Who will be the next SH?

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So, while it took a long time – this is your request here.

As an apology: I wrote it weeks ago but was not satisfied as I needed to add an own fictional character for the plot. I usually do not do so with ficlets that short, because I like to work with what I have. But going non canon is even more “unsatisfying”. Just note that I would have liked it if Koala was put into the position of “Sira”.

Not beta-ed

Also: Rated “Mature” because of the end to just be safe

Please, do not read the following short story, if you are not at least 18 years old.

The island bursted with unusual business. An uprise serving as a mere comparison would not suffice to describe the economic growth which had pushed Ryugu kingdom to what it was today:

Bedded in between the towering tree of Eve, the sanctuary of the underwater merefolk had advanced tremendously over a short period of time. Most people, who had visited called it a treasure one could behold as soon as the depths of the frightening, dark abbys had been passed and the new bubble lift steadily brought its eager passengers safely down. Stepping out of the bubble and into the bustling port, one immediately was swept away by the thick stream of people coming and going to and from Ryugu. Yes, Ryugu had opened its borders for every human to be welcomed. And it seemed that – yes – every person on earth was down here enjoying fishman island’s unique way of life! The main square was thereafter packed with disgusting humans eager to exchange their money in the shops and restaurants, stalls and little stand, selling jewels, charms, clothes, snacks and delicacies.

This had to be a joke. Because, if one thing Arlong did not like, it was the casual mingling of fishmen and humans alike. How could it have come to this?!

With balled fists, the shark had to rip his gaze from the very sight that seemed to peel the retina from his eyes.

And blindness was favorable to the sight, which greeted him next. Because it was then that they landed on something more disturbing… . Something, which in the first few seconds of beholding, did not make much sense to the fishman. But even only recognizing the black flag with the straw hatted scull happily billowing in the wind, made something turn in Arlong’s stomach – and it was not hunger. His face distorted in aversion. “What the …!” He brought out between sharp, theet.

For a moment anything else had frozen in place as he stood there to take in this atrocity.

Growling deeply, the shark turned to look back, from where he came, contemplating leaving again. The throng of stinking meat-bags was crowding the port like aphids a budding flower. And only imagining any of their … body parts touching him made him even sicker. Why on earth had he even considered coming back here in the first place, if there were so many humans now occupying space?

With another gumble, he walked off... .


The café had gotten larger over the many years Arlong had not set a foot into it. And apparently it had closed for a short midday break. An obese see cucumber was happily sucking food scraps from the floor between the empty tables. Its lazy suction sound replacing the heavy droning from outside after the main door had fallen shut. Mermaids and human women alike were busy cleaning the tables, giggling now and then as they amusedly whispered amongst themselves, while working.

Seeing the scene, Arlong stopped in his tracks. It was obvious those human women had their fun and were probably working here on their own free will. Balling his fists, the shark-man felt his ire once again rising. Why by Neptun was his sister letting those humans work for her?!

It was at this moment the door behind the counter opened and Shyarly came in. She did not seem surprised to see him, nor did it surprise her to see him baring his teeth as he still observed the girls interacting so casually. Nothing surprised one if you could see the future, even if you had given up on that. A peek now and then once or twice Shyarly could not refrain from.

“Welcome home, brother.” She tried to redirect his attention towards her.

Whirling his head around, the fishman’s furious eyes locked with her own gaze. And immediately those sharp and hard orbs birthed a slight wisp of unrest in her chest. Even when they were children those beastly eyes had always been harbinger of the fury Arlong could unleash if one provoked him. But Shyarly also knew Arlong would never lay a hand on her. She was his only family, and she knew he would cross half the world for her if he had to.

Sighing, the former fortune teller knew exactly what his problem was. “With the expansion of the café also came the work, so I needed to hire helping hands.”

“You could have hired mermaids then!” Pushed the fishman and marched over to her.

Another sigh from her. “Just let’s sit down and chat. You need to calm, before we can have this talk.”

It slightly surprised her when he then whirled around a bit back angrily. “I don’t want to sit down and fucking talk! I want to know why there is human scum everywhere on the island. And I do want to know why they are working in your mermaid café!”

“Brother… .” She calmly but determined cut him off. And he would have fought on, if it were not for her warm gaze that pleaded just one chance for her to explain. After all she was his sister and if someone was able to calm Arlong, it was his own blood.

