Chapter Discussion Chapter 1054 Is Pure Garbage

I mean Cracker was knocking Gear 4 around and Luffy needed help from Nami.

I hope the same thing happens with Aramaki.
Luffy needed help from Nami sounds funny like Akainu needing help from Squard and the entire marine force along with the two other admirals versus WB. If that downplays Luffy, the other scenario makes Akainu look shittier.
Luffy needed help from Nami sounds funny like Akainu needing help from Squard and the entire marine force along with the two other admirals versus WB. If that downplays Luffy, the other scenario makes Akainu look shittier.
Luffy literally had to run away from Cracker repeatedly while Nami weakened his biscuits with rain.

It is literally completely incomparable to Sakazuki and Squard lmao.
Aramaki was still frustrated from post reverie incident it seems lol
He's expression is all over the top , explosive and exaggerated

He's desperate enough to go alone to capture Luffy without anyone notice
The thing he said about Akainu praising him previous chap
It seems it was all because of the failed job at Mariejoa
Akainu might have badmouth Fuji and GB, and shows displeased towards them in which Fuji gives zero fk but Aramaki takes it to the core

And Shanks in the chap was just a promo for Red film
I believe for Sabo "killing" Cobra, they don't know Cobra like we do. For all they know, he's another cruel and vicious, oppressive king of the WG, so I suppose that's what sparks the whole "f yeah lfg Sabo!!". There's probably a lot more to it.
Actually no, we actually know the reason as to why the public should care about Alabassta King dying...It's because Alabasta is one of the 20(?) kingdoms which created WG...though they did not choose to become Tenryuubito. Thought the one piece public has no info on this.
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ZKK would be more interesting than the trash we’re getting now.
ZKK was always better...:cheers:
Now, I don’t mind the characterization of Aramaki as an evil pro-WG admiral (I actually like it), but why is he getting outraged for no reason and screaming about killing thousands to the scabbards, completely unprovoked?

This is a moment where it blatantly feels like “the author really really wants me to know this guy is bad huh.” It’s over the top, unnecessary, and feels forced.
Completely agree here
Looks like Aramaki has anger issues or something
Kinda makes sense though. Green Bull after all. First charge, then think.
Right that's true, it's just that he really went from 0 to 100 in a second lol
His trashtalk was insane

Take Doflamingo or Lucci for example, they have a sleeker way to throw their hate, Aramaki is straight up yelling in their face lol

Not that I don't like it but I hope he gets more facets than just this, otherwise he would seem like a more choleric and childish version of Sakazuki...
Right that's true, it's just that he really went from 0 to 100 in a second lol
His trashtalk was insane

Take Doflamingo or Lucci for example, they have a sleeker way to throw their hate, Aramaki is straight up yelling in their face lol

Not that I don't like it but I hope he gets more facets than just this, otherwise he would seem like a more choleric and childish version of Sakazuki...
I agree lol. In the beginning he wondered about Luffy's ability to befriend others so i believe there will be more to him. Usually Oda nails Admirals personality wise.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Now, I don’t mind the characterization of Aramaki as an evil pro-WG admiral (I actually like it), but why is he getting outraged for no reason and screaming about killing thousands to the scabbards, completely unprovoked?

This is a moment where it blatantly feels like “the author really really wants me to know this guy is bad huh.” It’s over the top, unnecessary, and feels forced.
This is extremely valid, the whole scene with Green Bull and the scabbards feels forced and rushed. He shows up and goes on a mega-rant for no reason with no provocation. We knew Oda’s abilities at telling a truly good story have been gone for a decade now, but with Wano these issues are more apparent than ever.
Bonus 1.
The admirals “losing” in Mariejois doesn’t really make sense (even assuming Sabo is straight up equal to the admirals or top tier level) and kind of kills tension.
Lucci and Kaku were both there as well protecting the CD who was riding Kuma besides Admirals,
and if the fight had prolonged for 2 hours, all the top tiers of marines could become available,
Garp was right there escorting Jamon
Kong literally has office in Mariejois
The Gorosei were there
and why exactly isnt there top tier guards in Mariejois ? if there were then they all should've been involved in the fight
1. Lookouts are common, someone delivered the message to the higher rankings and they decided to go deal with it themselves. Not everything needs to be shown for the reader to fully understand you are just nitpicking.

2. He’s an admiral. A super powerful man one of the strongest in the world them standing against him is hurting his ego so he’s venting like a baby.

