Powers & Abilities Gomu Gomu no mi: a devil fruit that is worth 5 billion berry | what's the secret behind this power?

I think the idea of it having belonged to an important figure in the past isn't so bad as long as it doesn't actually hold any extra powers because of it.

The WG is paranoid as fuck and would probably like to have the fruit under contol purely because of it's heritage, much like how they searched for Roger's son for months.


Kitetsu Wanker
As I've promised to you all, I'm making this thread because I have few things to say about this NEW reveal about Luffy's DF.

Since the pre-timskip I had this filling that Luffy's DF has some kind of special ability or power, but I've never created any threads about it because I had no evidence whatsoever, just my observation.

I mean think about it, isn't it stronge that Shanks carries Luffy's DF in a box and always keeps it close to himself? The gomu gomu no mi was Shanks' loot from his pirate raid, he should have kept it in his treasury within his ship alongside with his other treasures, or at the very least given it to his crew members to guard it. But no, he was carrying it personally, always keeping it close to himself, why? What's so special about one DF that a Fucking Yonko is guarding it? It was always strange to me, very strange, but I never had any reason to speculate, until now.
  • 5 billion berry devil Fruit
For those who don't know, there were two other versions of one piece called "romance dawn" before the actual series started, and in the "romance dawn N2" there was an interesting reveal about gomu gomu no mi...

Yes, that's right, gomu gomu no mi is worth as much as Law's ope ope no mi, that by itself indicates that Luffy's devil fruit has some pretty special ability. But what ability?
Now, some people come up with very ludacris ideas like: teleportation or time travel...
First of all, we already have the time travel DF that belongs or belonged to Toki. And second, isn't it enough for one big plot hole with Toki's DF ability and you want even more?

You have to be realistic, we have to speculate within the boundaries of Luffy's DF abilities, type and possibilities.

  • Shape Shifting Abilities
Now, this is very interesting. Have you heard of "plastic man or elastic man?"

These two characters are from Marvel and DC universe respectively. Both of them can easily change their SIZE, and that's the most interesting part that I wanna concentrate upon. What if after awakening Luffy could easily change the size of his body, transforming from colossal giant that can tower over read line/Marijoa, like the titans from "attack on titan" or squeeze himself to the size of Tontata tribe? Sounds interesting right.

We know as a fact that the WG was experimenting on Gigantification, so they for sure would be interested in a DF that can make anyone as big as Oze or even Bigger.

One DF that can do that is Sanjuan Wolf's ability that allows him to change his size, but you have to consider the fact that Sanjuan Wolf is a giant by himself, so the effect of the DF would not be as extreme on a regular human as it is in Sanjuan Wolf. On the other hand, gomu gomu should thecniquely allow any user to change his form from one extreme to the other. You now probably wonder, what's the exact usage of it?

  • Warrior, Builder, Destroyer

  1. By becoming a giant you obviously become stronger, imagine Luffy using gear 4th after becoming 300 meter colossal, an insane power booster.
  2. Thanks to the enormous size, you can easily change the geography by relocating islands, just like continent pullers.
  3. You can through islands at your enemy, destroy and an entire armada, or move mountains.
But, what if you could turn other things into rubber and squeeze them to the size of a tennis ball and put them into your pockets? Sounds interesting, right!? Imagine taking huge rocks and and squeezing them small enough so that you can carry them in your pockets, and then when the time comes you can take them out and through them at your enemy, I think that's a power that the WG would want to have.

But here's the most interesting part: As you already know, Thriller bark is very similar to the Wano arc, as matter of fact, Thriller bark foreshadowed a lot of things that happened in Wano. So, let's take a look at Thriller bark once more, shell we.

In Thriller bark arc Luffy turned into a blue giant, and used a GIANT SWORD to fight against Oze. Now, we have a GIANT SWORD in Wano, bet where's the giant that can use it?

