Future Events Final fight of the series


The Sol King
Before, it was between BB and Akainu. Now, with Luffy having some secret dream after becoming PK, and Imu's involvement so far, it does look like Imu is set up for becoming final villain.

Shanks is a dark horse in this race, if Oda plans to make him an antagonist then he may become the final one.
But do you mean Final Fight as in one that has a Victor? Or like a Clash also counts?
Cuz personally if you're asking about Finished Fights, then Luffy vs Final Villain (Who i believe is from Elbaf) gonna be Last Fight
But if Clashes count, then imo Zoro & Sanji gonna fight someone at the End similar to Kuma Encounter after Moria was Defeated
Option A-Luffy vs Akainu.
Option B-Luffy vs BlackBeard.
Option C-Luffy vs Imu.
Option D-Luffy vs Shanks(plot twist).
Option E-Luffy vs Xebec and Shiki(plot twist).
Luffy vs Imu, Luffy vs Imu’s strongest fighter (clone of powerful figure from the past, perhaps Xebec), or Luffy vs Shanks (for whatever reason lots of things could work)