House of the Dragon

Season I Favourite Characters?

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Sinister Blade
Isn't the author delaying the release?
He's writing it.
GoT ending was shit from Arya Stark (I love arya stark) but Jon Snow became completely irrelevant
he is working on Winds of Winter for 13 years now at this point, the show came out and finished, and he hasn't finished this fucking book

and it's not even the last one, we need a Dream of Spring after that shit

dude is already 75 years old, keeps taking a bunch of TV projects as an executive and already said he won't let anyone else write the story if he dies

so yeah, i've given up all hope


Lead them to paradise.
it's all Viserys' fault

he is still the best character in S1 though

okay, maybe Daemon
Visverys was a good guy but a bad king lol, dude legit went full retard trying to please everyone.

Hes the Anti Tywin Lannister lol. Dude wasnt thinking about his Houses future only how to keep them happy now.

Foul Legacy

They didn't had to make haelena walk into Alicent room lmao.

Haelena is the only reason Who I would call victim to this , rest none are innocent here tbh
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Visverys was a good guy but a bad king lol, dude legit went full retard trying to please everyone.
He was bad king. Just Blame his hand lol.
If daemon took the reigns back then :finally:


Lead them to paradise.
But he's no king , neither does have any right on throne.
Rharnyra would hands down do better as a ruler than Aegon.
Aegon is just drunk in power currently.
Aegon is the first male descendant of the King, by law he should be King lol. Male primogeniture is a thing bro.

Viserys fucked up by making Rhaenyra heir then going on to sire Aegon, thats like asking for a civil war to happen.

People will have a really hard time going against tradition, especially when you have all the rumors of Rhaenyras kids being bastards ( which she fixed by marrying Daemon and having kids with him) and seeing her as a princess that was basically ignoring her duty and only going after her desires. That doesnt make for a good ruler bro.


Lead them to paradise.
They didn't had to make haelena walk into Alicent room lmao.

Haelena is the only reason Who I would call victim to this , rest none are innocent here tbh
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He was bad king. Just Blame his hand lol.
If daemon took the reigns back then :finally:
Honestly making Daemon Heir wouldve been the best choice, but Daemon wouldnt have been a good king though.
Me and my homies are anti Lannisters.
except tyrion ofc
I love Jamie and Tywin lol, Jamie is a good guy beneath it all.

Foul Legacy

Aegon is the first male descendant of the King, by law he should be King lol. Male primogeniture is a thing bro.
Still doesn't change the fact she was named as hier first and Aegon isn't even interested in ruling in season 1.

Viserys fucked up by making Rhaenyra heir then going on to sire Aegon, thats like asking for a civil war to happen.
He was manipulated into it.
Also hightower did their goods here.
They misinterpreted Viserys final words of "Aegon as the protector or somethin" he was either talking about Aegon the first or Jon snow.
But hightower took thr charge and did the deeds.

People will have a really hard time going against tradition, especially when you have all the rumors of Rhaenyras kids being bastards ( which she fixed by marrying Daemon and having kids with him) and seeing her as a princess that was basically ignoring her duty and only going after her desires. That doesnt make for a good ruler bro.
Team green is real damn.


Lead them to paradise.
i don't know man

it's hard getting past your best friend getting married with your father, right after your mother died lmao
It wasnt her choice lol, youre acting as if she had a say in the matter. She even told Rhaenyra that shes lucky that she gets to choose who to marry. And after that she found out that Rhaenyra was fucking around and ignoring her duty lol, for someone like Alicent who followed her duty all the time it mustve been a huge shock lol.

this relationship was fucked from the start, once Otto sent Alicent after Viserys
Well they made up afterwards but I mean none of this has anything to do with sympathizing with Alicent.

She took care of Viserys for years, dilligently.
Yeah this civil war is going to be super bloody.

Jahaerys was right, the only thing that can tear down the house of the Dragon was itself lol.

Fucking Viserys must be rolling in his grave right now but then again he fucked up majorly. If he really wanted the realm to peacefully accept Rhaenyra as Queen then he shouldnt have remarried at all and had a son lol. Everyone in the realm after that expected him to make him the Heir instead of Rhaenyra and he didnt lol.

And thus we got the shit show we have today.
I love Viserys he's easily one of my favorite characters but he was too weak

I kinda like (and wonder if this was intentional) that GRRM essentially made Viserys and Daemon 2 sides of a coin

Viserys is a pretty cool and kind guy but he's too weak to make any of the tough decisions that are expected from a King

Daemon has thick enough skin for it but he's just too... dangerous? Merciless? Brutal? There's a word for it but I can't think of one

He isn't crazy in the same sense as the Mountain but you can tell that he isn't fit to rule either

Jaeherys was easily one of the greatest rulers because he possessed both qualities

Foul Legacy

I love Jamie and Tywin lol, Jamie is a good guy beneath it all.
For me , jamie started off as a jerk.
Had a great character Development , I would say one of the best.
And then mf went back to cersei. Omg men are crazy over pussies
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I love Viserys he's easily one of my favorite characters but he was too weak
If only Belerion didn't came back injured from Valyria.


Lead them to paradise.
I love Viserys he's easily one of my favorite characters but he was too weak

I kinda like (and wonder if this was intentional) that GRRM essentially made Viserys and Daemon 2 sides of a coin

Viserys is a pretty cool and kind guy but he's too weak to make any of the tough decisions that are expected from a King

Daemon has thick enough skin for it but he's just too... dangerous? Merciless? Brutal? There's a word for it but I can't think of one

He isn't crazy in the same sense as the Mountain but you can tell that he isn't fit to rule either

Jaeherys was easily one of the greatest rulers because he possessed both qualities
I think you mean Daemon is ruthless, which he is lol.