Who would have thought that the beastly Bushin were some noble peace seekers all along? 
Houken is so misunderstood. He ain’t some evil Goku, he is like a Chinese Vash the Stampede. He is all about that love and peace.
That moment when you find out that it was not Riboku using Houken but Houken using Riboku all along.
Also, that moment when it is revealed that both of the most major antagonists actually just want peace and meanwhile nearly all major protagonists desire war.

Houken is so misunderstood. He ain’t some evil Goku, he is like a Chinese Vash the Stampede. He is all about that love and peace.

That moment when you find out that it was not Riboku using Houken but Houken using Riboku all along.

Also, that moment when it is revealed that both of the most major antagonists actually just want peace and meanwhile nearly all major protagonists desire war.