Good job at stating anti semitic conspiracy theories
proving yourself anti semitic once again
US is democratic country n President elected by public is supreme authority but US democracy can easily be hijacked by elites. Prominently three are :
1. Federal Reserve
2. CFR
3. CIA

Remember what Trump said?

1. Federal Reserve that is central bank of USA like RBI in India is actually a private body. It prints money for USA n takes interest from US govt

It was started by JACOB SCHIFF (Friend of Rothschind), BERNARD BARUCH and German banker WARBURG BROTHERS in 1913 n it was planned at secret meeting at Jekyll island in 1911.

2. Council of Foreign Relations : Established in 1921, private think tank consist of US corporates, Leaders, Media persons, CIA etc. They discuss international issues

3. CIA : Its autonomous American secret agency that works for security

So three prime org of USA
1. Fed : Finance
2. CRF : Foreign Policy
3. CIA : Security

r not under democratically elected govt but in private hands.

People who r member of these org can easily control US govt n via them whole world so it gives an idea that there is an elite group that is more powerful than elected govt.

3 groups of wealthy elites. They meet regularly. Their meetings r kept secret n details r not shared. These 3 groups r:

1. CFR
2. Bilderberg
3. Trilateral Commision

CFR was founded in 1921 by Warburg brothers same who founded Fed reserve.

Its a group of wealthy US elites n membership is by invitation only. What they discuss we don't know. Many of US presidents were their members.

2. Bilderberg : This group was founded by 2 most wealth corporate Rothschild n Rockefeller in 1954 at Bilderberg, Holland.

Membership is by invitation only n they have elites of US n Europe. When their meeting happens all outsiders r asked to leave. Meetings kept secret.

3. Trilateral Commision : Trilateral Commission (TC) is set up to foster cooperation between the US, Europe, and Japan.

CFR Chairman David Rockefeller had proposed its creation at the 1972 Bilderberg meeting. Columbia professor Zbigniew Brzezinski, organizes the TC, recruiting 300 elites from finance, business, politics, and media.

Its also by invitation only n secretive group

Now see
1. World Bank
2. IMF
3. WEF

All 3 r private bodies
All 3 r operated by same people who r part of CFR, BB, TLC
All three prepare agenda for world that is followed by all elected govt of world
If we were stronger to begin with we wouldn't be conquered in the first place, it is our fault
It's not that you were weak, you were fighting other battles when an unsuspecting foe took advantage if your lack of alertness. Now they dictated your education and whitewashed their crimes and made you believe that you were weak.

Same like Orochi did to Wano
It's not that you were weak, you were fighting other battles when an unsuspecting foe took advantage if your lack of alertness.
Nah we were weak. We lost to Hungary fair and square in 1102.

Now they dictated your education and whitewashed their crimes and made you believe that you were weak.
Nah we know all of their crimes and we know our worth

We just don't blame others for stuff we were responsible for


The Sol King
Yes infighting was a huge thing but that gave the outsiders a huge edge. Otherwise see the maps when Indians were united

Some of these maps are highly exaggrated to outright wrong though.

The Maurya empire map is correct.

Chola empire is exaggrated a bit

No empire in history ever ruled the lands highlighted in orange. The Karkota empire's greatest extent was this:

Some of these maps are highly exaggrated to outright wrong though.

The Maurya empire map is correct.

Chola empire is exaggrated a bit

No empire in history ever ruled the lands highlighted in orange. The Karkota empire's greatest extent was this:

Colonial stooges distorted history to make you believe so.
But facts don't lie

More than 4700 km from India, in Azerbaijan, a country on the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, is an ancient ‘fire temple’ with the words “Shri Ganeshaya Namah” inscribed on its walls.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
ofc i know about all atrocities, genocides and famine even during Churchill era. But that stuff is in history, you learn from it and move in, and not whine over and over.

Can you imagine if every Croatian on this planet started crying how Croatian children were abducted from young age by Ottomans, brainwashed to become soldiers and then sent to kill, rape, plunder, burn and destroy the lands and people they came from?

Or how Hungarians tried to eradicate Croatian language and culture and supress our identity for 700 years?

Or how Italians literally abused our coastline?

Or many others examples?

Each nation on this earth had its pain and every generation has its own suffering. But it is ridiculous IMO to play the Victim after so many years have passed. That won't make the nation move forward
My question was did you read about British rule over India in detail? Knowing genocides occured is not knowing history.

