I was arguing AGAINST Blood and Soil. I believe that land cannot belong to a specific bloodline.

I accused those who argue that Palestine should own the land are utilising RACIST blood and soil arguments.
If you believe that, like 4chan, the elites want this war to serve their ends, and the war, ultimately, will benefit the Jews who will colonize Gaza, then you're making a similar argument to them. That speaks nothing of my position. I'm just laughing at the horseshoe-effect that is right and left wing politics. Once you hit the extremes, they bend to meet.
Paint me a devil, but it does not make it true. Across the course of history, conquerors have effectively become the culture they took over. For example, the Mongolians and their integration into Russia, or the Romans who settled in Britain. The Anglo-Saxons and Normans too. The
supposed indigenous of my homeland come from people who conquered the original owners of the land, lol.
I think it's more about cultural identity and recent history on that land, rather than past ownership. It's why I cited that if Palestine should have it due to 'ancestral ties' then under the same Blood and Soil rhetoric, it probably belongs to the Jews. This does not, in any shape or form, mean that I believe it belongs to the Jewish due to blood. I'm actually criticising the argument.
Damn bro.