are capable of faking it as scum, yet you get defensive when people question your claim, like just what exactly did you think would happen? this is mafia my guy.
i have not once gotten defensive when people questioned my claim.
Why didn't you ask other people for their reads on their suspects? why single out Yoho and not the rest? any reason for that? it did feel forced and out of the blue ngl.

Also, what is your input in the game so far? You ignored this.
It was the first question that appeared when I clicked on the most recent notification
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