Shino vs Kankuro.
Warchief Sanji D Goat Heaven!🪽 May 13, 2023 #102 May 13, 2023 #102 Sound Five fights was pretty underrated tbh.
Thaidakar May 15, 2023 #103 May 15, 2023 #103 Dunno what was underrated or overrated but the tajjutsu matches between naruto and sasuke were surpringly good.
Dunno what was underrated or overrated but the tajjutsu matches between naruto and sasuke were surpringly good.
comrade May 15, 2023 #104 May 15, 2023 #104 Dunno how all of the fights scale in terms of popularity, but Neji vs Kidomaru was great. Though most of the fights against the Sound five war.
Dunno how all of the fights scale in terms of popularity, but Neji vs Kidomaru was great. Though most of the fights against the Sound five war.