Who will be the next SH?

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I'm sad that you can't see why Carrot is important for the narration..

Imagine thinking carrot will join in 2023 ,i mean it was always dumb even from day 1 but now it reacher another level
Carrot will most likely not join the crew in the future. What I'm proposing is an explanation concerning plotholes in the story that could or could not be resolved.

Before you start exploring the depth of the CarrotForNakama bashing.. be my guest and try to answer with precision to at least 4 of those questions:

Can you explain >> with evidences << :

- Who saved Oden's log Book, how and why ?
- Why a page concerning the One Piece has be torn out ?
- Why the Minks know about "the Dawn", a concept only mentionned in Oden's log book to this date ?
- Why Pedro sees Luffy as the Dawn Bringer while Oden/Yamato sees Momo as the Dawn Bringer, the reason for this contradiction ?
- Why (seemingly) Neko asked Pedro to search for the Poneglyphs ?
- Why Carrot was constructed in opposition to a sedentary character but was assigned the title of Ruler of Zou, a sedentary role ?
- Why there is so much dawn related lore through the story of the Mink and through the characterization of Carrot ?
- Why Carrot was pushed to likelyhood with the strawhats and the Look-Out post, something unique in the serie besides her mentor ?
- What the Dawn of the world is ?


I'm sad that you can't see why Carrot is important for the narration..

Carrot will most likely not join the crew in the future. What I'm proposing is an explanation concerning plotholes in the story that could or could not be resolved.

Before you start exploring the depth of the CarrotForNakama bashing.. be my guest and try to answer with precision to at least 4 of those questions:

Can you explain >> with evidences << :

- Who saved Oden's log Book, how and why ?
- Why a page concerning the One Piece has be torn out ?
- Why the Minks know about "the Dawn", a concept only mentionned in Oden's log book to this date ?
- Why Pedro sees Luffy as the Dawn Bringer while Oden/Yamato sees Momo as the Dawn Bringer, the reason for this contradiction ?
- Why (seemingly) Neko asked Pedro to search for the Poneglyphs ?
- Why Carrot was constructed in opposition to a sedentary character but was assigned the title of Ruler of Zou, a sedentary role ?
- Why there is so much dawn related lore through the story of the Mink and through the characterization of Carrot ?
- Why Carrot was pushed to likelyhood with the strawhats and the Look-Out post, something unique in the serie besides her mentor ?
- What the Dawn of the world is ?
No need for explanation for irrelevant characters
No need for explanation for irrelevant characters
Seems to me like you can't.. And that's precisely why you should be looking at Carrot instead of trashing her.

But hey.. maybe I'm wrong.. :kayneshrug:

And maybe you are right, Carrot might be irrelevant for the future of the story..
Maybe those 9 narrative plotholes will never be explained.. who knows?...
After all.. its not like Oda was used to do such things.. :kayneshrug:


Seems to me like you can't.. And that's precisely why you should be looking at Carrot instead of trashing her.

But hey.. maybe I'm wrong.. :kayneshrug:

And maybe you are right, Carrot might be irrelevant for the future of the story..
Maybe those 9 narrative plotholes will never be explained.. who knows?...
After all.. its not like Oda was used to do such things.. :kayneshrug:
oda wont bother either, might as well explain why farafra didn't join the crew
isn't it obvious at this point? Well i'm not surprised you didn't notice tbh
Ok.. I think you don't understand the importance of those questions. Let me make you a comparison.

Hundreds of chapters before the reveal (that the time leap we are talking about here) Oda created two setups to introduce the 20 years time travel jump of the Kozuki (a major plot point):

1 - Introduced the contradiction that Neko and Inu were fighting for YEARS (confirmed by Carrot saying that she wasn't born at the time while being 15) but Momo somehow knews them when they were friend while he is 8
2 - Created a contradiction between the age of Momo and him seeing Roger (as a joke)

That's all (in my knowledge). Those were literally three little line that were constructed to be seen as meaningless or jokes.

Here.. we are talking about NINE mysteries and contradictions (6 in the narration itself and 3 in the meta narration)

In fact... Add three another mystery:

- What did Zunisha do to get sentenced ? And by WHO ?
- How did the Minks ended up on Zunisha, is there a link between their presence and the sentence of Zu ?
- When, how and why did the Mink formed a pact with the Kozuki clan while being casted away on Zunisha?

Oh boi.. With this .. we have in total 12 mysteries. All pretty much related to the Dawn, Wano, the Mink or Carrot (by consequence).

But yeah.. I could definitely be wrong and Oda could never explain those mysteries ... :kayneshrug:
The problem as always is the assumption that Carrot is a pivotal player in all these Dawn plotlines.

When in reality it’s Momo and Luffy who are. Same way Inu and Neko were broadly irrelevant compared to the more important Oden and Roger.