Snarling, the shark was about to burst from the sheer audacity of it all. But somewhere in his mind an objective voice reasoned that – yes – he did need answers to his questions and – yes – the most trustworthy source was probably his own sister.

Still fuming, he forced the fury down his throat and decided for once in his life to hear, what she wanted to convey to him.

And Shyarly’s inner tension eased a little the moment she was certain that her brother was at least opening up to her. Because obviously, Arlong had not heard of the latest happenings in Ryugu. The opening of the island Otohime had so longed for. And the former fortune teller was certain her brother was not going to react well to how it exactly came to be. She knew Arlong had been defeated by the Straw hat pirates and had lost much because of it. She had to make sure to tell him in the softest way possible or else he would go and lash out in his impulsiveness.

Leading her brother through the door behind the counter and into the adjoining empty break room, Shyarly made to sit on the couch. Arlong sat down in the armchair, folding his arms in front of him. Still, his glare was directed at her, as she calmly made to stuff her pipe with tobacco.

Blowing out the first puff of smoke she finally started. “I’m guessing you haven’t heard about Neptun opening up the kingdom to the outside world, yet. Otherwise, I think you would not have come back to Ryugu in the first place.”

Baring his teeth, the shark proofed her right. “I’ve figured that out myself!”

He hadn’t taken his defeat and the loss of Arlong-park lightly. His dream had been shattered, his crew scattered after their captain had descended to drown his sorrow in alcohol. Those last two years had not been favourable for Arlong at all. And he had come back here to Ryugu to have a fresh start in life.

But after seeing all those disgusting human meat bags, loitering everywhere, his good plan had lost all motivation behind it.

There was only rage left. Rage, that he had been able to quench with Arlong-park – at least for the time his small imperium had been able to implement the natural hierarchy between fishmen and human scum. Now however the only outlet were his own fists.

But Shyarly was determined to not let it come to that – not here and not now.

“Where have you been the last two years?”

Snarling again, Arlong was not fine with the direction this conversation took. “Why should that be of interest to you?! You just have to look into that crystal of yours!” His sister needn’t to know how much the alcohol had consumed him after his downfall. It was no glorious story.

“I am your sister after all and if you believe it or not – I care for you.” But seeing him sitting there still with folded arms and that angry look on his face, obviously blocking her approach, she knew there was no forthcoming at all. “Anyway, it is good, knowing you are well. I’m glad you have come back.”

“I should have stayed where I was… !” He commented in an angry mumble. And Shyarly knew immediately, what he meant by that.

Arlong’s gaze darkened further as rage gripped him again, as he remembered back. “Has that old fart become senile?! Has he forgotten what the world government had done to us?! Fisher Tiger did not die only for his grave to be trampled on! And I do not believe you have forgotten all about the many slaves he had freed that day. Only for Neptun to disgrace his dream and of all things go bow down to the Gorosei! The Gorosei!!! Can you imagine just how many fishmen and mermaids are still enslaved above us?! Think about that!!!” Arlong did not realize how much louder he had gotten in his growing rage. Gripping both armrests, he slowly leaned forward. “All because this witch of a queen had that damned naïve dream, he thinks he has to realise for her!”

Arlong had growled the last part and while Shyarly struggled to maintain her own inner fury, she knew he was still holding back most of his rage.

At last, his fury abated a bit and the shark leaned back into the armchair. “A dream does not fight for the slaves up there!”

She knew Arlong was in a way right, but his blatant one-sided view and ignorance was blocking his sight for the broader picture.

“A dream not - but acting upon a dream can.”

Intense eyes narrowed in on her, before the fuming red anger was again directed at her. “Don’t tell me you support all this?! You cannot tell me you are endorsing that Ryugu is swarmed by those critters!? Humans are still enslaving us! Just look at Sabaody – look at how much they pay for mermaids at the auction!”

“I am not defending slavery!” She shouted back, clear and loud. And quickly she had to take a drag of her pipe to calm down again. At least one person had to stay objective and focussed.

The ensuing silence was uncomfortable. Arlong silently growled, face contorted into discontent. Maybe it would have been better, if he had not come back. Maybe he should have stayed away. Because Shyarly was not sure how she was supposed to tell him the whole truth of Ryugu’s change and how it came to be.

She knew Arlong had once been defeated by Monkey D. Luffy. And opening this sore only to add to his hurt… . She wasn’t sure if he would be able to handle that piece of reveal.

