Controversial If you still think Imu will not be the final villain after Egghead after what they have shown you are weird to me.

elbaf will be another heavy nika arc. During elbaf, the revs and dragon will be attacking the holy knights and gorosei, so its all leading up to imu being defeated right at the start of the next arc after elbaf, as luffy leaves elbaf to join the conflict
He wants to be King just like he wanted to be a Warlord.
Do you know how that turned out?
How can you be this oblivious about this? :milaugh:
Lets see:

1. Panel where he explicitly states his dream is to be a warlord.
2. Chapter number where said panel occurred so I can cross-check it on Viz official.

Until then, that is staying nothing more then your head canon vs Blackbeards own words on panel. :myman:


Kitetsu Wanker
Lets see:

1. Panel where he explicitly states his dream is to be a warlord.
2. Chapter number where said panel occurred so I can cross-check it on Viz official.

Until then, that is staying nothing more then your head canon vs Blackbeards own words on panel. :myman:
You saw his underling declare in front of the World Overseer Saturn that their goal is the World and you think their goal is being King of pirate island? :shame:
The big dreamer like Blackbeard can only dream so big to achieve what countless others achieved... This really makes sense to you?
YonkoGodLuffy-chin... Rethink this, asap.
You saw his underling declare in front of the World Overseer Saturn that their goal is the World and you think their goal is being King of pirate island? :shame:
The big dreamer like Blackbeard can only dream so big to achieve what countless others achieved... This really makes sense to you?
YonkoGodLuffy-chin... Rethink this, asap.
Tbh, anyone vying for One Piece has world changing ambitions. Thats basically what Chapter 1121 was stating in VPs message. This applies to Buggy and Shanks too, and potentially others.

The difference is Imu already sits on that seat, so for anyone to take them down, by logic they probably need to already have One Piece. Blackbeard getting One Piece before Luffy means Luffy never actually becomes Pirate King. Kind of defeats the purpose of the narrative.

Imo, Blackbeard/Shanks and any other character truly competing for the RPs must lose before this point. Its the same way Kaido/BM had world level ambitions with the ancient weapons and they also lost prior. Blackbeard is just a level beyond that.
If you want my opinion. I say Akainu is final villain.
Simply Akainu will take over world government as military dictator .

Marineford point out Akainu is menace to luffy and Akainu kill ace. Timeskip exist because of admirals.

People say that is impossible for oda to write Akainu as final boss when w e have many examples before

Joy boy is first pirate doesn’t help which it make Akainu rage because joy boy = luffy.

I view Akainu as bowser, ganondorf, eggman becise how he impacts to main character .

I view Blackbeard as wario , arch rival .
Akainu will revolt against the Gorosei and murk Imu
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Hope Imu is weak asf ngl
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Hope Imu is weak asf ngl
Straight up, I do not give a shit about your opinion if you are just pushing an Agenda for the lulz. Whatever, not my thing but I am cool with it. But if you are ACTUALLY doubting what Imus role in this story is gonna end up being after Egghead I must ask have you read literally ANY other story in your entire life before?

What some people fail to understand is this is a STORY. Why the actual hell would Oda introduce a character heavily shrouded in secret like Imu, whom controls the larger scale evil organization in the form of the WG, whom just as a reminder also is DIRECTLY responsible for the current state of the world, and then have Imu get killed/replaced?

This is the same logical error many people who push Blackbeard as killing Imu and taking his devil fruit make.

IMU is responsible for the current state of the world. IMU rules the WG. IMU has a connection to the void century and Joyboy.

Not Garling. Not Teach. Not Akainu. Not any other character the community is pushing as the TRUE final villain this week okay?

Imu is the greater scope villain. Imu has has 800 years plus learning their devil fruit/haki/magic etc

And people need to fucking start accepting this already!

They formed the current story. Imu getting replaced at the literal final saga of the “story” THEY made for no other reason than a twist villain is fucking stupid, like straight up.

Its the "Mihawk will not ACTUALLY be the WSS" issue on a large scale. Some of you people refuse to accept a statement like “Imu is the true and sole ruler of the WG” and do mental gymnastics like crazy to work in your favorite ACTUALLY somehow dethroning Imu and ending up as the true final villain.