The Minks, and by extension Carrot, are just a subplot of the Kozuki story, and based on Wano, it’s a subplot that Oda isn‘t overly interested in exploring.
The problem as always is the assumption that Carrot is a pivotal player in all these Dawn plotlines.
When in reality it’s Momo and Luffy who are. Same way Inu and Neko were broadly irrelevant compared to the more important Oden and Roger.
I understand you scepticism. And I won't lie, I could have a bias on that part. All of this could indeed be over reaching from my part on plotpoint that could have no importance. I'm not excluding that.

But as I have demonstrated with the time travel plot hole and setup here:

Let me make you a comparison.

Hundreds of chapters before the reveal (that the time leap we are talking about here) Oda created two setups to introduce the 20 years time travel jump of the Kozuki (a major plot point):

1 - Introduced the contradiction that Neko and Inu were fighting for YEARS (confirmed by Carrot saying that she wasn't born at the time while being 15) but Momo somehow knews them when they were friend while he is 8
2 - Created a contradiction between the age of Momo and him seeing Roger (as a joke)

That's all (in my knowledge). Those were literally three little line that were constructed to be seen as meaningless or jokes.

Here.. we are talking about NINE mysteries and contradictions (6 in the narration itself and 3 in the meta narration)
Oda is used to give us lesser clues than that to setup a big reveal or plot point. The fact is that we have 12 mysteries there.. and we need to keep an eye on them as theorists.

Indeed, Momo and Luffy are related more closely to the dawn, but we need to understand their position. In their case, they are stated as the "BRINGERS" of the Dawn. What I'm mentionning is something that has nothing to to with "bringing up" the Dawn, it would most likely has something to do with the development of the lore and the understanding of what the Dawn is.

More like a "spectator"

The Minks, and by extension Carrot, are just a subplot of the Kozuki story, and based on Wano, it’s a subplot that Oda isn‘t overly interested in exploring.
If the Minks are but a subplot, then there wouldn't be all those plot hole and contradiction regarding the Dawn.

But there are. Not necessarally with the Mink, but also with Zunisha, the duke story and the way Carrot's is handled

The reason why Carrot would be in the middle of that is this:
The mysteries rely on the dawn, the lore of the Mink and Zunisha. The Mink tribe is still over Zunisha, so if Oda is about to talk about Zunisha, he will automatically talk about the Mink as well. And if Oda talk about the Mink now, it means that he will talk about Carrot too. The reason behind that is that Carrot being the current ruler means that she is also the personnification of the mink tribe now.

Its simply consequencial: Dawn > Zou/Mink > Carrot.

Now.. Where this gets interesting is when we look at Carrot more closely: She is the personnification and characterized and the LINK between the night.. and the day:

- Because she is a Rabbit (who are crepuscular)
- Because she is a ruler's bird
- Because she is a musketeers trained by a guardian
- Because she is the one mink that weres the color of the opposite faction.
- Because she is characterized with both night and day caracteristics (Sunny/Friendly/Naive =/= Cold/Deadly/Intelligent)
- Because she became the solo ruler/queen of Zou

Carrot was written like the personnication of "the Dawn", not "the dawn of the world" just.. "the dawn" as "the moment before the Sun arrives"..

When we theorize, we can't just look at random clues here and there, we must look at repetitive pattern, and Carrot being constructed as a "dawn/link between the night and day" character is indisputable. There is a clear repetitive pattern, showing a clear choice from Oda. And of course, all of that is very subtle.. so you will most likely gloss over it on the first read.

But this confirms the correlation noted above:

Dawn (as a concept) > Mink/Zou/Wano > Carrot > Dawn (as a metaphore).


Let's be clear. I'm not saying: "Look, Carrot be be the next strawhat. " - It could happen, but i'm not there yet. I'm just saying:

"There are still mysteries related to the story of the Dawn, Zou, the mink and Carrot, so let's keep our eyes and our mind open, because Oda could be trying to fool us here, and putting Carrot to the post of Queen could be just the beginning of something more interesting for her"
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all of the straw hats were convinced by Luffy himself to join the crew. even Nami, and Robin were convinced by Luffy to go back to thte crew after leaving. the ones that left the crew who weren't convinced by Luffy were Sanji and Usopp. Usopp was convinced by Franky to go back to the crew, but he went as another person. Sanji was convinced by Pudding to go back to the crew. i'm not saying Pudding will join, but she's as important as Franky.

Red Night

Chise and Joseph
Who are the mfers who still think Carrot and Yamato will join?
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all of the straw hats were convinced by Luffy himself to join the crew. even Nami, and Robin were convinced by Luffy to go back to thte crew after leaving. the ones that left the crew who weren't convinced by Luffy were Sanji and Usopp. Usopp was convinced by Franky to go back to the crew, but he went as another person. Sanji was convinced by Pudding to go back to the crew. i'm not saying Pudding will join, but she's as important as Franky.
Luffy will convince Stussy to join the crew.