But this ones motivations were them being a woman doped up on testosterone, thinking they're a dude wanting to follow other school shooter dudes to prove they're a dude.
(Statistically most mass shooters and almost all school shooters are male.)

Showing that the ideology and hormones are an issue that needs to be held under a better microscope and not just given out like candy to everyone with a mental disorder that thinks mayonnaise is suddenly a gender.
Blaming the shooting on the shooter being transgender is incredibly stupid and dishonest.
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damn guess we should ban relegion as that is the reason for the majority of shooting due to radicalization through relegion

instead of "banning" guns which is the clear common factor
This post is not going to contribute anything positive.

Let's see what they find out about the shooter's motivation.

Trans person who attended Christian school and later decides to shoot it up sounds like there's a reason...
Blaming the shooting on the shooter being transgender is incredibly stupid and dishonest.
I'm only blaming it on them being transgender because the transtrending is mental illness as of late. If someone actually has dysphoria is one thing. But they aren't screening them as harsh as they need to be. They simply cater immediately instead of holding any doubt anymore so we get delusionals like this. I could go up to my local therapist right now and tell them I think I'm a guy based on being a tomboy my whole life and get hormones next week or 2 sessions from now.

Also this was the statement. 2 sentences about the victims then a giant half a page about why the shooter is actually the victim in all of this.
