I have one question for you. Did Sanji just use his strongest attack on Luffy along with attacks from Bonney, Franky & A gorosei member? Yes or no?
This is what Exoskeleton Sanji is able to do.

This is how Luffy sees Sanji

This is what base Sanji did to the guy Zoro is supposedly fighting alongside Jinbe.

And look how worn out Sanji is after that, blud is clearly done, he can't fight again.

And since you're such a big well known Luffytard, here is your Godfy literally admitting he can't do jackshit to the Gorosei other than ask for help to sent Mars completely away from the area. He is literally admitting his inferiority as a Younko. Do you still need more?

You bozos literally have no good argument other than meatriding Zoro (somehow?), this is called Copium in my book.
The manga is 100% on my side, you guys have nothing other than:
"Omg Luffy didn't straight up died by blue flames" "Zoro would kill Luffy, trust me bro"
This is embarrassing dude, you lucky this forum is mostly filled with noisy Zoro fans, specially when the matter is the cook