This is what happens when people become Uber obsessed with culture war bullshit. It’s so ironic how these people have the gall to accuse trans people of being pedophiles when they are doing this shit every other day. That’s why I’m saying, if all you talk about is trans people and kids transitioning (which is not a common occurrence), there is a significant chance you’re exactly what you are accusing the other side to be.
That’s why I’m saying, if all you talk about is trans people and kids transitioning (which is not a common occurrence),
I mean you have a point. We have more pressing issues than the small number of people
who get gender affirming treatment, why are some people so obsessed over this topic? Humankind is not going extinct because afew people are changing their sex
Aight -- let me make this clear. I show emotions because facts mean nothing to people like you. Maybe an emotive argument will make you see something. People could talk about the dangers of transition, the suicide rate of transitioners (and not even due to "transphobia"). But you've convinced yourself that somehow your mental illness is your identity. So much that facts mean nothing because you've probably ruined friendships, burned bridges and decided to, or have, altered your body. It's easier to shut out those facts than emotions. You can just call the facts transphobic. But how can you, who has decided your identity based on emotions, argue for the lack of validity of other people's emotions? You can't without being a fucking hypocrite.
Woe is me? I've told many people my story and about how, even if I fucked up, my life is better in reality than the delusion of transition. I no longer have to care about passing being my reason to live. You're taking a snippet from me pouring my heart out, in actual compassion, as a way to paint me as some sort of neurotic individual.
The facts are simple. Transition "helps" nobody. It's a coping mechanism. It does not cure. If you're truly a woman or man in the opposite body, then no amount of hormones will change that. You cannot truly change your sex. You can't procreate the way you desire.

No, the only way to get better is to work on your issues, whatever those may be. I for one have lost patience now. You won't understand me, and that's okay. But I also think you're irrefutably wrong.
@Kiku don’t listen to this weirdo, just ignore them altogether.
I mean you have a point. We have more pressing issues than the small number of people
who get gender affirming treatment, why are some people so obsessed over this topic? Humankind is not going extinct because afew people are changing their sex
Cause they’re obsessed with children. I’m not even kidding or think this is hyperbole. It’s a whitewashed movement where some genuine pedophiles lurk in. Of course i don’t think all of them are pedos, but i think there’s a significant amount of them.
The facts are simple. Transition "helps" nobody. It's a coping mechanism. It does not cure
I respect your personal experiences but this part is plain wrong.
No, the only way to get better is to work on your issues, whatever those may be.
You won't believe it but for some people the issue is simply that their body's sex doesn't not align with who they are inside.
Is it this hard to understand? You have gone throught terrible things that scarred your soul and you made a decision that was ultimately not the right one.
But for others it wasn't like that.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
This is what happens when people become Uber obsessed with culture war bullshit. It’s so ironic how these people have the gall to accuse trans people of being pedophiles when they are doing this shit every other day. That’s why I’m saying, if all you talk about is trans people and kids transitioning (which is not a common occurrence), there is a significant chance you’re exactly what you are accusing the other side to be.
Funny thing is how the number straight groomers outnumber trans groomers 500 to 1.

Aight -- let me make this clear. I show emotions because facts mean nothing to people like you. Maybe an emotive argument will make you see something. People could talk about the dangers of transition, the suicide rate of transitioners (and not even due to "transphobia"). But you've convinced yourself that somehow your mental illness is your identity. So much that facts mean nothing because you've probably ruined friendships, burned bridges and decided to, or have, altered your body. It's easier to shut out those facts than emotions. You can just call the facts transphobic. But how can you, who has decided your identity based on emotions, argue for the lack of validity of other people's emotions? You can't without being a fucking hypocrite.
Woe is me? I've told many people my story and about how, even if I fucked up, my life is better in reality than the delusion of transition. I no longer have to care about passing being my reason to live. You're taking a snippet from me pouring my heart out, in actual compassion, as a way to paint me as some sort of neurotic individual.
The facts are simple. Transition "helps" nobody. It's a coping mechanism. It does not cure. If you're truly a woman or man in the opposite body, then no amount of hormones will change that. You cannot truly change your sex. You can't procreate the way you desire.

