Damn bro it’s probably time to close this thread.
Nah bro, Israel is about to rampage across the whole Middle-East, Trump is coming back and France will transform into Italy within two weeks just in time before the Olympic Games :endthis:

We really live in interesting times :finally:
Post automatically merged:

And how he did. He geds really unhinged whenever too many people disagree with him, see through his argumentation full of holes and then he resorts to baits and personal insults.
I mean, implying that migrants are rapists is standard among scums. I heard this one so many times in real life, I wish these racists could be exiled but most of the time they get nothing.
That childish mentality again: "anything disagreeing with me is far right"
The far right is not simply a bunch of people who disagrees with me (I don't call everyone far right here). Its a documented bigoted movement. And Nameless just like Hererra or Bob were part of it.

They choosed to spit disguted rethoric, I warned them all not to do that and each time they choosed to answer me more bigoted content... so..


*because of west and north-made climate change and fuelling of conflicts
He is Brazilian aka an immigrant himself.
The guy even denied the genocide of millions of native of his own country by the portuguese during the colonization of Abya Yala/America..
No, I’m not one of these idiots who fall for your bait. I’m not willing to engage with you for prolonged periods of time knowing full well you are incapable of processing new info.
So you are basically saying "you didn't understand", without telling me why.

My guess is that there is nothing to understand and what you didn't understand on the other hand, is the notion of radicality.

