Out of the bolded section, what flavour/role claims am I missing?
Midnight - Town Alphonse, Mason + Bus Driver
Law/Flower - Town Hawkeye
Zara - Town Mustang, Vigilante
Tris - Town Mei Chang, 1S-Doublevoter + 2S-Delayed-Doctor
Pica - Neutral Kimblee, Arsonist
Lanji - Scum Sloth, 1S-Strongman + Rolecrusher
Osieorb18 - Town Heinkel, "Miller" Bodyguard
Marimo - Zampano, "Miller" ???
Rayan - Marcoh
Queen - Izumi Curtis
Final - Neutral ???, "Mostly Immortal"
Light - , 2S-Random-Redirector
Jew D Boy - , Alignment Cop?
Fuji - , Tracker
Yo Tan Wa -
Melon -
Tobi -
Sera -
Kiwi -
Seth -