3. We don’t know why Shanks is in Wano - something obviously shifted his line from wanting to meet Luffy to getting the One Piece hence the retraction, Oda wanted to emphasis this by literally saying he’s right there but not yet, something is coming.

4. Sabo made himself the enemy of the 250 countries aligning with the he World Government which literally places a crossfire on his forehead. What he did is literally an act of terrorism against the world hence the crying and the shock.

5. You do realize that the World Government are obviously lying, right? It’s not that Sabo is above Dragon it’s that the World Government wanted to kill Cobra and perhaps take Vivi so they pinned everything on Sabo making this massive only he really isn’t to be credited for it.. Same thing as Buggy being a Yonko but we know for certain he didn’t obtain it through sheer power just by dumb luck -


Now, before you say “Kinyagi is just mad because he’s an admiraltard!” hold your horses. The characterization of Aramaki is actually something I’m going to rip into in this thread. This is a rare thread/post where you’re going to see me be completely serious with minimal trolling.

I’m going to go through every problem I have with this chapter in chronological order. Hopefully I make it clear that I’m criticizing this chapter from a story structure, set up, and pacing perspective, and not just presenting personal gripes or agenda related copium.

1. Why do a few scabbards, Yamato, and Momo suddenly become sensory ninjas from Konoha? No one else except these specific characters can detect Aramaki approaching? So then they suddenly teleport a few miles away from the capital and show up in front of a guy they have never met and somehow immediately understand the situation.

The whole situation is set up in a way that is convenient and weird. It doesn’t make sense.

Now, I don’t mind the characterization of Aramaki as an evil pro-WG admiral (I actually like it), but why is he getting outraged for no reason and screaming about killing thousands to the scabbards, completely unprovoked?

This is a moment where it blatantly feels like “the author really really wants me to know this guy is bad huh.” It’s over the top, unnecessary, and feels forced.

3. Shanks and his crew are in Wano but then suddenly dip because of… Bartolommeo? This scene feels like Shanks is here to advertise his movie, and… that’s it? It’s very meta and out of place, almost like it’s purely here for the audience and isn’t actually relevant to the story in a meaningful way. It’s incredibly bizarre.

*note I’m not actually sure Shanks is leaving Wano (Bartolommeo could have used Luffy’s vivre card to come to Wano and Shanks is chasing him down). If it’s the case that he doesn’t leave and is here for an actual reason then I have no issue, although I would still criticize the dialogue for being odd.

4. I have a number of problems with the information we get about Sabo, especially how it re-contextualizes the previous info we got in 957.

Makino and Dadan’s reactions make literally no sense at all. “NOOOO, SABOO” crying “AND JUST AFTER WE LEARNED HE WAS ALIVE!” more crying
Are they upset about Sabo killing a random king they never met? Uhhhhh… ok weird. They’ve got really upstanding morals I guess.

5. Why did Sabo allegedly killing Kobra make people start rioting against the world government?

This bit was confusing to me. So the revolutionary army got what they wanted (right?) from something that Sabo didn’t actually do? Or was it just Sabo assaulting the Holyland that sparked this? I would assume the latter but the presentation of information here is very confusing, and if this is the setup for the final war then it’s frankly completely botched.

6. Dragon getting overshadowed by Sabo before actually having a major role in the story or a scene giving us information about him and his character. Again, this is just another really weird choice. It almost makes it feel like Dragon doesn’t matter to the story anymore. Before he’s even in the story.

In addition to these pretty blatant and (mostly) objective criticisms, I have a ton of personal problems with this chapter that are kind of agenda related (obviously, I’m an admiral fanboy) and subjective but I also feel are pretty noteworthy.

Bonus 1.
The admirals “losing” in Mariejois doesn’t really make sense (even assuming Sabo is straight up equal to the admirals or top tier level) and kind of kills tension.

Bonus 2.
This is especially true because literally a few pages after the admiral de-hype, Akainu is shown/portrayed as re-entering the story as an antagonist. As an author, why would you dehype a group of characters and then immediately re-introduce a member of said group as a major threat?

Anyway, this was a long rant and I’m not sure if I was totally coherent throughout, but man this chapter sucks. It literally feels like a movie you watch and enjoy for the hype, but then process a few hours later and realize it’s trash.

Another issue.
Didn’t Yamato say Kaido was dead to her?
Yamato introducing herself as “the son of the Kaido” is like Sanji introducing himself as “the son of judge.”
Kinyagi is just mad because he’s an admiraltard!


Ohk 1054 was a great chapter.

Blame the Spoilers Provider They gave biased Spoilers.
" Yamato Hits Greenbull on head hard "