@Charlotte Horchata
What approach did i had towards you? I didn’t even quote you lol
Trans people don't "magically change" anything as their condition isn't something they just decide on a whim. This is quite a fascinating approach to me because apparently some people believe trans choose a "lifestyle" that will significantly decrease their quality of life in pretty much every aspect. I can assure you that if they could choose most if not all trans people would rather not to be trans.
Nobody is talking about ''lifestyle's'' here or whatever. With ''magicaly'' changeing your gender i refer to people here saying, that Kiku for example is a Woman, because he is a woman at heart. He was born a man, what he thinks or feels he is in his heart doesn't magicaly change his gender. He is a man.
"Race" (not even a scientific concept that can be applied to humans) depends on phenotypic traits.
That doesn't answer my question...
Why can't i identify as Black? (I am white btw)
And "bird" is a whole class that obviously can't turn into a mammal just because, starting by the fact that there's no "bird identity" nor "mammal identity" as they're just taxons based on indisputable traits that aren't shared (e.g. no bird will ever have mammary glands and they are required to be put in the mammal category).
I am a Bird at heart, why can't i be a bird?
What's the difference, you ask? Well, I don't know, let's give it a thought: what defines a man and a woman? Chromosomes? Hormones? Brain areas that have been linked to gender identity like the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis? Gender roles? Genitalia? I mean, you obviously don't make a distinction between "gender" and "sex", and since you're speaking with such authority here I assume you've dedicated your life to study an issue that not even now is clear for the experts on the field. So let's start by establishing which of these factors is The Factor, the one that indisputably defines your manhood/womanhood and why it holds more weight than any other discrepant variable that may elicit a person identifying as trans.
You seem to be an expert, so may i ask a question.
What makes a man - that identifies as a woman - a woman? Since it has nothing to do with biology, genitals etc. but is a mental thing. What defines mentaly a woman then? If it is enough to be ''a woman/man at heart'' to change your gender, then there must be some clear definitions, right? Or is it just because the person doesn't feel happy in their body and wish they were in a different body? Which there are many of those cases. But i don't know.