Girls are typically subs and want the guy to take charge, there is nothing wrong with a guy being a sub/introvert, but it makes dating girls a bit harder due to it. It's the whole gender roles that society dictate. It's like striking oil for a person like me, but luckily for everyone, sub boys and dom girls are becoming my socially accepted, so are introverted boys and extroverted girls. I know I've had a few female friends hit on me outright or say they wouldn't mind having sex with me. (I deny the latter cuz I don't really 1 night stand anymore), and at some point I imagine that a lot of the type of girls who say liked you, will tell their crush that they like them as it becomes more socially acceptable and the youth break out of social norms. Heck, I've seen female friends mention pegging and putting guys in maid outfits more now, than ever in my life. (though I guess cosplayers/anime people are a bit more kink that most)
Your post has literally no relation to what I posted, try again, also spellcheck embarrass. At best I'm slightly out of touch because I have attractive/charisma privilege, and it's harder for other people to find people to date. Or are you shaming me becuase I've been with a lot of partners?
So you're kink shaming, niceeeeee.
You act like I've got a cotton farm in my backyard or something, it's literally just like: (using anime pic to not be too lewd)
With commands, bdsm, a bit of sadism, some power play, private or public humiliations, etc.
Cute how you guys complain when I call people out for justifying coups to overthrow democratic election results, but you are here saying I need therapy and stuff for having something as harmless as a kink that is consensual. I also am into cucking my s/o's (consensually), why don't you kink shame me for that too, vanilla ass people.
Seriously, the admins and mods are such hypocrites, there is a guy who literally said he's pedoing some girl in this thread and you're complaining about me putting a leash on some goth cosplay girl and having her beg for me. Weak asf.
Don't kink shame people if it's a victimless kink, especially not if you're going to say people need a therapist or something cuz of it, like they have mental issues.
Inb4 I awakened a new kink of yours.