@Grumpy Zoro
@Ice devil slayer
@Winsmoke Sanji
@Robin swan
@Orojackson Refugee
@Sword God Ryuma
@Mr. Anderson
@yunzabit heights
@Monster trio
@Don DaSlayer
@Master OF Haki
@Topi Jerami
@Luffy is the mc
@worst pirate
@Garp the Fist
@Dark Hound
@Light D Lamperouge
@Owl Ki
@Admiral Lee Hung
@Starbound Beast D. Draig
@Benn beck
@Foxy Bunny
@Cyrus the Cactus
@Zoro D Goat
@critical mindset
@Sakura no Hiluluk
@Usopp Haoshoku Haki
@Monkey D Theories
@Yo Tan Wa
@Izaya X
@Gon’s Missing Arm
@Albino 👑
@Dark Knight Sanji
@Gol D. Roger
@Emperor Nami
@Gensui Sazid
@Hanzo hattori
@Buggy D Clown
@Tenshi No Konan
@Guan Yu
@MD Zolo
@Sadistic Senpai
@Celestial D. Dragon
Is that the PU which will finally make him stronger than Zori? :myman:
If Gomu2 has the value of 5 billion etc, it was in romance dawn. Saying it has the same price as Law's Ope2 doesn't apply here, it's literally a different universe. WhosWho just said it was stolen and he was surprised, it doesn't say powerlevel-oriented stuff about the fruit itself.
Yes, of course. I've brought up romance dawn as a reference, and the only reason I'm bringing it up right now is because of recent revolution. I'm not saying that Romance dawn = One piece, of course not, there are clear differences between them but there are also simuleretis as well.
That being said, if all of Luffy's rubber powerups all this time, even including Gears, or future powerups such as Awakening application etc, is entirely rooted from the special innate abilities of Gomu2 itself, and NOT Luffy's creativity,

then i legitimately lose faith in Luffy as a character. CoC is the willpower to stand above all others, sure Oda may get away with that. But Luffy didn't originally invent CoC using his brain or technique, it's mostly destiny stuff and chosen one stuff. As powerful as it is, it's a ripoff. How about Future Sight? The same vague explanation. Everyone using CoO should have FS if they break a certain limit. Apparently even Rayleigh or Kaidou himself didn't. How it was gained only by Luffy is vague and especially lazy. Only CoA hardening-rubber fusion is somewhat original from the haki power aspect.

...And now there's a possibility that Oda planned for Gomu2 to be the Chosen One's fruit as well? Not related to Luffy's own inventions and applications of using it? At least Enma needs training to tame even if Kaidou and BM said about Oden's haki presence powerup. But after so many haki ripoff and laziness in explaining how can Luffy be the only one to gain FS-CoC-VOAT and all the strongest messianic powers, Oda also wants the Gomu2 powerful applications and Gears to be a purely special just because its innate trait and completely leave Luffy' contribution out of it?

I'm completely against it. It destroys what's left of Luffy's own struggle and credibility, if there's any. But even if i disagree to this notion, i guess i must prepare myself to be disappointed and see Luffy copy-pastes all ultimate powers unto himself since he's the one being destined to do it, and beat
Wow, so much in one post, let me divide it onto different topics and tackle it individually, ok.

CoO: I think it has been quite clear at this point that different people/characters have different types of observation haki. That's the unique thing about CoO, is that it has different forms and applications, not all characters can awaken FS because not all of them have it. Rayleigh for example, was able to scan an island and tell the exact amount of creatures in it "and their power levels," that's something that Luffy can't do even after obtaining FS–and nether could Katakuri. In Zou arc Luffy was fully surrounded by the Mink warriors, but he never knew they were there, Luffy has never been able to detect people's presence in the same way as other CoO haki users could, even though Luffy's CoO level exceeds theirs. And there obviously have been other cases too, like for instance, Zoro being able to detect wether a character is hiding something or not, or Ussop being able to predict the future years ahead of the time etc. Different characters have different types of observation haki, so it's unfair to compare character X to Y because they probably have different types of CoO.