Oda does not write characters or storylines the way some people like you think he does. Oda is ultimately a rather "simple" by the numbers type of writer when it comes to the way he handles larger storylines, despite what some "Goda is playing 4d chess" fans wish to push.

Imu is not a fraudulent person like Orochi or Spandam. We know that already okay? Them two shotting Sabo? Means Imu himself is strong enough they are not a "false" villain.

Thus Imu will not be replaced by a TRUE villain like the fandom keeps pushing for, all because they were introduced "too late" despite the fact by the time Imu will go down they will probably have been part of the story for over a decade.

It doesn’t even make any fucking sense if you spend like two minutes thinking about it either.

Like, lets say Blackbeard, Garling, the man with the burn marks, or hell Shanks for all I care, kills Imu and takes their fruit to face Luffy as the true final villain of the series.

You can shatter this whole fever dream some of you are having with ONE simple question and it goes like this:

Like, even IF Oda wrote how you think he writes, why would he do what you suggest with Imu? How in the actual fuck will [insert TRUE final villain] not just look like a inferior version of Imu? How will your true villain master Imus fruit/power better than they did in 800 years?

They took Imus fruit, Imus job, and their literal role in the story as the ruler of the WG in this weird fanfiction some of you are craving. So be honest. Why the fuck would Oda at that point not just make Imu themselves the final villain instead of giving their fruit, job and spot in the story to somebody else?
I think Imu is symbolic of the corruption and depravity of the current era. He obviously needs to be overthrown, but then the question is "What comes next?" Who takes power after Imu is dethroned? What does the "new era" entail? Who decides what that new era is?

I believe that this question is going to be at the core of Luffy's and Blackbeard's battle. I think with the way the story is going right now it makes sense for Luffy and Blackbeard to fight after Imu is disposed of. I could 100% be wrong on that, but we'll have to see.
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It's sorta like how Imperial China believed that history was a cycle of different dynasties taking power. Each royal line would inevitably grow decadent and cruel, requiring a Heaven-supported rebellion to overthrow and replace them. For example, the Zhou would talk on and on about how cruel and decadent they believed the last king of the Shang was. According to one account, he forced one of his political enemies to eat his own child.

But the thing about One Piece is that every character has their own ideals. So whose ideals are going to be at the core of the new era? Luffy's? Blackbeard's? Akainu's? Garling's? Shanks? Someone else's?

What's the point of overthrowing Imu if whoever replaces him turns out to be just as bad?

Imo there's one of two ways this question can be settled:

1. When Imu is overthrown, any potential "leaders" of the new era have already been defeated, leaving only one real viable candidate to lead the world (Obviously this wouldn't be Luffy. But probably someone he's friends with).

2. Imu is overthrown by all sorts of different parties like Luffy, Blackbeard, Shanks, Buggy, the Revolutionaries, maybe the Marines, etc working together in a tenuous alliance. But once Imu is out of the picture, suddenly it's every man for himself.

I personally think the latter scenario is a bit more interesting, but I could see it going either way.
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Yeah, I'm weird, I guess. I'm used to that.

Imu could very well be the final villain. It's very possible. I just think a few other people also have a chance at becoming it, too.

Imu does seem to be the most likely candidate. Imu could turn out to be the final villain. In a similar way to Voldemort from Harry Potter. The Dark Lord who is behind everything. That everything has been building to this entire time. But...Imu's so obviously being built up as the final villain, that I just can't help but expect some sort of twist or subversion? Personally, I still think it's possible that Imu could turn out to be more like Meruem from Hunter x Hunter? This person who's built up as being this absolute evil that MUST be destroyed...but then changes and becomes more sympathetic as the arc goes on. Even with everything that happened last chapter, I think Oda's going to make us cry about Imu before the end of the story.

And then there's Blackbeard. And Blackbeard, to me, feels similar to Kefka from Final Fantasy 6. For those who don't know, Kefka is largely considered to be one of the best Final Fantasy villains in the history of the franchise. But, he doesn't START the story as the main villain. Kefka starts out as just one of many generals in a Empire. But Kefka ends up betraying the Emperor, and basically takes over the story in the second half of the game. Eventually turning himself into a god. I feel like it's possible for Blackbeard to have a similar arc, in One Piece's endgame. And Blackbeard is definitely the villain who's "earned" the Final Villain rank the most. He's the villain that's been set up the longest. He's got a lot of mysteries about him that we still need to solve. He's the only villain making these elaborate plans all throughout the background of the story. He might not end up being the final villain, but I feel like he'd end up being the most "satisfying" final villain, at least in my opinion.