Looking out of the window beside her, she saw a small child with her father and mother walking along the street, happily – a common, joyful sight, a small family.

She sighed - Shyarly could not give up on Arlong – he was her brother and was one of the few things that should matter the most to her.

And after an uncomfortable moment more, she tried again.

“You know Hody Jones right?” She started, while still observing the small family outside. Her gaze found his contemplating one again and she took another slow drag of her pipe, blowing the smoke sideways.

“That shrimp, who founded the “New Fish-Man Pirates”… .”

“That’s the one.”

“Have heard of him then and now.” Arlong scratched his throat, still trying to remember his interactions with him.

Shyarly took another drag from her pipe. “He tried to take over the throne not long ago.”

That made Arlong perk up. “What?!”

“He made an attempt for king Neptun’s throne together with Decken. It was quite shocking to see the Noah being dropped onto Ryugu.”

Arlong’s brow furrowed and an intense anger came again to surface. “Has he lost any sense?! Where is that shrimp!?”

“He is already imprisoned – calm down. And Ryugu is not in danger anymore.” And to her surprise Arlong did just that.

“The reason Ryugu had not been destroyed is thanks to our saviour.”

“Please, no hero crap. I hate heroes. They think they must spread their goody two shoes thinking everywhere until you come around and beat them to a bloody pulp.”

Shyarly needed to smile at that. “Then you would like him, because he hates being called a hero.” Another drag of her pipe “And have I mentioned that he beat a celestial dragon at Sabaody two years ago?”

His brows rose again, but this time in surprised favour - he chuckled. “You’re kidding.”

“I’m not.” She replied calmly. “It rose quite a fuss. Admiral Kizaru even came down to deal with him.”

To her surprise Arlong chuckled a little. “That guy is already starting to grow on me.”

Alone this statement made Shyarly’s tense shoulder drop in relieve.

Should she try it? Should she convey it to him? She had to try, even knowing he would not like it.

“Jinbe joined his crew recently.” And immediately she could tell that Arlong took that like poison, given that he suddenly stopped laughing and had that damn unreadable look on his face. Was it rage?

It was the moment when it rapped at the door and a young human woman popped her head in.

“Madam Shyarly, it’s time to open the café again.” Reminded her the young beauty. But it was then that her eyes fell on Arlong and she immediately turned stiff in shock. Gaze focussed on the shark, Shyarly noticed the woman was more than tense, mostly afraid.

Trying to ease the atmosphere a little, the fortune teller motioned to the fishman “Sira, this is my brother Arlong. He came here today for a visit.”

Unfortunately, her easing made it seemingly even worse, as Sira was anything else but calming down. And Arlong also seemed to sense something was amiss.

At last the girl ripped her eyes off of Arlong and forced herself to come in – meek and small.

She made to stand before him and then did something, Arlong had not anticipated.

She bowed – low.

Looking over to Arlong, the man looked as flabbergasted as Shyarly felt.

“I … I want to thank you.” Sira began. “If it were not for Fisher Tiger, I would still be a slave.”

A few drops of water hit the ground under her.

“W… without the captain of the Sun Pirates, I wouldn’t be free.” She stammered on.

“Why would you scum than want to thank me!?” Arlong disgustedly asked.

Looking up, one could see that Sira tried to gather all her courage to face one of the fishmen, she was seemingly heavily indebted to.

“To apologize… .”

Now, this was all but odd. Never had a human being apologized to Arlong out of their own free will. But looking at her, the shark was sure she did it out of an inner moral obligation.

“Huh … what for?” Came it from him, not really interested.

“For the death of Fisher Tiger.” And now Arlong was interested! His glaring eyes trapped her in their intensity as if he was trying to pull out what she was hesitant to convey herself.

“I…, I... .” She took a deep breath as she made to calm herself before the fishman. “When I was a slave in Mary Giouse, there was no hope of ever getting free again. Constant work, day on and day out. The weeks melted together into an endless bleak ocean of despair.” Her head hung lower with every remaining image that haunted her memories.

“Until he came … and freed us all. He did not differentiate between human and fishman. He just did, what he thought was good… .”

Her crying intensified.

“I … wanted to thank him. But … . Seeing as he is no more, all I can do is thank the Sun Pirates and I thought… .”

