Powers & Abilities General CoA Discussion - Basic & Advanced

This weeks chapter pretty much proves that advanced armament haki is not the same as Ryuo and not every swordsman has it... Oden was really surprised on how both Roger and Whitebeard attacks didn't even connect.
Yeah it was a next lvl even though the firsttime when Zoro use his CoA, similar thing happen aswell. But yeah Roger and Whitebeard advanced CoA was a whole different lvl. And probably it was their basic moves and they probably even have far stronger moves.
Yeah it was a next lvl even though the firsttime when Zoro use his CoA, similar thing happen aswell. But yeah Roger and Whitebeard advanced CoA was a whole different lvl. And probably it was their basic moves and they probably even have far stronger moves.
That was only in the anime, in the manga nothing like that happened, his sword simply became black

It´s more like this, only at a much higher level both in density, and area, considering they are using the area thing

Advanced armament haki makes use of the flowing concept, but it's not its equivalent, it describes the advanced usage of it. In those translations I've read Hyou said that Luffy needs to gather the haki from all around his body, which makes sense and means that an advanced user can gather a huge amount of additional haki to put it into either that barrier tech (lvl1) or the penetration tech (lvl2), which he then can either channel through a weapon or his/her fist.
Look at those barrier moves or that clash from Roger and WB. Those moves have like an absurd amount of more power behind them than hardened base moves, cause obviously a much higher amount of haki is used.
Therefore guys like Alabasta Zoro, Smoker and Raisin aren't automatically advanced CoA users, just because they can cover their weapon in haki, which should have been obvious in the first place.
People seem to struggle with that concept, just like they do with CoO.

Enma does it to the extreme, if not mastered, where it pulls out all of the user's haki at once and puts it into the slash, probably the reason why Oden was the only one who was able to cut Kaido. Thing is, it sliced through his skin, which means it's not the lvl2 penetration tech that was used. That Kaido cutter move could be the individual most powerful adv. CoA lvl1 supported cutting attack tho, which would make sense, cause normally characters probably can't use such amounts of haki, where they are losing or nearly using consciousness, assuming that was Oden's ultimate attack and he let Enma go all out.