No. "Mostly Powerroles" means that one Vanilla role is eligible to have in a rolemadness setup, because let's take this under expectation that every role is different from another; which would mean that there should not be 2 vanilla roles.
Ofcourse some rolemadness games can switch it up and have "2 cops" or "2 doctors". It really depends if the host has certain plans.
So a Vanilla henceforth is a "unique role" in a role madness.
In a rolemadness game there is no room for two vanillas as it goes against the "unique role" aspect.
Especially in a 13 players setup.
This game would be a hybrid between RM and Light Game with the sole function of vanillas to drain town's power.
I am coach for a reason. The upper ones respected my dedication of understanding setup crafting and learning more on my own. Independently from this forum.
I am always open for proper counter arguments. But don't bring up the "other hosts did it so and so". Yeah other hosts also allowed truth tells for multiple years. Other hosts have players spiting each other in each of their games. Other hosts also aren't perfect. That's why we should listen to each other and improve the dimnishing fundamentals.
But we can now leave it as it is. The discussion is done, everyone can seek out confirmation from the host in DM if they wish to do so. Ratchet confirmed the labeling lenience.