Powers & Abilities Interesting reactions from each warlord knowing that they are being chased

Strongest warlord based on last chapter portrayal

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With that logic Buggy is > Hancock, since they actually sent at least 7 ships to Buggy

Not surprised though...
Well Buggy has created a massive false hype about himself, as he was talking so casually to Shanks in the public eye, had all those people following him in Marine Ford and he obviously has that reputation of being Roger pirate.

Due to his false hype, he literally got a warlord title.

It doesn't surprise me Marines are taking Buggy more seriously than Hancock. They sent one of the main hq vice admirals after him while they only sent novice rear admiral for Hancock.
I don't know if you just misread the whole thing with Coby/Hancock/AmazonLilly/Marines or you're just downplaying Hancock in order to make Mihawk into the big bad boy here lol.

Coby is not the one leading the ships, as he doesn't have the marine rank to do so. He's simply part of the fleet that was sent to Amazon Lilly. Leading such a fleet requires the rank of Vice-Admiral+ (more than likely it's multiple Vice-Admirals, we'll see though).

Addressing the Hancock downplay:

1. She's never given a damn about the marines. Pre-TS is very well proof of that, Vice Admiral Momonga (one of the prominent marine figures who now leads G1) came to get her she didn't want to go, so she wasn't gonna go. Threaten to remove her from the warlords? Cool do it, doesn't matter to her. Marines messing with the guy she likes? Cool, she's gonna beat their ass.

2. She in the very same panel that you just posted with a smile on her face, just like Mihawk, says "don't worry about, looks like they forgot why they made me warlord after my first campaign" Really have no clue where there is any worry on her face or her words or actions. Instead she's amused.

Addressing Weevil:

1. While Weevil himself is a dumbass, his mom isn't a dumbass as she's the brains behind him. And how many fucks did she give about the marines? big ole zero.

So no Mihawk's reaction wasn't anything special compared to the other warlords. All three pretty much had the same reaction, which is no fucks given about the marines. As the point here wasn't to make Mihawk stand out, but to emphasize the strength of the warlords that're there, hence all 3 of the strong ones had the same one. And the best reaction saved for the last that emphasized on the strength of the remaining warlords.

The strongest warlord is Mihawk, but it has nothing to do with the "portrayal" of the last chapter.
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With that logic Buggy is > Hancock, since they actually sent at least 7 ships to Buggy

Not surprised though...
There's still probably some ships hidden in the views.

They imo probably sent buster call level fleets of 10 warships for all of them.
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They are Pirates at the end of the day, i am surprised you even made a thread about Mihawk, a Top tier not giving fucks bout few Marine ships. What were you expecting the first place, LOL he would run away? :tchpepe:

It tho hype Hancock good, she also has to look out for her Kingdom, she doesn't have to save just herself, but each of her tribe women that are first targets by Men all arround the World with Marine Protection gone. I am sure tho that old hag there understands the situation and know the repurcussions

Also like Xion3 said above Hancock never seems to give much damn about it. Before the MF war also she wasn't gonna go join th3 war, even tho Marine threatened to remove em if they didn't come and she only went because of Luffy.
And now she makes this badass statement in the last panel.
First there is Buggy, now no disrespect to Buggy, he is obviously pirate king level++++ lmao. In all seriously though, obviously Buggy is a pussy character like Usopp and his reaction was that of fear. He wants to haul ass as soon as possible, and let his goons hold back Stainless (Vice admiral that attacked Buggy)

I mean obviously Buggy is not a very strong character so this makes sense that his reaction is to try to get out of the harms way as soon as possible before he gets hurt. Despite having so many people around him ready to die for him, he is still scared out of his mind.

Now unlock Buggy, Boa is obviously not scared shit less like Buggy but she is also not ecstatic about the situation. Like if she could reverse the situation she would, but if push comes to shove her alongside her army, she is willing to fight and provide resistance. I am sure she knows she can handle current wave that Marines have sent to capture her, which is obviously led by Coby but it is really what follows that she maybe worried about. Perhaps the scare of an admiral coming next

Now Weevil isn't scared and is ready to fight but the problem is Weevil is clearly portrayed as a dumbfuck. I doubt he thinks long term about what it could mean if he just kills the first wave that Marines sent. I doubt he is thinking about long term consequences like an admiral coming after him. Still I think Weevil is stronger than Hancock

This is the one that is the most telling imo, I mean obviously most people already knew but there are still very small group who doesn't think Mihawk is as strong as author is really trying to portray him as. We know Mihawk is very smart and calculated, thinks long term, asses every situation which is why he asked Perona to leave his Island. But despite being a long term thinker, there is not an ounce of fear in Mihawk living alone in a deserted castle. Doesn't care if a buster call comes after him, if an admiral comes after him, if Marines straight up declare war on him. He is very excited that Marines are going to fight him, which should really tell you several things

First that Mihawk barely gives any fucks about his warlord title, forget about feeling distressed or even disappointed, this motherfucker is excited that Marines are after him. Which puts a very bright light on what Mihawk's Vivre card says about him fighting and defeating every strong swordsman there is to defeat until there is no challenge left. Also puts light on him calling Shanks one armed has been, it wasn't Mihawk talking shit to Shanks, its just that in his mind Shanks is not a challenge anymore. Which is why Mihawk's character is all about him getting bored with life, there is no real challenge for him left. Until this news of course, with this new Mihawk can perhaps be challenged by strongest of Vice Admirals, multiple vice admrials or perhaps even admirals. Mihawk is literally trembling over exictement right now which should also tell you how far below himself he truly considered Vista who he didn't even bother paying attention to early on and then asked him to end the fight. If Vista was even a tiny bit interesting challenge, Mihawk would go out of his way to continue his fight with him despite Marines deploying pacifistas or getting ready for execution.