And then there's the possibility that it's someone we haven't even met yet. Someone who might be responsible for both Imu and Blackbeard's "Darkness" themed powers. Someone who's revealed at basically the last second. Like Kaguya from Naruto. Or Zemus/Zeromus from Final Fantasy 4. Someone who's been pulling EVERYONE'S strings, this entire time, but who we haven't seen yet. This could end up being the aliens that some people are expecting to show up due to Enel's cover story. Or Rocks D Xebec, if there’s a twist and he turns out to still be alive. Or maybe the One Piece Treasure itself is the Final Twist Villain. Or maybe they're Dragons, like I think could be possible. But, it's possible that there could be someone behind the Third Power System in One Piece. Because Imu's ability to "empower" the Gorosei doesn't seem like just a extension of Haki or a Devil Fruit ability, it feels more like it's own separate Power System. A "Dream"/"Nightmare" related system, perhaps.

And there's Akainu and Garling. I'll admit, I personally don't think these two are likely to either be the final villain. They most likely will just be used to hype up someone else during their fights. And the two of them feel like very similar types of "military" themed villains, so that's why I'm lumping them in together. But, I will admit that they're still candidates to being the final villain. Either could potentially take over the World Govenment for themselves. Like the Cylons taking over in Battlestar Galactica, or the Empire taking over the galaxy in Star Wars. I just personally don't think it's too likely.

Shanks and Koby are similar enough “friends turned enemies” type potential villains that I’ll lump them together, too. And I also don’t personally see it happening. But, again, it’s not impossible. I just feel like it’s unlikely. These two would work like our Naruto vs Sasuke fight. Or the Winter Soldier from Captain America. Or Magneto and Professor Xavier from X-Men. Or Saruman and Gandalf from Lord of the Rings. It would make for a emotional final villain, even though I don’t think it’s going to happen.

And then there's Buggy. Yes, I DO think that Buggy has a chance, though maybe a small one, of being the final villain. Because after Luffy defeats Blackbeard the Trickster, and Imu the Cosmic Horror-Terror, he's probably going to let his guard down, thinking he's won. Which would be the perfect time for Buggy to just sneak up behind him and stab him in the back. After fighting all these grand, powerful's Luffy's weakest enemy who gets the drop on him at the last second. I just find the potential irony delicious. It'd be kind of like Saruman taking over the Shire from Lord of the Ring's epilogue. And maybe Buggy's just a villain in the epilogue. A reason for the Strawhats to get back together again one last time, to go on one last adventure together while they sail into the sunset. But, Buggy could also be the last bump on the road before we get to Laugh Tale.

So, yeah, I personally think there's still quite a few candidates for someone else being the final villain of One Piece. This story could still go a number of different ways.
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This is a problem that is based on half-assed theories...
Nobody should suggest that Imu will be off-screened by Blackbeard or outright taken down or anything like that.
Imu will get his fair share of spotlight and fighting against Luffy.

However, Imu is clearly DF-based character and narratively, being a bigger baddie than the only one in the world who can eat multiple DFs ain't happening... He cannot possibly be an inferior version when he is the ultimate DF merchant and direct counter to DF merchants... There is also clear foreshadowed involvement of BBPs in the WG war and for Imu, whose powers come from his DF mainly, to have a guy like Blackbeard who can negate the abilities, seems like given that he will play a role in Imu's downfall.

Take Marineford War for example, did Blackbeard snatch Whitebeard away from Marines? No, they had a go at each other to their heart's content. However, he did show up and reinforced what we knew even before that war - he made a fool of both sides. Put them against each other and caused casualties on both sides and the only one who profited from it was him.

The same will happen in WG war. It will certainly be the biggest war in the show but not the last war. That is mainly due to WG being the biggest organization in the world and it requires the biggest amount of allies.

