Future Events Does Luffy vs. Akainu have to happen narratively?

Akainu murder Luffy's brother Portgas D. Ace in front of his fucking face and people still thinks he won't fight Akainu?:seriously:
Imagine Luffy spawning at the center of New Marineford or where the hell the war will take place, spotting Akainu and saying "Let him do whatever the hell he wants, someone else will take care of my brother's assassin"
What speaks for it:
  • Akainu is the personification of absolute justice, so Luffy as a pirate will have to face him
  • Luffy received a trauma from Akainu, lost his brother to him, received a scar and doubted his PK path
What speaks against it:
  • Luffy is not the prototype pirate Akainu opposes, since Luffy seeks freedom more than anything else
  • The Marines are just the public face of the WG, Akainu's face, according to the Gorosei, has value less than zero
  • As such, Luffy, who represents freedom (Joyboy), will face the WG (Im) that represents order
  • Luffy overcame his trauma regarding Akainu, remembering that he has his other friends too, and we had Shanks saying that it's ok to cry, but one has to move forward
  • Then we have Blackbeard as the antithesis to Luffy, who represents chaos and destruction
It's also questionable whether there would be a need to face Akainu after beating Kaido, who is superior portrayal.

@Sentinel @playa4321 @Finalbeta @Bogard @Red Admiral @Seraphoenix @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Extravlad @Cinera @Jo_Ndule @MonsterKaido etc
I'll just say this respectfully: not booking Luffy vs Akainu will easily be Oda's biggest blunder in the series. Far bigger than even brushing aside almost all of the SHs post-TS or introducing a bland character like Momo to the main narrative of the biggest saga yet.

Luffy vs Akainu holds more importance, imho, than Luffy vs Teach. It is up there with Zoro vs Mihawk among fights that must happen to preserve One Piece's status.
Left him scarred for life, to the point his scar hurts by just hearing Akainu's name.
LOL. That's wrong. I have no idea why you guys don't read manga, instead you guys are reading Admiral fan arguments and gets affected by it.

Luffy heard Akainu's name before his wounds hurts, in right here;

--- Chapter 650, page 04.

And his scar didn't hurt.

Why Luffy reacts like that? Because Luffy cares about Aokiji, Aokiji sparred Luffy's life before, and he just learned that Akainu defeated Aokiji in a death match, and thought that Aokiji possibly died because of Akainu.

As you can see, Luffy is interested about this fight between Aokiji and Akainu, because he would obviously wanted Aokiji beat Akainu.

--- Chapter 650, page 05

Then Luffy's scar hurts, because he learns Akainu defeated Aokiji.

--- Chapter 650, page 06

Thus in the next page, Luffy asks ''did Aokiji die?''

The reason why Luffy's scar hurts is because he is worried for Aokiji, not because of simply hearing Akainu's name, he already heard it at the beginning, and his scar didn't hurt.

Killed his brother in front of him and caused him the worst existential crisis he has ever suffered.
I don't see what's the point of this, fodder marine executioners could kill Ace. But if you are saying Akainu got lucky that Ace decided to be a moron and didn't run, and he didn't die at the execution platform instead, maybe...

Still we can't ignore the fact that Ace's idiocy and his refusal to escape get him killed, its not like Akainu with his incredible skills managed to cornered Ace in the war, Ace simply got baited because he was an idiot.

Annihilated without following actual orders Robin's people.
Well this is the reason why Aokiji also hates this guy, and many marines hates Akainu as well, this should be an internal problem for the good guy marines, I don't see how Akainu getting his ass beaten by a PIRATE, would solve this problem.

The marines should handle this, which is why Aokiji wanted to solve this problem, but he failed. I don't think Oda will change this, either way, Akainu should be declared as guilty for his crimes, and a criminal pirate beating his ass won't change this, infact it would make things even worse because that could create sympathy for Akainu inside of the marines ''oh poor Akainu, he gets bullied by a filthy pirate, we, the noble marines, should protect and help our fleet Admiral and save him from the filthy pirates!'' kind of thing, Akainu will only get more sympathy inside of the marines, if Luffy or any other pirate bullies Akainu, a marine like Aokiji should solve the problem that's called Akainu, who is the no.1 dog of the World Government and Imu.

Let's not pretend he wouldn't care when he clearly cared when Jinbe mentioned him.
He only cared because it was related to Aokiji as I explained above.
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At this point the desperate denial of this inevitable confrontation is nothing but funny.

Can you even imagine how insipid the dialogue a confrontation with the #1 substitute that some people try to push would be?

Akainu: "Finally we meet again...er, I mean for the 1st time son of Dragon some insignificant person I don't care about.

Your evil father ...er, mentor has flaunted justice and now you stand here as the ultimate insult of all, the Pirate King chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army.

Remember how I told you scum like pirates revolutionaries do not deserve to live in happiness? Remember how I chased you down and nearly had you if not for your crewmate...er, person that you may know Jimbe, and those blasted Whitebeard Pirates who protected you ...I mean who you barely know. The scar on your chest...I mean your bare chest is testament to that!

You may have won the war for the throne with the help of the scholar I missed at Ohara who is now part of your crew ...I mean an acquaintance, but today I end the wishes of Roger & Whitebeard by killing you whom they have spawned, Monkey D Luffy Sabo! I will end the blood unrelated associate of the World's Greatest Criminal just as I killed the son of the Pirate King!

That fool Ace will have saved you (nevermind you weren't there) for nothing. His sacrifice shall be made meaningless with your death!"

Yeah, brilliant!

Dont make a specific monologue for Luffy lol just make one specifically for Sabo and revolutionary and Dragon, imo itll fit.
I already put alternative wordings for Sabo. Compare those to Luffy's and see which one is actually compelling...the one where each has a a score to settle with the other... or the one where they are strangers meeting for the first time.
No you chose to force-fit Sabo into Luffy's scenario. You don't know what kind of history Akainu has with Revolutionary or Dragon, what impact the Revos bring by invading Mariejoa, what kind of previous beef they had, what being a Revolutionary means to the world's justice and order etc.
No you chose to force-fit Sabo into Luffy's scenario. You don't know what kind of history Akainu has with Revolutionary or Dragon, what impact the Revos bring by invading Mariejoa, what kind of previous beef they had, what being a Revolutionary means to the world's justice and order etc.
Well.....does any scenario you can imagine even come anywhere close to an actual showdown with Luffy? Can you really think of any scenario that would have more emotional weight, tension, carthasis and thematic significance with Sabo or anyone else other than Luffy?