Luffy's credibility: Luffy's credibility suffers from the "JoyBoy" narrative and not because of special powers. Every strong character in one piece has a special ability/power, that's the entire point, you're strong because you're different, you have something that others don't, that's the case in every other shonen manga. There are three ways to create a strong character: 1. Your character ether has to be very smart; 2. Your character has to have a strong body, like for example–Oden; 3. Or your character has to have a special ability that no one else does. At this point Luffy "arguably" has a better haki than Kaido, but he's still losing to him, why? Because there's an enormous gap between Kaido's DF abilities and Luffy's DF abilities. I've been wondering for quite some time, how the hell is Oda going to deal with that enormous gap between "top tier's" DF abilities when Luffy's DF is so measurably weak? There's only so much you can squeeze out of haki, I mean look at Luffy right now: he has advanced CoO, CoA and even CoC haki, and yet he's still losing to Kaido. Then what about Blackbeard with his two–maybe three–most powerful DF abilities, or Akainu who has the highest attack power? Will haki negate them all, and if so, then what is the point of DF ability in first place? In that case there's no point in Luffy's DF at all. There has to be a reason why Luffy has a DF ability unlike Roger, Garp or even Shanks, what's so unique about gomu gomu? Wether it will be good or bad depends on the "power" itself, if it's broken as fuck, then that's indeed bad, but if it's just a one unique ability, then I'm ok with it. The biggest problem I have with Oda's choices about Luffy, is the "JoyBoy" narrative that completely removes individuality from Luffy (it's not as if Luffy had any before that lol🤣🤣🤣). This "JoyBoy" narrative means that Luffy was destined to be whoever he will become in the future, which ruins the entire plot.
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Is that the PU which will finally make him stronger than Zori? :myman:
It's the PU that will make you guys even more salty, insecure and retarded then you already are.
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Yes, of course. I've brought up romance dawn as a reference, and the only reason I'm bringing it up right now is because of recent revolution. I'm not saying that Romance dawn = One piece, of course not, there are clear differences between them but there are also simuleretis as well.

Wow, so much in one post, let me divide it onto different topics and tackle it individually, ok.

CoO: I think it has been quite clear at this point that different people/characters have different types of observation haki. That's the unique thing about CoO, is that it has different forms and applications, not all characters can awaken FS because not all of them have it. Rayleigh for example, was able to scan an island and tell the exact amount of creatures in it "and their power levels," that's something that Luffy can't do even after obtaining FS–and nether could Katakuri. In Zou arc Luffy was fully surrounded by the Mink warriors, but he never knew they were there, Luffy has never been able to detect people's presence in the same way as other CoO haki users could, even though Luffy's CoO level exceeds theirs. And there obviously have been other cases too, like for instance, Zoro being able to detect wether a character is hiding something or not, or Ussop being able to predict the future years ahead of the time etc. Different characters have different types of observation haki, so it's unfair to compare character X to Y because they probably have different types of CoO.

