This year's presidential election in the USA is most surely the most pathetic, ridiculous, comical and woeful of all the presidential elections in USA history, beating even the 2016 and 2020 elections, which is no small feat.
USA's political system is really deeply sick.
This is the logical implication of the meritocratic ideology. If rich people deserve to be rich because of their merit, then by logic poor people deserve to be poor because of the opposite.

To understand what is wrong with meritocracy, I could give you a 10000 character post here (already done that) but I prefer to give you what you will find in the Leftist library on the subject:



- [VIDEO] - Understanding the notions of capitals and the myth of meritocracy - IMPORTANT
- [VIDEO] - The American dream ? Its meritocracy - A con to control you
- [VIDEO] - Why meritocracy can't exist


No, I'm against Meritocracy for two reason:

- My belief in said concept partially ruined my life
- This vision of the world in anti-scientific, anti-realist, idealist, not rational and completely dangerous for the world
I really don't think you have any understanding of words.
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And idk why the mods have tolerated you as long as they have. They have both my respect and my contempt.


This year's presidential election in the USA is most surely the most pathetic, ridiculous, comical and woeful of all the presidential elections in USA history, beating even the 2016 and 2020 elections, which is no small feat.
USA's political system is really deeply sick.
It's hard to find anything comical when someone attempted to assassinate a former president and current candidate, a father was killed and two others injured.


Custom title
This is the logical implication of the meritocratic ideology. If rich people deserve to be rich because of their merit, then by logic poor people deserve to be poor because of the opposite.
Aren't you looking at it only from an economical perspective though ?

And if you do it, it obviously can't be applied to every rich person, like assume you're Elon musk's son, well GG you're now the richest man alive ( after Elon dies ofc, and unless daddy pulls off some prank on you something and donates all of his money after he dies )

This category of rich people ( which it's probably the majority of rich people ? lol ) don't enter in the meritocracy category they just got lucky being born in the right family and that's about it.

But when it comes to offering some sort of service don't you think it's unfair / unethical to give people positions they can't fullfil ? Sure somebody is inevitably gonna be left out but he can sure benefit from a system that works governed by people who have proved they have the skill to run such system ( I mean if you're not jobless somebody hired you because you showed your skill was superior to all the other candidates and you offer the better service )

Poor people are poor because of other reasons not because of meritocracy
It's hard to find anything comical when someone attempted to assassinate a former president and current candidate, a father was killed and two others injured.
When you see the two candidates, and the level of the debates and political parties in their current situation, yes it's kinda comical but in the saddest and most absurd way possible.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
No. I actually uses the term by definition when I talk about meritocracy. The political one.
You literally called me out for using Meritocracy by definition and said it was problem...
And that the problem. Like Zenos, you are sticking to the definition.

The political sociology and reality of meritocracy is not limited to this definition. Meritocracy, just like Transphobia or Systemic Racism or Patriarchy can be seen in a larger area.

For example:

- Systemic racism can be seen against Asian American in the form of positive discrimination.
- Transphobia can be seen in a feminist calling a Trans women a man
- Patriarchy can be seen through some of the struggles of men in society
- The myth of Meritocracy can be observed in the way towns are constructed and/or abandonned.
I'm sure someone will surprise me, but I have never heard such a disgusting human being in my life.
The blueAnon are full of those filths. I beg to pardon
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Omg, you guys are such losers.
Imagine being butthurt at people earning more than you. That's what happens when you just sit all day and do nothing but argue with strangers on an anime forum...
Owned. For real why is he 24/7 kept at home?
To avoid that being a problem, we would need to restructure completely the society and negate the notions of shame and honor, and this is not something that we should do from the exterior. So the only solution would be to support the protagonist as much as I can.
Stop your fantasies of wanting to restructure other cultures. Don't the left stand for diversity and mutual respect?
Sure, act like you didn't understand what I said
I understood that you want to infiltrate and restructure foreign cultures until they match your values.
Oh noooo.

We have a Billionnaire Justice Warrior in our midst

This guy refuses to read posts properly and then gaslights people because he doesn't want to have an honest conversation. @Sentinel i'm putting you on ignore now. I don't remember having a single normal conversation with you where you don't lash out immediately and resort to name calling. You seem to have a problem with me personally. Talk to the wall for all I care&have a nice day.
See he didn't even understand what I said but instantly junks to l conclusions based on his own biases.
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I would debate more but I have to work. Lol.
I wasn't even talking about you :lawsigh:
Exclusive: Secret Service ramped up security after receiving intel of Iranian plot to assassinate Trump; no known connection to shooting

Warnings about that operational planning have coincided with a noticeable surge of online messaging from Iranian accounts and state-backed media mentioning Trump, which has raised security concerns among US officials, one of the sources told CNN

Sure why not..