“And now you think by thanking one of his crew members, your damn conscience is all but lifted?” Arlong leaned forward again small slits focussing on Sira. “I’m not Fisher Tiger, little girl.”

Had the girl hoped to once have a chance to convey her gratitude at least in some form, she was greatly mistaken – the chance had not even existed in the first place with Arlong.

“But you were in his crew.” She tried to reason.

“Do not think you can just make amends by simply … .”

“Brother… .” Shyarly interrupted, what was to make its way out of his mouth again and manifest itself in ways she was not eager to see. No! This time Arlong was to hear everything without him cutting off the most important part. Because hearing Sira’s story could also give her brother a way to at least start a much needed healing process.

His narrowed eyes found Shyarly’s again and she forced the slight wisp of fear down again, meeting his glare with one of her own. She was not going to draw back – and Arlong recognized this as soon as they made eye contact.

Finally, the tension eased a little as the fishman diverted his gaze again. It landed on the human once more, who tensed up under it.

“You were saying?!” Arlong growled impatiently.

Under his pressing eyes, Sira was searching for her next words. “I… . Back then … .”

“Come on – hurry up already.” He pushed.

“I JUST, … I … .” She started to sweat. “Without Fisher Tiger many of us would have died. I am just grateful to see one of his crew to at least thank him for everything your captain did to us!” She hiccupped. “I’m so sorry that he had to pay the price for it!”

More tears fell over her cheeks to the floor. Arlong growled disgusted and propped his head on his arm in lazy support.

“I so had hoped to meet someone of his crew here, so I decided to move to Ryugu.” A little smile made its way onto her face. “It’s so nice here.”

“`Nice´ is the little sister of `Shit´.” Mumbled Arlong and Shyarly sighed.

“I know you do not like me and you have all right to do so. But at least know, that my thanks comes from deep within. I never wanted for my saviour to die! I came here on my own, to tell you that I’m so grateful for what your captain did.”

With her finishing, Arlong looked more than disgusted in his resentment. But at least he was silent, even as Shyarly knew hidden anger was already steaming of off him. It was good and a first step towards where she wanted him to walk. Towards what she wanted him to understand.

Unfortunately, something on the wall drew Arlong’s gaze towards it.

And on the black linen was again that damn straw hatted scull plastered for all to see.

“What is this?!” He miffedly motioned to it on the wall. “Why is everyone having that damn flag hanging somewhere?!” Turning around, Shyarly cursed herself for not having thought of it, before she entered the room with her brother.

“It’s the flag of the Straw hat pirates.” Sira explained matter of fact.

Arlong threw her a hateful glare. “I know, whose jolly roger it is!” He barked out. “I want to know why you have it up on the damn wall!”

Now, this was going to become ugly, if Shyarly was not threading with utmost care, she could trigger… .

“Because he is the saviour of Ryugu. He and his crew liberated everyone from Hody.” Came the happy reply from Sira.

One could clearly see how Arlong needed to first process what he had just heard.

For a few seconds, everything was silent with only Shyarly’s shocked gaze intently fixed upon him. His right eyelid twitched unnaturally. She knew this was going to blow up – however, how bad it was to get, she could not fathom.

And she was right: Not a moment later an unprecedented rage contorted Arlon’s features into the most disgusting visage of hatred, Shyarly had ever seen on him. Especially the word `saviour´ seemed to make something work in her brother’s brain, which Shyarly did not like.

Small veins popped up, marmoring the whites of Arlong’s eyes. He threateningly growled, because this was all he could bring out, between clenched teeth.

But young Sira, oblivious to the utmost dangerous aura, thickening Arlong’s direct vicinity, did in her youthful ignorance not really consider, how much her well-meaning next words gave the fishman the killing blow.

“The king was so indebted to him, he even put the flag at the gates of the palace entrance.” She explained in her naivety. No care at all.

“NO!” Arlong suddenly screamed into Shyarly’s direction, unable anymore to hold his anger in. Sira drew back, shocked with that reaction and at last very much intimidated.

Then the shark shot up and marched over to the door, pushing Sira out of his way. The horrified young woman landed on her behind, crawling further back to not anger the enraged fishman, who stormed out of the room.


“Do not feed him fries. You know it causes him flatulence.” Admonished one of the mermaids a young human woman, who had the see-cucumber on her lap and was holding a piece of fried potato in front of the hole at one of its `ends´. But the see cucumber was obviously not hungry at all.

