They did try means other than violence
They tried oppression and suppressions of rights
They tried the the impronment of an entire population within walls
They tried checkpoints
They tried profiling from soldier onto kids and innocent people
They tried land appropriation
They tried arbitrary prisonners

..They actually tried a lot of BAD things. Not the actual things that were needed:

- The end of colonization
- The renunciation of Palestinian lands in the limits of 1948
- The freedom of people of Gaza
- The stop of the oppressions of Palestinian minorities in Israel

I suppose the employee can reinvest their money in their business if they want to in an anarcho capitalist society, right ?

this is basically what states always have been doing
Hence why its important not to recognize the word "terrorism" in international laws. Its a way to protect nation that could be under oppression.

so you're in between just like a rational person should be I see
Nuance is not always a rationnal mindset. It can also be a symtom of biases.
By that logic, Israelis pose an existential threat to Palestine as well. Even more so since from their perspective they're an invading force.
Now ask me if I think their war against Israel in 48 was justified
Post automatically merged:

- The end of colonization
- The renunciation of Palestinian lands in the limits of 1948
- The freedom of people of Gaza
- The stop of the oppressions of Palestinian minorities in Israel
you do realize 90% of this is achieved if they settled with Israel in 67 right
have you ever managed to convince me
I don't think so no. But some of you did on multiple occasions and this despite my radical mindset.

So It might be time for you guys realize who is really biased and who is not here. And why the injonction for nuance is actually not the brightest move there is.

Because when I'm explaining how meritocracy impacted my life in all its aspect during 10 years and what I get in reply is "you use the term wrong".. there is a bit of a problem of understanding between us. So its your turn to understand that I'm making a LOT of efforts to reach you guys.

And my hand is still open.

Bruh that’s a propaganda channel. I also asked him to ask me, aka my opinion. I don’t regurgitate propaganda
No. Just a religious and militant channel. This is actually a pretty clear explanation of the conflict. You should watch it. There is nothing complicated in understanding why Palestinian were revolted by the land divisions at the time.

But go ahead, if you have a better explanation of the conflict. Do give me the link and I will add it to the library !
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AL sama

Red Haired
I don't think so no. But some of you did on multiple occasions and this despite my radical mindset.

So It might time for you guys realize who is really biased and who is not here. And why the injonction for nuance is actually not the brightest move there is.

Because when I'm explaining how meritocracy impacted my life in all its aspect during 10 years and what I get in reply is "you use the term wrong".. there is a bit of a problem of understanding between us. So its your turn to understand that I'm making a LOT of efforts to reach you guys.

And my hand is still open.


AL sama

Red Haired
The bar is so low that if you think you have ANY semblance of control over anything in your life, in any specific circumstance, then you're a full fledged believer and pusher of meritocracy. There is no room for nuisance. "It depends" doesn't exist apparently.
I was discussing something entirely different with roo yet logiko somehow connected that with this :kayneshrug::kayneshrug:
The bar is so low that if you think you have ANY semblance of control over anything in your life, in any specific circumstance, then you're a full fledged believer and pusher of meritocracy. There is no room for nuisance. "It depends" doesn't exist apparently.
We need the illusion of control. The problem that you don't understand comes with the injonction of taking control.

Its not anyone's place to tell to a poor person how to improve their life, simply because they don't know it
Its not anyone's business to tell to a mentally ill person how to improve their life, simply because its not them who are in control

And its not your or anyone elses role to tell to a far person how they should improve their life, simply because you or anyone, don't know what they are living.

People needs support, not development coatch.

Do you see the nuance here ?

I was discussing something entirely different with roo yet logiko somehow connected that with this :kayneshrug::kayneshrug:
Because the hearth of our opposition is based in all subjects around the same biases and lack of understanding.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
We need the illusion of control. The problem that you don't understand comes with the injonction of taking control.

Its not anyone's place to tell to a poor person how to improve their life, simply because they don't know it
Its not anyone's business to tell to a mentally ill person how to improve their life, simply because its not them who are in control

And its not your or anyone elses role to tell to a far person how they should improve their life, simply because you or anyone, don't know what they are living.

People needs support, not development coatch.

Do you see the nuance here ?

Because the hearth of our opposition is based in all subjects around the same biases and lack of understanding.
This whole post is irrelevant because, like most of your replies, relies on assuming what I think and believe in.
This whole post is irrelevant because, like most of your replies, relies on assuming what I think and believe in.
You are the one who said that:

I'll stick to telling people that they can always improve themselves and change, and not be so reliant on the approval of other people. Telling people that they are perfect(aka hit their limit and a blatant lie) and need the approval and acceptance of other people to live a human being is stupid as fuck.
Right ?

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
You are the one who said that:

Right ?
Where is the belief in a pure meritocracy? Where is me saying that people don't need support? Where does it mention mentally ill people? How does saying someone shouldn't be reliant on the approval and acceptance of others reject the idea of support? Do you even know the context? So many assumptions.
Where is the belief in a pure meritocracy? Where is me saying that people don't need support? Where does it mention mentally ill people? How does saying someone shouldn't be reliant on the approval and acceptance of others reject the idea of support? Do you even know the context? So many assumptions.
I think it's because you've acted so coy ish in the past. Telling us things I.E. leading on. Doing such things in writing is hard to fully understand the other person etc.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
I think it's because you've acted so coy ish in the past. Telling us things I.E. leading on. Doing such things in writing is hard to fully understand the other person etc.
There's a difference between giving your stance on specific matters, and matters as a whole( i.e. speaking of woke leftism in entertainment vs leftism as a whole). There's a also a difference in mentioning your personal feelings/preferences on a matter, and giving general information based on history(i.e. speaking about how I dislike the hypocritical nonsense of the modern left vs the propaganda right wingers spewed throughout recent history).

Politics in general are very complicated and nuisanced, flooded with context. So many try to simplify politics into a black vs white/me vs them narrative. Politics isn't a two man brawl.