@Fujishiro we need to think about your results. Now hear me out.
5 people visited you.
> FLowa-confirmed watcher
> Os- confirmed BG
> Mid-confirmed Bus driver
> Me- I don't even know what to call my role lmfao
> Yo- whatever he is
Note, none of us got the action failed, rbed or anything. So all our actions went through.
Midnight switched you first. Flowa saw me, Yo and Os visit her target, in this case Kiwi. Neither I nor Yo tried to kill you or Os would have killed us and died. I redirected the action randomly, since Kiwi said she didn't do anything just make presents, I assume she meant she was working on making the powers, right @Kiwipom?
None of us targeted you for a kill, or Os would have been dead and one of us would have been dead.
You got results on Mel.
The only way you could have gotten fake results on Mel is if someone tried messing with Kiwi, right? Why would anyone do that though? Plus we already have a town BD and redirector. I fail to see mafia having someone who can mess up results that much imo. How would they actually mess up the results? By switching right?
5 people visited you.
> FLowa-confirmed watcher
> Os- confirmed BG
> Mid-confirmed Bus driver
> Me- I don't even know what to call my role lmfao
> Yo- whatever he is
Note, none of us got the action failed, rbed or anything. So all our actions went through.
Midnight switched you first. Flowa saw me, Yo and Os visit her target, in this case Kiwi. Neither I nor Yo tried to kill you or Os would have killed us and died. I redirected the action randomly, since Kiwi said she didn't do anything just make presents, I assume she meant she was working on making the powers, right @Kiwipom?
None of us targeted you for a kill, or Os would have been dead and one of us would have been dead.
You got results on Mel.
The only way you could have gotten fake results on Mel is if someone tried messing with Kiwi, right? Why would anyone do that though? Plus we already have a town BD and redirector. I fail to see mafia having someone who can mess up results that much imo. How would they actually mess up the results? By switching right?