My cope filled prediction for the rest of Hango:
As much as Ousen is getting dogpiled by everyone, including me, the fact of the matter is that he factually could not retreat or else Qin would have been defeated entirely. His only hope, as desperate as it was, was to bet on Akou and Sou’Ou defeating Shibashou. Since to call a retreat in that situation would’ve resulted in an immediate Qin defeat and would have been completely unacceptable by the Qin court.
I think if you asked Shouheikun or Sei, they would say that if Ousen’s two choices were to either retreat or fight to the death, fighting to the death was the correct choice because retreat would have been completely unacceptable.
So here’s my prediction for what happens next: full Qin retreat to one of Ousen’s legendary mountain fortresses which spooked even Renpa himself
If Ousen can construct a mountain fortress with Yotanwa, the Hi Shin and Gyoku Zhou Units, he can at least prevent the Qin from being utterly slaughtered by Zhao as they retreat and make this an actual Pyrrhic victory for Zhao as it was historically.
I think Ousen makes a mountain fortress, and then Shibashou attacks the mountain fortress where we can get some actual quantifiable Shibashou hype for once
And we will find out that Shibashou was bodying Xiongnu warlords as I predicted, we will get to see his prowess in a mountainous battle
But also a mountain would better allow Ousen to flex his strategic acumen and actually start mowing down Zhao numbers so he doesn’t look like he just got twig-diffed by Zhao