Powers & Abilities General CoA Discussion - Basic & Advanced

Haki is a power that comes from will power and spirit. In wano, it's called ryuo. There are three types of haki (CoO, CoA and CoC) or one can say haki gives you three types of abilities. As one becomes proficient in any type of haki, ability given by that type of haki will also become advanced.

For example, Katakuri has Future sight, after being proficient in observation haki.

As both, advanced and basic abilities comes from same source, that is will power, they all are generally referred as haki/Ryuo

Now, let's talk about basic and advanced usage of CoA.(please read panels carefully). I will be explaining the concept through Luffy and Zoro.

Basic color of Armament gives you ability to hit logia and coat your body part with armament /koka.

In wano, Luffy called koka, coating of body with armament, a basic ability and showed desire to learn advanced ability(deflection/Shockwave ) as shown by Rayleigh.
Luffy calling koka - basic

In panel below, Luffy calls deflection advanced

In panel below, Hyo said that deflection ability Luffy is trying to learn is similar to ability to cut anything yet nothing.

Hyo after noticing what Luffy is trying to learn (advanced CoA:deflection) says that in wano they have a similar ability through which a swordsman can cut anything yet nothing(panel is given above) -that is he can cut steel if he desires or will not cut even a paper, if he doesn't desire.

He went on to demonstrate this ability by deflecting a gifter.
So advanced usage of CoA = defection/Shockwave and ability to cut anything yet nothing.

Now, let's move on to more interesting part.

Zoro indeed has unlocked ability to cut anything yet nothing in alabasta as he was taught by kuina father who apparently belongs to Wano and so is Zoro who is shimotsuki. He did so under extreme situation but just didn't realize it to have full grasp until TS where Mihawk taught him how to make blade black.

This panel shows Zoro sensing the breathe of non living things and mention ability to cut anything yet nothing.

The panel below shows that Zoro dodged all falling stones as if he knew where they will fall(he was feeling the breathe of stones)

The panel below shows that Zoro even figured out under which stone his sword is buried.

And, in the panel below he demonstrated ability to cut anything yet nothing - he didn't cut leaves because he didn't desire but cut the stone because he desired. His swords understood his will. (similar to what Hyo said)

Another definitive proof of both Zoro and Luffy having advanced usage of CoA is explain below
As I said earlier, hyuo was teaching Luffy advanced usage of ryuo/haki - that is focusing on making haki flow.

In above panel, notice Luffy's hand - it is surrounded by clouds. Now where we saw similar phenomenon recently

Did you guys notice the similar clouds around Zoro? But what's interesting is Zoro immediately tamed enma implying his control over flow of haki (the concept on which Hyo was teaching Luffy advanced version). He did so because he already been taught such ability, first by kuina father and then during TS by Mihawk.

Now, the last part - highly advanced usage of Armament or as some called penetration.

Hyo mentioned that there is much more advanced version of CoA which allows user to damage object from within after Luffy broke the collar without making it explode.

So yes, what Luffy end up learning is much more advanced version of CoA.

However, for a swordsman this ability seem to be in parallel with making blade black which Zoro has yet to do and for that he needs to become one with the sword.

Which Mihawk taught him but he is yet to do so

The black blade has been equated to breaking objects from within on the basis of inference drawn from the above panels.

Learning the flow of haki gives ability to cut anything yet nothing and ability of defection.

As Luffy practiced this, he instead of deflection, end up destroying collar from within. One can imply, that he infused his Haki into the collar, altered it properties to destroy it from within(penetration and destruction)

However, the same concept is inherent in making blade black. Through consistent use of flow of haki into blades through countless battles, the nature of the blade will permanently change making it harder and black.(penetration and modification)

So both breaking collar and making blade black is based on similar concept of flowing haki and changing nature of the object from within permanently, with difference lying in that former breaks it from within and other strengthens it from within. Thus both being placed as highly advanced usage of CoA.

So in short,

Basic CoA(Hitting Logia, coating/koka) - - - - >advanced CoA [deflection/shockwave; ability to cut anything yet nothing ; haki imbued slashes (it's also based on flow of haki into slashes from user)] - - - - - - >highly advanced usage of CoA (destroying objects from within and making blade black)

If you have any argument against this, please substantiate it with facts and not your headcannon. Lol

Thank you for reading this. Please post your opinion.
If the turning the blade permanently black is similar to >highly advanced usage of CoA i.e destroying objects from within and making blade black than Rayleigh would have possessed a black blade coz he cld use that advanced CoA as shown when he destroyed the collar at Sabody also I think that a top tier swordsman such as Shanks too would have turned his blade black if that was the case. But it seems that obtaining a black blade requires some special skill.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
if you say that using flow is advanced haki in of itself then wouldn't any haki weapon user such as Vergo be considered to have advanced CoA?
That doesn't make sense. Luffy said specifically that deflection was advanced haki. Not everyone who can use the flow can use deflection. Vergo surely couldn't

also im skeptical about the existence of "haki slashes". The whole Monet thing could have just been an inconsistency that Oda willingly allowed for dramatic purposes. If haki slashes could exist then how come luffy, Hyou, or Rayleigh have never shown long range haki blasts?
Flow of haki is simply a concept or a process that is inherent in CoA.

Let's understand like this..
The more you become proficient in this concept, the more mastery you will have over CoA and thus you will be able to use advanced haki.

Luffy learnt FS not through some magical portion but by going through basics of Rayleigh and putting it into practice thus gaining proficiency in that to gain FS.

