My favorite thing is how Europeans complain about "the great replacement" when that's exactly what they did throughout the Americas. For better or for worse, our ancestors (those of us who descend from colonizers ) came in and stole the natives of their lands and their cultures. We replaced them and stole everything from them.

Now that western hegemony has destabilized the middle east and parts of Africa in their endless quest for monopolizing raw materials and establishing geopolitical dominance, somehow the peoples who have been forced to flee their homelands are now powerful neo-colonizers seeking to replace and eradicate European culture instead of refugees looking for a better life.
There's no population in human history that will tell you that since they destroyed another population they should now happily be destroyed. It's a form of masochism that is relatively new. It's also interesting that because some people did something bad some centuries ago, now their descendants should have their culture destroyed. Not to mention the fact that many of the countries that didn't really participate much in colonialism also have extremely high rates of immigrants. By the way, some new theories seem to suggest that the earliest American inhabitants were not from East Asia but from Europe and Western Asia. Also a lot of the immigrants aren't even from war-torn areas, it's just that European countries have social security systems and give them money.
You're confusing Palestine with the "general Muslim world". Most Sunni countries are allies of America. Turkey and Saudi Arabia are strong allies.
Turkey? Are you actually serious?

Erdogan literally accused the USA of trying to overthrow him. Turkey has maintained this claim for years.

2016 article

2018 article.

2021 article.

The USA still continues to deny Turkey's extradition request for Fethullah Gülen, the bloke Erdogan claims was the Turkish leader of the coup attempt.

This isn't even mentioning the fact that the US supports Kurdish militias that Turkey flat out considers separatist terrorist organisations, organisations that Turkey wants destroyed.

Turkey is even openly talking about joining BRICS.

Turkey is not a strong ally of the US at all. It is an ally of inconvenience that is tolerated due to its long term membership of NATO, sizeable armed forces and its control over the Bosphorus.

Saudi Arabia isn't a steadfast "friend" of the the US either. It is a purely self-interested business nation. Its relationship with the US has been on a downward trajectory ever since Biden called for making it a pariah state.

We had the US being publicly snubbed.

Meanwhile they have been dramatically increasing dialogue with Russia and China.

It is obvious that the Saudis are diversifying their diplomatic ties and not sticking to the US like glue. They are fair weather friends to the US at best, they'll drop the US at a moment's notice if they think it will benefit them.
Most Arab countries look at Palestine as their little brother who got involved in a cult. They'll still support it because of their ethnic ties, but they know these places like Hezbollah/Hamas have been fucked by Iran.
What cult? The Muslim Brotherhood? Cause that's Sunni Islam, nothing to do with Shia Iran.

Hamas is not a steadfast ally of Iran the way Hezbollah is. Those two backed opposite sides during the Syrian Civil War.

Iran just doesn't want Israel to triumph over them, that's all.
It's got nothing to do with the "zionist lobby". Israel is America's strongest ally in the Middle East. It's their foothold in the Middle East (even more so than Turkey who is in Nato or Saudis).
Lmao. Strongest pain in the arse parasite more like. Israel has cost the US nothing but money, diplomatic penalties and lost goodwill.

It would have been much more simple and effective to court an already existing nation and turn it into a dependable ally than to play manifest destiny with Zionist colonial settlers and invest in a near century long genocide.

Israel was useless during the War on Terror or defeating ISIS. Strongest ally my arse. :yearight:
This post basically boils down to asking "Why don't the Arab nations actively assist Israel in ethnically cleansing Palestine at 100% benefit to Israel and 100% detriment to the Arabs?".
Do you think it was right for the world to deny Jewish refugees during the Holocaust?
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Oh so if they don't let Israel have it their way and displace the Palestinian people to have the land they are part of the problem. Basically "hey Israel is bad, but you are also bad for not letting them have it their way at your own loss". Yeah let's give Israel the land and natural gas and resources and let's randomly give Egypt 2 millions refugees. That will not affect Egypt at all.
Are you a Democrat? They are just unable to understand sustainability and basic economy. It seems you all think every state is just a bottomless pit of money and resources that should be given to everyone all the time.
Besides if the Zionists are claiming that basically every Palestinian is a terrorist, why are they telling other countries to take them?
Yes, they are bad for using the Palestinians as political pawns and prolonging their suffering.

It’s not about “letting Israel win”. Israel is already doing whatever it wants. They’re already doing genocide in Gaza. They’re already doing apartheid in the West Bank.

by keeping the doors shut to refugees, the Arab states are just screwing the Palestinians
By the way, some new theories seem to suggest that the earliest American inhabitants were not from East Asia but from Europe and Western Asia
Unscientific bs usually endorsed by white supremacists. Also those '''theories''' aren't new at all
There's no population in human history that will tell you that since they destroyed another population they should now happily be destroyed.
Europeans aren't being destroyed. They live in the Americas and Australia now. Europe can be happily repopulated by middle Easterners and the so called white race would still exist. And BTW today's 'white' Europeans are the descendants of immigrants from the east. multiple waves to he precise.
Yeah, boy is aging on 2x speed.
It looks like a.i.
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Unscientific bs usually endorsed by white supremacists. Also those '''theories''' aren't new at all
Things that don't fit your agenda seem to be unscientific without any need to elaborate.
Europeans aren't being destroyed. They live in the Americas and Australia now. Europe can be happily repopulated by middle Easterners and the so car pled white race would still exist. And BTW today's 'white' Europeans are the descendants of immigrants from the east. multiple waves to he precise.
The USA and Australia are also subjected to massive immigration. So you even confess and gloat about Europe having to be turned into a Muslim country, I had no doubts. Guess you'll enjoy your sharia courts.