In the four reaction panels, Oda really displayed what most fans already know, Mihawk >> Other warlords >> Buggy.

@Admiral Lee Hung @Light D Lamperouge @TheAncientCenturion @comrade @Monkey D Theories @Reborn @HA001 @Erkan12 @Jo_Ndule
I agree with this.

There is also something else you forgot to mention. hopefully you can add the panels to your post.

When the marines were calling the warlords to go fight, they threatened them with a loss of their status if they didnt show up.

However, what is telling is that Sengoku, DD were all surprised when they saw Mihawk show up for the fight.
They didnt expect him there. So this shows that Sengoku the fleet admiral knew that the marines could not do anything to make Mihawk come for the fight if he didnt want. That is how strong Mihawk is.

Same thing happened when Shanks showed up, Mihawk bounced and when questioned he said he only wanted to fight against ab. Yet again, the navy and Sengoku couldn't do anything to stop him.

The navy can flex on people like Buggy etc and force them to do stuff for them, however, when it came to Mihawk, they didnt even try to flex on him. They knew he was strong enough that their flex meant nothing.
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Yeah, Mihawk's reaction was most savage. Hancock isn't afraid but she's taking it serious. Mihawk on the other hand doesn't give a fuck, no, he is excited.

Also note that in Mihawk's case, the highest number of Marine ships is displayed, despite the fact he is alone, while Boa has all her warriors which are notorious for their Haki. Same goes for Buggy's crew, which has even former Impel Down prisoners Whitebeard called strong-looking. One could say that there are surely more ships off screen, but we know Oda likes such details.

The thing is, in Mihawk's case, it could as well be 100 marine battle ships. He could destroy them with a single attack.

Just look at how a marine battleship looks compared to the ice berg he cut. Like a toothpick.

Mihawk cut that ice berg with utmost ease; no visible strain, no Haki involved.

While the other Shichibukai will be forced to let the marine battleships dock, Mihawk can one shot them from distance while sitting in his castle.
You struck gold with this comment.
9 ships for 1 man
7 ships for a Buggy's crew made of impel down prisoners some of which were from lvl 5 where Jimbei, Ace and Crocodile were at. @ShinmenTakezo gets credit for spotting this.

6 ships for Hancock and an entire island of haki users

To top it off, the one who is the most excited that he is being chased is Mihawk.

If you analysis it further, Buggy called for help from his crew to help him take out the 7 ships
Hancock is relying on her crew to help her take out the 6 ships as shewas talking using we instead of I.

Mihawk chased away Perona so that he could take on the marines solo.:finally:

This guys is oozing badassness. He is the goat:goyea:
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Now unlock Buggy, Boa is obviously not scared shit less like Buggy but she is also not ecstatic about the situation. Like if she could reverse the situation she would, but if push comes to shove her alongside her army, she is willing to fight and provide resistance. I am sure she knows she can handle current wave that Marines have sent to capture her, which is obviously led by Coby but it is really what follows that she maybe worried about. Perhaps the scare of an admiral coming next
Scare of Admiral coming next?? Reverse the situation?? Out of all the Warlords it's Hancock who doesn't even give a fuck about her Warlord position. Remember, when Momonga stated that her Shichibukai status will be in danger if she doesn't come to MF, she attacked him and turned all his men to stone statues. Out of all warlords, including the almighty Mihawk, only she had the guts to clearly refuse the summons and only decided to go bcoz of Luffy. She didn't even attend the meeting b4 the war although all the powerhouses like Mihawk, Kuma and Doffy were present. She clearly thinks of herself above such nuisances. On the battlefield she killed more marines than pirates, attacked VAs and destroyed Pasifistas all before the eyes of Admirals.. And you think she's scared of them??


Scare of Admiral coming next?? Reverse the situation?? Out of all the Warlords it's Hancock who doesn't even give a fuck about her Warlord position. Remember, when Momonga stated that her Shichibukai status will be in danger if she doesn't come to MF, she attacked him and turned all his men to stone statues. Out of all warlords, including the almighty Mihawk, only she had the guts to clearly refuse the summons and only decided to go bcoz of Luffy. She didn't even attend the meeting b4 the war although all the powerhouses like Mihawk, Kuma and Doffy were present. She clearly thinks of herself above such nuisances. On the battlefield she killed more marines than pirates, attacked VAs and destroyed Pasifistas all before the eyes of Admirals.. And you think she's scared of them??
Interestingly Boa Hancock still has her "pirate empress" title....:myman::myman:
Well to be fair, Hancock stated herself "Everything that I do, kick a kitten blablabla, will be forgiven, just because I'm beautiful~"
That BS statement played a part imo why she dared to attack Momonga, pacifistas, and random marines in MF.

Either the BS statement actually works, or she's just delusional yet Navy still doesn't mind her antic because they still valued her strength.


You can't win
Yeah, Mihawk's reaction was most savage. Hancock isn't afraid but she's taking it serious. Mihawk on the other hand doesn't give a fuck, no, he is excited.

Also note that in Mihawk's case, the highest number of Marine ships is displayed, despite the fact he is alone, while Boa has all her warriors which are notorious for their Haki. Same goes for Buggy's crew, which has even former Impel Down prisoners Whitebeard called strong-looking. One could say that there are surely more ships off screen, but we know Oda likes such details.

The thing is, in Mihawk's case, it could as well be 100 marine battle ships. He could destroy them with a single attack.

Just look at how a marine battleship looks compared to the ice berg he cut. Like a toothpick.

Mihawk cut that ice berg with utmost ease; no visible strain, no Haki involved.

While the other Shichibukai will be forced to let the marine battleships dock, Mihawk can one shot them from distance while sitting in his castle.
Oda replicated the same background effect 900 chapters later

Same background effect

Same result