So, to have advanced usage of CoA one has to master flow of haki from one's body and surrounding into fist or sword or into another object. Higher the proficieny through practice, more the chance of learning advance usage of CoA. (one has that much of haki in first place though)

I perfectly agree without @Reborn. I think that in the skill tree of haki there is two branchs :kata:

One branch lead you to « Higly advanced CoA » and the other branch lead you to « Black blade »:goyea:

I personally think that Zoro and Luffy will open a new level toward the end of the story :unsure:

It would be interesting to make a thread like this to CoO;)

I agree with you.

I thought of making such thread on CoO as well. Let's see if I have enough ryuo to do so. Lol

If the turning the blade permanently black is similar to >highly advanced usage of CoA i.e destroying objects from within and making blade black than Rayleigh would have possessed a black blade coz he cld use that advanced CoA as shown when he destroyed the collar at Sabody also I think that a top tier swordsman such as Shanks too would have turned his blade black if that was the case. But it seems that obtaining a black blade requires some special skill.
I tried to address this on the 2 page (last post of mine on that page).

There is definitely some degree of uncertainty but based on information we have this is the best possible explanation I was able to produce.

You have to understand that I cannot have answer for everything on such topic. On getting more info about black blade, I will make changes in concept accordingly and will notify everyone.

I was also thinking being capable of making your Haki fly should be on the list since Luffy learned flow we see him punching the tree from a distance also Zoro did it back in punk hazard

I put haki imbued slashes under advanced CoA(mentioned in the last) . I didn't explain it because I didn't have panels for that explaining concept. That's why I went with other aspects of advance CoA - ability to cut anything and nothing and deflection /Shockwave for which I have panels explaining them. The process is similar so one can draw inferences easily once concept is explained
that is why I don't jump on making a blade black is a pinnacle of swordsmanship yet....I wait for some more info
Let's see Ryuma Sword God and WSS both have black blade. Wow it's like Oda is telling us something. Oh wow the Future WSS hinted to be turni nb g his Sword black too. Wow it probably means noting:gonope:
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The same here, I said it might be higher then what Luffy has done.
We have seen 100 of Swordsman in one piece but the 2 Strongest Swordsmen we know of Ryuma and Mihawk have Black blades and then Oda hints that Zoro going to have it too.
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Ah just remembered Monet. That either debunks what I said or Zoro manipulated the haki flow to not cut her. Zoro was able to cut her with an air slash from Shusui.
Zoro choose not to cut her.
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You forgot the other reason why zoro easily used it....because he already used Wado and also he might possibly be a shimostuki bloodline.

Black blade comes from using haki too much through many battles

Penetration is the only advanced form.of CoA
So Swordsman cant apply Advance Haki?
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Law attacks might be only blocked by advanced armament haki , his DF is devastating normal using of haki is not enough to block it .
Doffy was able to dodge Laws attacks
I didn't notice but please focus on the bamboo plants that Zoro is cutting, Zoro is definitely a monster cuz one day before he cut the cliff instead of a tree but the day after he mange to cutting the bamboo plants in a way that they dont fall down with Enma
Zoro is even better than Luffy in control armament hacky :cheers:
Eh? Didn't noticed that before, lol.
Zoro choose not to cut her.
Then Shusui has no COA.
If it has, he can use the other 2 and does not need to choose.
We have seen 100 of Swordsman in one piece but the 2 Strongest Swordsmen we know of Ryuma and Mihawk have Black blades and then Oda hints that Zoro going to have it too.
You have 100 swordsman.
Name me how many are top tiers.

So Ryuna has better COA then Roger, WB, Shiki, Ray ?
Blade users are not included only those with swords are?
Law cuts with the strength of his devil fruit. In fact, we have never seen law use haki at all
Ok , thank you for repeating what I said.
Vergo used the flow on a weapon.
Using @Reborn's logic it is advance COA.

Law as you said cut it without Haki.

NOw don't say that Vergo does not have Advance COA.
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Zoro is even better than Luffy in control armament hacky
@hades what did I tell you.

Cutting Plants now is a higher control then imploding with haki

Might want to see the entire panel:

This is lower control to you :

Then this:
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Vergo is confirmed:

Using that picture: Law shits on the flow then!

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Having Haki flow doesn't necessarily mean you are some kinda Haki god lmaoo. Absolute trash cans like Boa Sisters and Sentomaru can also use shock wave Haki.
What Luffy called "Advanced" Haki is simply channeling Haki out of your body, flowing it out, after that you can do different things with it. You can create a shockwaves out of it or you can coat weapons with it be it like Vergo or Kinnemon or Zoro.

Now Taming Enma is a whole different story as no one in Wano besides Oden had Haki strong enough to do it and its same Oden who had Haki strong enough to scar Kaido.


Having Haki flow doesn't necessarily mean you are some kinda Haki god lmaoo. Absolute trash cans like Boa Sisters and Sentomaru can also use shock wave Haki.
What Luffy called "Advanced" Haki is simply channeling Haki out of your body, flowing it out, after that you can do different things with it. You can create a shockwaves out of it or you can coat weapons with it be it like Vergo or Kinnemon or Zoro.

Now Taming Enma is a whole different story as no one in Wano besides Oden had Haki strong enough to do it and its same Oden who had Haki strong enough to scar Kaido.
Lol only Sentomaru and Rayleigh are people lufy remembers as shockwaves users

And only Rayleigh has shown Penetration adCoA

Now can you stop writing nonsense
Taming Tam doesnt mean you need adCoA or you have adCoA.

Zoro easily wields it because he had already used Wado (from same maker) and has more haki reserve. Which we know that strawhats have more potential.