I have no problem with the presence of pencil pushers and bean counters. Even if Nanyou has only just fallen and none of the surrounding territory subjugated, part of why Qin is after Han is their wealth, so it makes sense for them to get to cataloguing and creating records of the king's new wealth ASAP. Fine.
Sure enough, the presence of a newly appointed ruler can work, even an annoying/testy one.
What absolutely cannot work for me is the author of this manga spending damn near 20 years talking up the so-called "right" of Qin's Six Great Generals to wage war "freely" and then contradicting that with having some belligerent, bureaucratic bozo showing up JUST after a city has fallen and presuming to challenge and disrespect the authority of a 6GG.
That does not work.
It does not work for there to even be a question of Tou's ultimate authority in what remains an active warzone.
I won't even get into the fact Tou must be far too high up the rank of nobility to be addressed as a fucking soldier.