General & Others Kaido's fans have more arguments to say that Kaido's Kanabo is black than Green Bull's fans

Does Green Bull have a black blade?

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Sasaki Kojirō

The discussion about the Marine Headquarters admiral who fears Kaido and admitted inferiority to him, and was ridiculed by Shanks for supposedly having a black blade, appears to be in its final stages. Many individuals have already debunked the hypothesis that Green Bull possesses a black blade. His fans have used merchandise and even the anime to argue that he had a definitive black blade, simply to prolong the debate until the colored volumes are finally released. However, even if the colored volumes were to be released, they would likely find a color error to use as an argument to claim that the colored volumes mean nothing.

The point is, if we Kaido fans were being dishonest as well, we could also go around claiming that Kaido has a black Kanabo, precisely because the colored version and all others, except maybe the anime, label his weapon as such.

@comrade @Fleet Leader Fenaker @Hanzo hattori @Tejas @nik87 @ConquistadoR @HA V NUS001 @Redboy776 @SkySanji @GeneralP123 @Dragon777 @Pringles @Erkan12

Sasaki Kojirō

I was skeptical about it being a black blade from the moment I saw it.
There can be only one reason why a katana was drawn without a scabbard.
To create arguments and fool people just like he fooled them with WsW's "sword".
Some people legit thought Zoro vs WsW was going to be a thing...
Haha, I had bet that WSW's sword would be black, man, I've never been so wrong.
Yeah , that's for sure that Kanabo should be a Saijo level
Yes, but as @comrade mentioned in the comment below, Oda said that if Kaido were to retire his weapon, it would be called a legend. The Kanabo is so durable that it receives the same description as Whitebeard's Bisento in One Piece Road 2 or 3, with both being capable of withstanding the power of Kaido and Whitebeard. Therefore, Kaido is perfectly fine in terms of weapons and classification, and I find it much more impactful and impressive for Kaido to start from scratch with a weapon and make it legendary than to wield an already legendary and well-graded weapon.

I recall that Kaido's Kanabo, through accompanying him through his history of battles that made him being known as the strongest, achieved the status of being legendary. That in itself is a huge testament.
Yes, as I mentioned in the comment above, responding to Fenaker, he turned his weapon into a legend simply by wielding it in numerous battles he fought in his life, and that's much more badass than picking up an already highly-rated legendary weapon.
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✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
Alvida forged a black weapon. :crazwhat:
Alvida was just holding back
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Yes, all Kanabos are black, Ulti's weapon resembles one, and it is drawn as if it were black in the manga, but in the official version, it is yellow (completely yellow).

Ulti's weapon isn't a kanabo its a morning star
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Sasaki Kojirō

Alvida was just holding back
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Ulti's weapon isn't a kanabo its a morning star
Yes, that's why I said it resembled a kanabo, and even though it was entirely black in the manga, the official coloring made it yellow. This is another example that can be used against the argument of Green Bull having a black blade just because it was colored as 'black'.
Nope. He got KO by a single Thunder Bagua and Kaido went on to grow 20 years
cause he was off guard and got sneaked big brain

Kaido legit considers oden as someone who is on his level in terms of combat
And the same oden isn’t on the level of being a blackblade swordsman