When it comes to mastering the fruit better than Imu or better than X/Y/Z... This cannot possibly be of any concern when Kaku in 2 years mastered it better than Lucci in decades. This can happen instantly, as soon as they eat the fruit. It is no issue whatsoever.

And there is no guarantee BB will even take Imu's fruit. There is a clear pattern of which fruits get reused - those that haven't shown much on a previous user. So, if Imu shows off a lot of his DF, Blackbeard will not take that one, it would be pointless to show off the same again.
There are plenty of strong fruits out there that haven't gotten spotlight and Blackbeard could take them instead. Buddha is a perfect example tho others might be an option too.

Imu's job is irrelevant, barely anyone cares about it. This is not a story about World Government and becoming the King on the Empty Throne, this has been the story about Pirates, mainly the Emperors and finding the ultimate treasure. Liberating the world from Imu is just a side quest on the way towards the treasure. It is a plotline to give Dragon's faction a purpose.

That IS the problem.
You cant show up and say - HATE ME, I am the one behind everything...
...when you actually arent. Imu is just maintaining time frozen for 7 centuries, the people he wronged personally are long gone.
He hasn't done shit to anyone in the present. Blackbeard is the one who does things in the present and gets hated instead.
When it comes to doing harm to the main character, there is no one that can compete with Blackbeard, certainly not Imu.
You're delusional. The story of OP has been about WG and Void century for decades. There is barely any talk of BB's 2 devil fruit ability. This is the part of the story were the mangaka drops the ball and fails to resolve old plot points so I wouldn't except BB's 2 fruit ability or even DF in general to be explained well.
1. you honestly think he's just going to settle for being the King of Fullalead and just retire happily? Also, again, relating to him being the "next villain", they're going to Elbaf, he has no connection to said Island.

2. Caribou is coming with Devon and Augur to tell him about the location of both Ancient Weapons.

3. Right....So, you really think Luffy will fight his beloved mentor in the same fashion as Crocodile, Doflamingo, Kaido and such.

4. He's like...the 4th or 5th most important person in the WG hierarchy after Imu, the Elders, the new Holy Knight Supreme Commander and then Kong.

5. Shanks VS Teach has been set up since after Enies Lobby ended. Hell, Shanks was at Wano because he felt Blackbeard was going to be there.
1. That's what his eluding to on panel and therefore yes. And no, his most likely the next villain for a variety of reasons I've already stated. I mean, the biggest and most close to canon would be the increased amount of panel time the BBP's got as a whole + reveals, BB's "Special lineage", BB V Law, Kuzan's small flashback with BBP, Kuzan + BBP V Garp, Koby, the stuff that happened on Fullalead as a whole (with Garp's disappearance especially), BBP fruit powers reveal etc etc. All of this looks like setup for the Blackbeard arc. Same way how we got Jack before the Beast Pirates in Wano. Egghead looked like a transition arc similar to Zou/Levely which happened before big arcs like Wano and WCI, there was a lot of fighting and was big, but no permanent defeats or powerups, Saturn got killed by Imu so he doesn't count. So, if we go by that pattern Elbaf should be like Wano. Big arc. That leaves only BBP for Elbaf. RHP left, apart from Luffy the rest of the crew is too weak to take on admirals still and it looks like Oda is saving marines for final war anyway. So BBP fit there as well. Next, they don't need a relation. The 4 other elders had no connection to Egghead...Until they arrived on Egghead. Shanks had no connection to Wano, until he arrived on Wano etc etc. Also, there's no way Luffy doesn't find out about Garp's disappearance on Fullalead and the BBP's were looking for the man with burn scars in 1081. Its highly likely that burn scar and the final poneglyph is on Elbaf. So unless BB doesn't care about the One Piece. Elbaf should be his number 1 target, alternatively, Luffy could just launch a raid on Fullalead from Elbaf due to Garp, in the same way he launched a raid on Onigashima from Wano. That shadow on the shores that was telling them to come could be burn scar for all we know.

2. So? Did Oda make VP say the fate of the world rests on the person that gets all the ancient weapons or the one that finds the One Piece? The importance here is clear and what his gonna make BB prioritise. The ancient weapons are just misdirection, which BB has done plenty of times, BB is gonna go looking for the final poneglyph/burn scar first, he never said his going after the ancient weapons. He is actively looking for burn scar, who has knowledge of the final hidden poneglyph.