No, the only way to get better is to work on your issues, whatever those may be. I for one have lost patience now. You won't understand me, and that's okay. But I also think you're irrefutably wrong.
You're caring way too much about what others think Okama. Kiku has her opinions and you have yours. Objectively speaking, it really does sound like you're trying to preach to Kiku which can easily make anyone annoyed.
Cause they’re obsessed with children. I’m not even kidding or think this is hyperbole. It’s a whitewashed movement where some genuine pedophiles lurk in. Of course i don’t think all of them are pedos, but i think there’s a significant amount of them.
Pedos are everywhere. Even animals eat children of their own species. It's "natural" in a way, as terrible as this sounds.
Aight -- let me make this clear. I show emotions because facts mean nothing to people like you. Maybe an emotive argument will make you see something. People could talk about the dangers of transition, the suicide rate of transitioners (and not even due to "transphobia"). But you've convinced yourself that somehow your mental illness is your identity. So much that facts mean nothing because you've probably ruined friendships, burned bridges and decided to, or have, altered your body. It's easier to shut out those facts than emotions. You can just call the facts transphobic. But how can you, who has decided your identity based on emotions, argue for the lack of validity of other people's emotions? You can't without being a fucking hypocrite.
Woe is me? I've told many people my story and about how, even if I fucked up, my life is better in reality than the delusion of transition. I no longer have to care about passing being my reason to live. You're taking a snippet from me pouring my heart out, in actual compassion, as a way to paint me as some sort of neurotic individual.
The facts are simple. Transition "helps" nobody. It's a coping mechanism. It does not cure. If you're truly a woman or man in the opposite body, then no amount of hormones will change that. You cannot truly change your sex. You can't procreate the way you desire.

No, the only way to get better is to work on your issues, whatever those may be. I for one have lost patience now. You won't understand me, and that's okay. But I also think you're irrefutably wrong.
I empathise with their struggle. I love the people but not the ideology. Yet, I think they're mentally ill. These are not two disparate views. I would rather say a harsh truth than a kind lie.

It's strange how aggressive people get when others start slinging insults, right?
Cause you’re looking down on them and pretending to care about them when all you’re doing is calling them mentally ill. You’re not a doctor, we understand the trans phenomena pretty well and what it really is.
Cause you’re looking down on them and pretending to care about them when all you’re doing is calling them mentally ill. You’re not a doctor, we understand the trans phenomena pretty well and what it really is.
Okamakama is still suffering from their transitioning which was the wrong choice for them. Can make one biased I guess.

@Okamakama from what you said about yourself, you were never transgender. You had PTSD from the abusive experiences.
That's something entirely different.
Ultimately I know I cannot help her. Honestly, her passing off everything I was saying as 'just emotions' when there is a reality out there of people like me rubbed me the wrong way. But I'll yield that I was preaching.

"Them." I was and will always be one, so to speak...

They are ill. But do we shoot every cancer patient, or do we try and help them? Can we not love the sick? Can we not have empathy for those who have experienced, or will experience, something we have?
Post automatically merged:

A little. Gender affirming care was originally for this purpose... unless I am mistaken and it's used for other reasons now?
Give me one good reason why you think they're mentally ill.
I empathise with their struggle. I love the people but not the ideology. Yet, I think they're mentally ill. These are not two disparate views. I would rather say a harsh truth than a kind lie
This is what I mean when I say you refuse to accept that people have different experiences than you, and you're selfish and self centered. You turned your body into something you dont love, and you did it of your own volition. And because you can't accept your own agency in making that decision for yourself, you've convinced yourself that everyone who is happy with doing the same thing is delusional. Its quite sad

But its hard to feel bad for you when me being happy with myself and my body makes you so mad for some reason
I liked this for the fluffy kitty. What's the video about? Should I watch it?
Essentially, let me try to rephrase. I think there is something wrong mentally which causes transgenderism. I am trying to assist people who may be in 'my boat'. I hope your boat sails happily to whatever future you want. I do see it as a delusion, since it's still technically not reality, but one can find comfort in a dream.

What made me mad was not -your transition-. It was your denial of my equally valid reality. We have two different experiences.
Oh no, we aren't denying your reality. But you are denying the realities of others.
Your experience of detransitioning as well as Kiku's who is happy with her transition are valid.