JD Vance just yesterday one day later we get this threat from Iran.

Sure why not
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Aren't you looking at it only from an economical perspective though ?
No. Here I do it from a social one.

don't enter in the meritocracy category they just got lucky being born in the right family and that's about it.
This IS meritocracy.

Those people are - like every rich person - part of meritocratic mythos as much as Elon is. Their path is simply much more obvious than the others.

But the reality is that meritocracy applies to all, at least its mythology.

But when it comes to offering some sort of service don't you think it's unfair / unethical to give people positions they can't fullfil ?
Well of course it would be stupid to give a surgeon post to someone who never trained.

But everyone (unless they have "conditions") can train to be a surgeon. That's the nuance.

Poor people are poor because of other reasons not because of meritocracy
Did you watch the video ? I bet you didn't.

What I'm calling meritocracy is not a concrete and tangible thing, its not something that you can erease by a decret or a referundum.

Its a belief system

Said belief system that influences EVERY part of society !

So people are not poor because there is a meritocracy, it doesn't exist in real life. People are poor because the majority of the population BELIEVES in meritocratic myth and the benefits of meritocratic politics.

You literally called me out for using Meritocracy by definition and said it was problem...
No. I called you out for STICKING to this LIMITING definition.

Meritocracy is MUCH MORE than just that. Its VAST and therefore can't be limited by a simple definition.

Meritocracy is a sociological system of oppression (a sociologist might name that differently, I'm not a scientist), just like patriarchy or systemic racism.

My point was that your definition of meritocracy and mine are THE SAME. I'm simply EXTENDING the definition and explanation of the system. I'm not definiting it wrong. I'm literally using the works of researchers who worked on the subjects !

So relax and either listen, or share the work. :sweat:

Stop your fantasies of wanting to restructure other cultures. Don't the left stand for diversity and mutual respect?
Yes, that's why 99% of the time we do NOT WANT to influence other culture or societies.

But there is that 1% where basic human rights are being completely negated and we have to denounce that.

Leftism is not absolute tolerance.

I understood that you want to infiltrate and restructure foreign cultures until they match your values.
Lmao no, you understood completely wrong and/or you didn't read correctly what I was saying.

In reality, I more normative than most leftists and I can accept things that most wouldn't accept. I'm simply drawing a line at human life and human physical and mental suffering, that all.


And those cases are rare, so no, I do not intend to infliltrate anyone's culture lmao

This strange formatting is absolute bot behavior :suresure:
It gives me Bob vibes :goatasure:
This is the logical implication of the meritocratic ideology. If rich people deserve to be rich because of their merit, then by logic poor people deserve to be poor because of the opposite.
Meritocracy, definition:

Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

: [COLOR=var(--bbQxAb)]meritocracy[/COLOR]
  1. government or the holding of power by people selected according to merit.
    [COLOR=var(--IXoxUe)]"progress towards meritocracy was slow"[/COLOR]​
    • a society governed by people selected according to merit.
      [COLOR=var(--IXoxUe)]plural noun[/COLOR]: [COLOR=var(--bbQxAb)]meritocracies[/COLOR]
      [COLOR=var(--IXoxUe)]"Britain is a meritocracy, and everyone with skill and imagination may aspire to reach the highest level"[/COLOR]​
    • a ruling or influential class of educated or able people.
      [COLOR=var(--IXoxUe)]"the relentless advance of the meritocracy"[/COLOR]​

Now what's so wrong about that? Skill and imagination allows you to seek very high. So being rich matters if you are skilled, have a clear understanding of business and leadership and are creative enough to have a good business model. Your social background wouldn't matter, where you come from wouldn't matter, your education wouldn't be that important either (a good understanding of business is a must tho).

I can only talk about Germany but sorry, at this day of age, everyone has the opportunity to seek higher. If you're poor with low paying jobs because you either have a low educational degree or weren't good in school, you can always try evening classes or similar models to get higher education, then apply for better paying jobs. It also highly depend on the field you want to work at. Everything related to IT can be achieved with online certificates and most companies look out for skillful people anyway. So yes, you have to do something to aim higher, to be more successful. Nothing just gets served on a silver plate if you have nothing. It's wishful thinking.

Do you think people becoming rich were already extremely wealthy before? I'm talking about people who build their companies from nothing, with all the struggles. People being born into rich families were simply lucky. I mean, they can't choose how to be born in which environment lol.