3. Yes.

I'm sure you'll try to bring up Big Mom but I'll snip it at the bud: Big Mom doesn't even have 1/4 of the relevance, overall presence and narrative importance that Oda gives to Shanks. Its beyond clear at this point that Oda is positioning Shanks to be Roger's stand in to be a physical hurdle Luffy needs to overcome and surpass to become the new PK, Rogers dead. He can't just fight him now and a weakling like Blackbeard could never. Imu is too strong and above Roger. So who's that? None other then the dude Oda gave Rogers attacks to:
And this continues to get reinforced, like recently when his haki was compared to Joy boys. Also, its pretty clear Shanks became a rival for Luffy the moment he declined to meet Luffy on Wano and insisted on going after Barto, who is affiliated with Luffy. He plans on going after the One Piece himself so there is nothing else to be said about that as well. Luffy and Shanks will fight.
4. Narratively and to Luffy his more important any of them except Imu. What we know is OG Joy boy was top 1 all time, he was stronger then Imu, and fought off multiple opponents so it makes sense that in the final war Luffy's opponents will be a multitude of characters of which Imu will be the strongest, I can see him getting to take out at least 1 elder which I imagine could be Warcury and off course Akainu and off course defeating them all will make him surpass OG JB. So Imu + Akainu + Elder (maybe Warcury). You could maybe throw in a gods knight or 2 as well. But more likely they'll be reserved for the weaker SH's/allies.
5. Doesn't matter. BB ain't the MC. The story revolves around Luffy. They're each individually set up to fight Luffy, so that's what will happen. After Shanks comparison to JB. This is a inevitability. Off course, since both are destined to fight Luffy now, it only makes sense that the weaker one goes down first, and that's off course BB. Haki transcends all. Luffy in Egghead spammed his DF abilities and didn't make much use of the hakis he learnt. BB is perfectly placed to be used as a training dummy to train up Luffys haki so he can take on Shanks, who's hyped for his haki hugely, and eventually Imu.
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Are you retarded? Like medically?

Are we going to pretend that Teach doesn't have a history of joining organizations for the sake of an opportunity only to betray them when the time comes....(Including the WG already)

Panels>>>your wrong head canon. That example you mentioned is irrelevant because he never said being a warlord was dream of his, like he said here.
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You saw his underling declare in front of the World Overseer Saturn that their goal is the World and you think their goal is being King of pirate island? :shame:
The big dreamer like Blackbeard can only dream so big to achieve what countless others achieved... This really makes sense to you?
YonkoGodLuffy-chin... Rethink this, asap.
So is Katarina the captain or BB?

After this, show me a reason why Katarina's vow to do something means anything, when King (also an underling) once also boldly declared Joy Boy will never appear....Until he did (and was therefore completely wrong).
Or what about that other underling that once boldly declared that Katakuri has never been defeated and dropped on his back, Luffy will never be able to defeat Katakuri, Kaido etc etc they said....Until he did (also was completely wrong). What makes Devon's intentions for doing something anymore likely then Katakuri's and Kaidos? What makes her more special? Why is she more likely to make something happen then these other 2? Panel proof please :myman:
Once you're done with this, you can tell me exactly in which page/chapter Kaido, seized the power of the ancient weapons, which he also declared his intent to do.....Wait you can't because he didn't. He got packed before he could get to it. So which rule is in place here that makes you think BBP have any kind of warranty here? Why are you making it out like Devon will actually be able to do what she plans on, when all these various prior villains, declared their intents for something (just like BBP), and then were abrupted stopped by Luffy? What makes BBP special apart from fan head canon/agendas?

She's getting bodied before any of that can happen, and her along with BBP's goals being stopped in their tracks, which coincedentally fits nicely in with the next arc or after.

He was a "big dreamer" just like this guy, which didn't even happen in the end because Luffy put a stop to it.... His dreams are not any more important and will get stopped just the same. That's Luffy's thing btw. This is not Blackbeard Piece. Sorry. :gokulaugh:

Regardless, we will see in Elbaf, off course, this latest chapter didn't give us anything, but whats what will be sure to unfold in the next few chapters since Elbaf draws nearer, I am sure we will get a hint of who the next big bad is in the next few chapters :BigW:
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I'm not quoting that giant blob of shit of a post, but if you honestly think:
A. Teach just wants to be Fullalead's King and nothing else
B. That Luffy and Shanks would have a fight on par with other Arc villains in terms of seriousness
C. That Shanks and Teach won't ever fight

then you are a damn fool.