“By the way – you are trying to feed fries to his butt.” Another mermaid commented matter of fact.

Disgustedly, the woman immediately withdrew her hand from the wrong end, she had been petting for the last five minutes. At least it now made sense why it didn’t want to eat – suck.

Urgs… .

The door at the back of the room banged open and a shark fishman came storming out. Everyone’s surprised eyes turned to Arlong, who was angrily marching out of the main entrance and onto the street.

The outside was bustling with people as a fuming Shark marched across the street, uncaringly cutting off people’s ways.

Arlong hoped it was no more than a joke – a morbid prank his sister was trying to pull on him.

Sharp, slit-like eyes shot up, focussing on the entrance of the palace. And yes – there it was, billowing mockingly in the wind.

“FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!” Arlong screamed at the top of his lungs. In hot fury he then threw his own hat down onto the street and kicked it away in an impulsive outburst. Several venes on his forehead pulsed dangerously close to bursting as an unprecedented rage engulfed him.

People on the streets were moving to avoid the seemingly angry fishman and a cluster formed around him, while here and there murmurs rose throughout the throng of people.

Behind him Shyarly and Sira rushed out of the café, concerned for his safety. Both stopped short in their tracks as they saw the scene outside. Their concern growing with a certain individual being the centre of said situation. Trashing and unable to handle his fury that was so predominantly taking hold of him there, Arlong screamed out to no one.

It didn’t sound strong, but broken and painful – an animal in pain.

Suddenly his scream stopped. And for a short moment Arlong stood there, tense and stiff as yet another comment punched its way back into his memory –

`Jinbe joined his crew recently. ´

Jinbe – his comrade and friend. One of the few people Arlong would have considered family… had joined Straw hat Luffy, his enemy, the person, who had destroyed his dream and life.

The tension in his face smoothed over by a broken and sad softness.

A gust of wind played happily with Arlong’s Hawaiian shirt. And blew by and was gone. It was then, that his legs gave out and he sank down onto the cobble stone street.

A beating could hurt – very much so. It could cut your flesh and bruise your honour. But nothing could compare to the emotional breakdown, which could rip you apart from the inside. Nothing could compare to the loneliness of knowing that your worst enemy was celebrated by your race and your family had turned against you.

Everyone had turned their back on him - his crew, his race and his brother. Arlong was defeated, - trice now.

Tears began to stream down his blank face.

This time not even alcohol seemed to be enough to numb his pain.


It was in the morning with the change of guards, when a soldier came upon the grizzly sight of a large body hanging from the eaves of one of the many shops in the shopping district right under the palace entrance. It swayed in the wind quietly and calmly. A stark contrast to the violent and painful life it had lived.

That pain was finally gone.


This is the prime example of how words can hurt if not conveyed carefully and with all consideration to the situation and background. I think the real Arlong needs psychological help. And I hope he gets it.

I had so many ideas with the obese see cucumber! I didn’t write them all down, because I didn’t want to lose focus of the actual matter - but I hope you like it – its name is Jiji.

So, while it took a long time – this is your request here.

As an apology: I wrote it weeks ago but was not satisfied as I needed to add an own fictional character for the plot. I usually do not do so with ficlets that short, because I like to work with what I have. But going non canon is even more “unsatisfying”. Just note that I would have liked it if Koala was put into the position of “Sira”.

Not beta-ed

Also: Rated “Mature” because of the end to just be safe

Please, do not read the following short story, if you are not at least 18 years old.

The island bursted with unusual business. An uprise serving as a mere comparison would not suffice to describe the economic growth which had pushed Ryugu kingdom to what it was today:

Bedded in between the towering tree of Eve, the sanctuary of the underwater merefolk had advanced tremendously over a short period of time. Most people, who had visited called it a treasure one could behold as soon as the depths of the frightening, dark abbys had been passed and the new bubble lift steadily brought its eager passengers safely down. Stepping out of the bubble and into the bustling port, one immediately was swept away by the thick stream of people coming and going to and from Ryugu. Yes, Ryugu had opened its borders for every human to be welcomed. And it seemed that – yes – every person on earth was down here enjoying fishman island’s unique way of life! The main square was thereafter packed with disgusting humans eager to exchange their money in the shops and restaurants, stalls and little stand, selling jewels, charms, clothes, snacks and delicacies.