Luffy's credibility: Luffy's credibility suffers from the "JoyBoy" narrative and not because of special powers. Every strong character in one piece has a special ability/power, that's the entire point, you're strong because you're different, you have something that others don't, that's the case in every other shonen manga. There are three ways to create a strong character: 1. Your character ether has to be very smart; 2. Your character has to have a strong body, like for example–Oden; 3. Or your character has to have a special ability that no one else does. At this point Luffy "arguably" has a better haki than Kaido, but he's still losing to him, why? Because there's an enormous gap between Kaido's DF abilities and Luffy's DF abilities. I've been wondering for quite some time, how the hell is Oda going to deal with that enormous gap between "top tier's" DF abilities when Luffy's DF is so measurably weak? There's only so much you can squeeze out of haki, I mean look at Luffy right now: he has advanced CoO, CoA and even CoC haki, and yet he's still losing to Kaido. Then what about Blackbeard with his two–maybe three–most powerful DF abilities, or Akainu who has the highest attack power? Will haki negate them all, and if so, then what is the point of DF ability in first place? In that case there's no point in Luffy's DF at all. There has to be a reason why Luffy has a DF ability unlike Roger, Garp or even Shanks, what's so unique about gomu gomu? Wether it will be good or bad depends on the "power" itself, if it's broken as fuck, then that's indeed bad, but if it's just a one unique ability, then I'm ok with it. The biggest problem I have with Oda's choices about Luffy, is the "JoyBoy" narrative that completely removes individuality from Luffy (it's not as if Luffy had any before that lol🤣🤣🤣). This "JoyBoy" narrative means that Luffy was destined to be whoever he will become in the future, which ruins the entire plot.
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It's the PU that will make you guys even more salty, insecure and retarded then you already are.
It's just i just can't seem to root for Luffy anymore if he doesn't contribute something to invent or escalate his powers. I like Gear 2-3-4 the most compared to haki stuff, exactly because Gears are Luffy's original invention. He thought about the methods to pump his blood vessels or inflating his bones and muscles, he tried to apply it the most effectively to use in combat etc, and all of it using a fruit that is seen by others as useless in combat. It's Luffy's effort, not his fruit. That's the foundation i like the most about Luffy's, he creatively makes a useless liability (Gomu2) into a lethal weapon. He's contributing.

Now haki, not so much, willpower is so generic and overused nowadays by shonen tropes etc. So translating that into physical power, needs a specific twist to make it original. To this point i think Oda's execution for this haki stuff is lazy since he juggles so many things like lore and many characters etc, but sacrificing explanation of how a power works - and more importantly, how a character especially how an MC should be responsible of handling and improving his haki assets to differ his powerlevel from others - just to prolong 10++ chapters against fodders and hyping everyone up,

...and finally applying that the MC is so powerful just because he is destined to be that strong, thus just spoonfeeds him with all the strongest power application in the world without his own effort, is just wrong. How can i root for a character like that? And now the author is on the way to take away his effort to create Gears and attributes it to the specialness of the fruit itself instead? To me it depicts that the author is on his way of being burned out creatively lol.

P.s. I like that you can both elaborate the arguments to participate in exciting discussion, but also to respond to trolling comments in such a way, i don't have that kind of patience to manage both :suresure:
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☠️ 𝔘𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔢 𝔄𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔞 ☠️
I think the WG just likes collecting DF's similar too BB. The WG doesn't care what the fruit is, If they can give it to someone or something in its ranks to bolster there power to give them an edge over anyone that opposes em.


Zoro Worshipper
The ultimate secret behind Gomu fruit power is you don't have to train as hard as Roronoa Zoro, and you still somewhat equal to him, barely.
And right now the Grandmaster might stand highter. He most likely did feats wise, I'm looking after eventually new power ups from Luffy that might serve to catch up. This time it's Luffy the one to run to punch the clock.


Kitetsu Wanker
The reason why Gomu Gomu no Mi is sought after is because it is a natural counter to 2 terrifying Devil Fruits.
One we have already witnessed, Enel's Goro Goro no Mi and the other is Blackbeard's Gura Gura no Mi.
Gomu, Gura, Goro... I dont think the similar naming is just a coincidence between those 3... :sus:
The WG probably feared that Goro and Gura will be used against them and Gomu was the best counter.
ゴム • (gomu)

  1. rubber (pliable material derived from the sap of the rubber tree) ゴム製(せい)サンダルgomu-sei sandaru/rubber sandals
  2. short for 消しゴム (keshi-gomu, “rubber”) >>>>>>>>>>>>(eraser)<<<<<<<<<<<<<

luffy's hidden life sacrifice ability, like law's immortality surgery or this

is to erase things from existence. the gomu gomu is probably how they erased god valley