Kitetsu Wanker
Tbh, anyone vying for One Piece has world changing ambitions. Thats basically what Chapter 1121 was stating in VPs message. This applies to Buggy and Shanks too, and potentially others.

The difference is Imu already sits on that seat, so for anyone to take them down, by logic they probably need to already have One Piece. Blackbeard getting One Piece before Luffy means Luffy never actually becomes Pirate King. Kind of defeats the purpose of the narrative.

Imo, Blackbeard/Shanks and any other character truly competing for the RPs must lose before this point. Its the same way Kaido/BM had world level ambitions with the ancient weapons and they also lost prior. Blackbeard is just a level beyond that.
I think Luffy's plans arent going to go as he plans, especially the PK dream because it isnt one of the impossible dreams. Either Buggy or Blackbeard will find the treasure or sit on the empty throne.
Kaido and BM, as well as Whitebeard are just forced expansions of the story and I dont think the blueprint applies to the final saga and the core characters like Blackbeard and Buggy.

WG becoming the next destination of the Sunny is one kidnapping of Vivi away, you dont need instructions nor people capable of reading ancient history to tell you how to get there. Luffy was ready to set course towards the enemy's den just before Egghead...

I think people dont realise how big the PK race will become and that it will be pursued by more factions than we already know. Taking down the WG leaves open a spot for new rulers and just because you took down Jesse James, it doesnt make you Jesse James, running the world is far more difficult than just placing your bottom on the throne... Who gets to run the world will indeed depends, as the message says, on the one who gets his hands on the One Piece.


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓

Panels>>>your wrong head canon. That example you mentioned is irrelevant because he never said being a warlord was dream of his, like he said here.
you're deluding yourself really hard if you think Teach's endgoal is becoming a king:milaugh:

geez, I wonder why Teach didn't tell all his plans to his bartering tool Koby about becoming the world(obvious based on Xebec connections and Auger's interaction with Saturn)
Straight up, I do not give a shit about your opinion if you are just pushing an Agenda for the lulz. Whatever, not my thing but I am cool with it. But if you are ACTUALLY doubting what Imus role in this story is gonna end up being after Egghead I must ask have you read literally ANY other story in your entire life before?

What some people fail to understand is this is a STORY. Why the actual hell would Oda introduce a character heavily shrouded in secret like Imu, whom controls the larger scale evil organization in the form of the WG, whom just as a reminder also is DIRECTLY responsible for the current state of the world, and then have Imu get killed/replaced?

This is the same logical error many people who push Blackbeard as killing Imu and taking his devil fruit make.

IMU is responsible for the current state of the world. IMU rules the WG. IMU has a connection to the void century and Joyboy.

Not Garling. Not Teach. Not Akainu. Not any other character the community is pushing as the TRUE final villain this week okay?

Imu is the greater scope villain. Imu has has 800 years plus learning their devil fruit/haki/magic etc

And people need to fucking start accepting this already!

They formed the current story. Imu getting replaced at the literal final saga of the “story” THEY made for no other reason than a twist villain is fucking stupid, like straight up.

Its the "Mihawk will not ACTUALLY be the WSS" issue on a large scale. Some of you people refuse to accept a statement like “Imu is the true and sole ruler of the WG” and do mental gymnastics like crazy to work in your favorite ACTUALLY somehow dethroning Imu and ending up as the true final villain.

Oda does not write characters or storylines the way some people like you think he does. Oda is ultimately a rather "simple" by the numbers type of writer when it comes to the way he handles larger storylines, despite what some "Goda is playing 4d chess" fans wish to push.

Imu is not a fraudulent person like Orochi or Spandam. We know that already okay? Them two shotting Sabo? Means Imu himself is strong enough they are not a "false" villain.

Thus Imu will not be replaced by a TRUE villain like the fandom keeps pushing for, all because they were introduced "too late" despite the fact by the time Imu will go down they will probably have been part of the story for over a decade.