I will give you just one example why colonialism over india was not just about genocides

In 1600, when the East India Company was founded, Britain was generating around 2% of the world’s GDP, while India was producing around 22%.

In 1750s - share of india was around 20 %.

By the time India got independent in 1947, India share fell down to less than 2% and Britain got richer....

I will give you another example - We owe Railways to British - a humble beginnings in 1850'. You can say oh that's positive of colonialism

But do You know they introduced it to export raw materials from here to feed their industries in nascent stages and then export finsihed goods at high prices here to provide market for the same British industries?

It ruined our agri our cottage industries and led to drastic fall in our economy.

Just for another comparison

In 1850 our share was around 16% (notice the decline)

In 1870 - it fell to around 10%


The Sol King
Colonial stooges distorted history to make you believe so.
But facts don't lie

More than 4700 km from India, in Azerbaijan, a country on the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, is an ancient ‘fire temple’ with the words “Shri Ganeshaya Namah” inscribed on its walls.
This was mainly from merchants travelling. The article states the same. This temple started as Zoroastrian but was later under the influence of Hindu and Buddhist merchants who travelled there.

Otherwise, there would be so many more temples across Persia, and the Abbasid caliphate wouldn't have existed. India wasn't isolated from the Middle east at all from the middle ages.
My question was did you read about British rule over India in detail? Knowing genocides occured is not knowing history.

I will give you just one example why colonialism over india was not just about genocides

In 1600, when the East India Company was founded, Britain was generating around 2% of the world’s GDP, while India was producing around 22%.

In 1750s - share of india was around 20 %.

By the time India got independent, India share fell down to less than 2% and Britain got richer....

I will give you another example - We owe Railways to British - a humble beginnings in 1850'. You can say oh that's positively of colonialism

But do You know they introduced it to export raw materials from here to feed their industries in nascent stages and then export finsihed goods at high prices here to provide market for the same British industries?

It ruined our agri our cottage industries and led to drastic fall in our economy.

Just for another comparison

In 1850 our share was around 16% (notice the decline)

In 1870 - it fell to around 10%
I'm well aware of India's history in that regard.

And I still stand by what i said - Every nation had its suffering, some more some less, but to actually cry about it decades/centuries and what not after is dumb af.

What good does it do? It does nothing, it only breads more hate and revanchism. We Croatians know it too well, certain people here cry all the time about the war with Serbs, doing jack shit for the present and future and keep living in the past. Croatia fell from 4,5 mil to 3,8 pop because our governments are stuck in the past.

Young people do not fucking care, thinking about history and crying about it won't feed us and our kids, it won't give us Education or Healthcare.

These warmongers that keep bringing the past just fill the youth with atrocities of the past and hate for our neighbours. Is it wrong Hungarians, Ottomans, Italians, Austrians and Serbs did to us? Ofc it is wrong, but we can't change it, we can only learn from it

There is no point going around pointing fingers
Russia will prevail and Ill move into siberia
Now you know why nationalist Leaders are hated by Liberals. Deep State Agenda
Post automatically merged:

This was mainly from merchants travelling. The article states the same. This temple started as Zoroastrian but was later under the influence of Hindu and Buddhist merchants who travelled there.

Otherwise, there would be so many more temples across Persia, and the Abbasid caliphate wouldn't have existed. India wasn't isolated from the Middle east at all from the middle ages.
Hence Lalitaditya Muktapida


The Sol King
My question was did you read about British rule over India in detail? Knowing genocides occured is not knowing history.

I will give you just one example why colonialism over india was not just about genocides

In 1600, when the East India Company was founded, Britain was generating around 2% of the world’s GDP, while India was producing around 22%.

In 1750s - share of india was around 20 %.

By the time India got independent in 1947, India share fell down to less than 2% and Britain got richer....

I will give you another example - We owe Railways to British - a humble beginnings in 1850'. You can say oh that's positive of colonialism

But do You know they introduced it to export raw materials from here to feed their industries in nascent stages and then export finsihed goods at high prices here to provide market for the same British industries?

It ruined our agri our cottage industries and led to drastic fall in our economy.

Just for another comparison

In 1850 our share was around 16% (notice the decline)

In 1870 - it fell to around 10%
This is true, Chinese and Indian kingdoms/empires have always formed most of the world economy with each roughly having a quarter of the world's GDP. Both countries fell in the modern era, though China got a headstart on India to recover its economic status.