About Brazil.

Musk doesn't care about free speech but he does likely care about mining lithium deposits in Brazil so he can make himself and his cabal more wealthy, which is why he's pushing to destabilize the country to install a right-wing government that'll secure it for him at a bargain.
Sounds legit. And where are the lithium deposits? On indigenous land again?
Fck L-on

About Brazil.

Musk doesn't care about free speech but he does likely care about mining lithium deposits in Brazil so he can make himself and his cabal more wealthy, which is why he's pushing to destabilize the country to install a right-wing government that'll secure it for him at a bargain.
Said the voices in your head lmfao. You commies are so filthy with your lies.
I’m Colombian-American, I’m more familiar with the situation than you are. I’ve seen the refugee crisis first hand, Maduro is a dictator and a poser. Even communists in Venezuela oppose him.
You are Colombian, not Venezuelan. If anything, stick to your bloody countries because the whole world is tired sick of your "democracy export".
You are Colombian, not Venezuelan. If anything, stick to your bloody countries because the whole world is tired sick of your "democracy export".
I don’t support any type of military intervention under any circumstances. I’m just pointing out the obvious, Maduro is not Chavez, he is unpopular as he is incompetent. As hateful as the opposition is, they’ve shown receipts that prove they won (and they won by a lot)

You’re from a random European country right? Why don’t you stick to your own shitty country instead of concerning yourself with this side of the world?