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The reason why Gomu Gomu no Mi is sought after is because it is a natural counter to 2 terrifying Devil Fruits.
One we have already witnessed, Enel's Goro Goro no Mi and the other is Blackbeard's Gura Gura no Mi.
Gomu, Gura, Goro... I dont think the similar naming is just a coincidence between those 3... :sus:
The WG probably feared that Goro and Gura will be used against them and Gomu was the best counter.
luffy has never been immune to vibration or shockwaves, just direct impact. theres no reason to believe he counters the gura gura.
- Lightning proof
- Bullet proof
- Blunt damage and vibration proof
- Ranged attack power and mobility advantage by using extremely long arms and legs

Even if the user can't activate the extensive rubber techniques, it's still a solid DF power even with its most basic abilities, obviously not special like Logias, or Fujitora's or Law's, Magellan's, or even Kid's DF power, but it's definitely above average DF ability.

I would say it's definitely on par with Daz Bones's or Buggy's DF ability at least.

As for that 5 billion thing, not sure if Oda will decide to use that to the current story, for example Ryuma's sword was not black when he cut the dragon, then Oda decided to make Ryuma's blade black (could be turn black after cutting the dragon but still), also the town that Ryuma traveled was obviously not Wano, and I doubt Ryuma traveled outside of Wano like Oden did, they said Ryuma protected Wano from outsiders, they didn't say he traveled around the world, it could be possible but it's not likely. Also Garp is literally a pirate in that story, it's obvious that Oda changed his mind several times after that story.

Shanks said Buggy's DF worth around 100 million beli, more or less, but I doubt it would be around more than 500 million, so that's what we know.

They said Ope Ope no mi worth 5 billion beli, and that's because Ope Ope is literally the ''Ultimate Devil Fruit'' and it's definitely superior to Gomu, so why would Gomu worth as much as Ope? Obviously Who's-who guarding it makes it a valuable DF power, and sending Who's-who to jail after failing to protect it even makes it more valuable, but there are still missing pieces that why it should be as valuable as Ope Ope no mi, we need more info about this before saying it's as valuable as a top class devil fruit such as Ope Ope no mi.
- Lightning proof
- Bullet proof
- Blunt damage and vibration proof
- Ranged attack power and mobility advantage by using extremely long arms and legs

Even if the user can't activate the extensive rubber techniques, it's still a solid DF power even with its most basic abilities, obviously not special like Logias, or Fujitora's or Law's, Magellan's, or even Kid's DF power, but it's definitely above average DF ability.

I would say it's definitely on par with Daz Bones's or Buggy's DF ability at least.

As for that 5 billion thing, not sure if Oda will decide to use that to the current story, for example Ryuma's sword was not black when he cut the dragon, then Oda decided to make Ryuma's blade black (could be turn black after cutting the dragon but still), also the town that Ryuma traveled was obviously not Wano, and I doubt Ryuma traveled outside of Wano like Oden did, they said Ryuma protected Wano from outsiders, they didn't say he traveled around the world, it could be possible but it's not likely. Also Garp is literally a pirate in that story, it's obvious that Oda changed his mind several times after that story.

Shanks said Buggy's DF worth around 100 million beli, more or less, but I doubt it would be around more than 500 million, so that's what we know.

They said Ope Ope no mi worth 5 billion beli, and that's because Ope Ope is literally the ''Ultimate Devil Fruit'' and it's definitely superior to Gomu, so why would Gomu worth as much as Ope? Obviously Who's-who guarding it makes it a valuable DF power, and sending Who's-who to jail after failing to protect it even makes it more valuable, but there are still missing pieces that why it should be as valuable as Ope Ope no mi, we need more info about this before saying it's as valuable as a top class devil fruit such as Ope Ope no mi.
Reading this entire post after 1044 revelations interesting and funny..
I 'd rather have marked all the N*k* trash as a faulty retcon, but because of some considerable evidence, am going to consider all of it as a long term project from the very beginning of the series