It doesn’t even make any fucking sense if you spend like two minutes thinking about it either.

Like, lets say Blackbeard, Garling, the man with the burn marks, or hell Shanks for all I care, kills Imu and takes their fruit to face Luffy as the true final villain of the series.

You can shatter this whole fever dream some of you are having with ONE simple question and it goes like this:

Like, even IF Oda wrote how you think he writes, why would he do what you suggest with Imu? How in the actual fuck will [insert TRUE final villain] not just look like a inferior version of Imu? How will your true villain master Imus fruit/power better than they did in 800 years?

They took Imus fruit, Imus job, and their literal role in the story as the ruler of the WG in this weird fanfiction some of you are craving. So be honest. Why the fuck would Oda at that point not just make Imu themselves the final villain instead of giving their fruit, job and spot in the story to somebody else?
Imu is a makeshift character, meant to be a hype tool.

Imu's sole purpose is to be overthrown by Blackbeard, who was blessed as the final villain in Ennies Lobby when he ate the Fruit of Darkness.
Blackbeard was introduced as a more dynamic foil to Luffy than Imu was. Imu represents the power structure that Luffy must overturn, but that creates a void of power for what the world should be. Blackbeard's world is likely a continuation of tyranny, while Luffy's is genuine freedom.

Blackbeard's entire story has been him upending the conventional structures of the world. Him stealing the final boss slot would just be a continuation of this


When were you under the impression this game is..
imu and gorosei getting all the focus now means they will be defeated first. Odas already shown all 5 gorosei going all out and now deleted one. Imu is set up to be the next villain to fall. The celestial dragons in general will all fall very soon, last chapter confirms dragons about to attack
Sugoi just cemented Imu as the final villain rejoice :pepebuggy:
BB does not carry 800 years of slavery and evil on his back, nor do his has a rivalry and a promise he has to keep as Joy boy against IMU

I agree

However don't be too sure, BB journey is upwards, his goal is the world, and they got Saturn face for something.

The chances of BB being the FV are low, but never zero.

We however still do not know Teach's backstory, why he can absorb two fruits, why he does not sleep, what is his connection to Xebec. He may have a link to Void Century too.
Blackbeard was introduced as a more dynamic foil to Luffy than Imu was. Imu represents the power structure that Luffy must overturn, but that creates a void of power for what the world should be. Blackbeard's world is likely a continuation of tyranny, while Luffy's is genuine freedom.

Blackbeard's entire story has been him upending the conventional structures of the world. Him stealing the final boss slot would just be a continuation of this
That would just make Blackbeard a second-rate upstart that shows up after the main villain has already been dealt with. I don’t see how that could be satisfying.

Blackbeard is a dark reflection of Luffy, but Imu is the direct opposite and the reason for Luffy’s fight for freedom in the first place.

It’s because of Imu’s subjugation of the world for 800 years that Roger created the Great Pirate Era to search for the One Piece.
It’s because of Imu that so many Strawhats and Luffy’s friends (and enemies) all over the world have been suffering:
- Marines almost executed Zoro because of corruption
- Arlong oppressed Nami’s village because of the WG’s oppression of Fishmen, and also the Marines working with him
- the Shichibukai were given free rein, hence Vivi, Brook, Rebecca, etc all suffered
- Robin’s homeland was destroyed and she was hunted since she was 8 years old
- Franky lost his father figure Tom and most of his body
- Jimbe lost Fisher Tiger and Hachi & the rest us to face racism against their kind.
- Ace was executed for being the son of the Pirate King.

The WG is the reason Iceberg & the rest of Galley-La in Water 7 were almost killed, that mermaid Camie was almost sold into slavery, that Luffy thought he lost his crew on Sabaody, that Ivankov & Bon Clay were imprisoned, that Sabo was nearly killed as a child, that Caesar could experiment on children under a Shichibukai, that Smoker & co nearly died for investigating it, that the Minks have been waiting for the dawn, that the Lunarian genocide occurred, that Big Mom grew into a monster because Mother Caramel wanted to sell her to the WG, that Kaido wanted to start a war with the Celestials, that Vegapunk was killed.

Blackbeard is and has always been a drop in the ocean compared to all that…and he’ll likely turn out to be a WG victim just like the rest of the Yonko.