For years many were too stubborn to accept the reality that was coming
"No, One Piece won't have time travel "
"One Piece isn't about prophecies. There are no destined children "
"There won't be <god> tier characters who are super powerful "
"No, Oda can't do that. "
They spent years trashtalking Bleach and Naruto just for Luffy to be just another MC who's destined to save the world
But look at you now talking and praising Oda for doing these stuff you fought against
I can't wait for Ace to be brought back and Roger to be alive at Laugh Tale as a spirit
Don't worry we will soon have Luffy meeting the pas Nikas and Joboys in ancestral realm and get the last PU
@Buusatan94 @Tyki_Mikk @TheAncientCenturion @Jiihad