This had to be a joke. Because, if one thing Arlong did not like, it was the casual mingling of fishmen and humans alike. How could it have come to this?!

With balled fists, the shark had to rip his gaze from the very sight that seemed to peel the retina from his eyes.

And blindness was favorable to the sight, which greeted him next. Because it was then that they landed on something more disturbing… . Something, which in the first few seconds of beholding, did not make much sense to the fishman. But even only recognizing the black flag with the straw hatted scull happily billowing in the wind, made something turn in Arlong’s stomach – and it was not hunger. His face distorted in aversion. “What the …!” He brought out between sharp, theet.

For a moment anything else had frozen in place as he stood there to take in this atrocity.

Growling deeply, the shark turned to look back, from where he came, contemplating leaving again. The throng of stinking meat-bags was crowding the port like aphids a budding flower. And only imagining any of their … body parts touching him made him even sicker. Why on earth had he even considered coming back here in the first place, if there were so many humans now occupying space?

With another gumble, he walked off... .


The café had gotten larger over the many years Arlong had not set a foot into it. And apparently it had closed for a short midday break. An obese see cucumber was happily sucking food scraps from the floor between the empty tables. Its lazy suction sound replacing the heavy droning from outside after the main door had fallen shut. Mermaids and human women alike were busy cleaning the tables, giggling now and then as they amusedly whispered amongst themselves, while working.

Seeing the scene, Arlong stopped in his tracks. It was obvious those human women had their fun and were probably working here on their own free will. Balling his fists, the shark-man felt his ire once again rising. Why by Neptun was his sister letting those humans work for her?!

It was at this moment the door behind the counter opened and Shyarly came in. She did not seem surprised to see him, nor did it surprise her to see him baring his teeth as he still observed the girls interacting so casually. Nothing surprised one if you could see the future, even if you had given up on that. A peek now and then once or twice Shyarly could not refrain from.

“Welcome home, brother.” She tried to redirect his attention towards her.

Whirling his head around, the fishman’s furious eyes locked with her own gaze. And immediately those sharp and hard orbs birthed a slight wisp of unrest in her chest. Even when they were children those beastly eyes had always been harbinger of the fury Arlong could unleash if one provoked him. But Shyarly also knew Arlong would never lay a hand on her. She was his only family, and she knew he would cross half the world for her if he had to.

Sighing, the former fortune teller knew exactly what his problem was. “With the expansion of the café also came the work, so I needed to hire helping hands.”

“You could have hired mermaids then!” Pushed the fishman and marched over to her.

Another sigh from her. “Just let’s sit down and chat. You need to calm, before we can have this talk.”

It slightly surprised her when he then whirled around a bit back angrily. “I don’t want to sit down and fucking talk! I want to know why there is human scum everywhere on the island. And I do want to know why they are working in your mermaid café!”

“Brother… .” She calmly but determined cut him off. And he would have fought on, if it were not for her warm gaze that pleaded just one chance for her to explain. After all she was his sister and if someone was able to calm Arlong, it was his own blood.

Snarling, the shark was about to burst from the sheer audacity of it all. But somewhere in his mind an objective voice reasoned that – yes – he did need answers to his questions and – yes – the most trustworthy source was probably his own sister.

Still fuming, he forced the fury down his throat and decided for once in his life to hear, what she wanted to convey to him.

And Shyarly’s inner tension eased a little the moment she was certain that her brother was at least opening up to her. Because obviously, Arlong had not heard of the latest happenings in Ryugu. The opening of the island Otohime had so longed for. And the former fortune teller was certain her brother was not going to react well to how it exactly came to be. She knew Arlong had been defeated by the Straw hat pirates and had lost much because of it. She had to make sure to tell him in the softest way possible or else he would go and lash out in his impulsiveness.

Leading her brother through the door behind the counter and into the adjoining empty break room, Shyarly made to sit on the couch. Arlong sat down in the armchair, folding his arms in front of him. Still, his glare was directed at her, as she calmly made to stuff her pipe with tobacco.

Blowing out the first puff of smoke she finally started. “I’m guessing you haven’t heard about Neptun opening up the kingdom to the outside world, yet. Otherwise, I think you would not have come back to Ryugu in the first place.”

Baring his teeth, the shark proofed her right. “I’ve figured that out myself!”

He hadn’t taken his defeat and the loss of Arlong-park lightly. His dream had been shattered, his crew scattered after their captain had descended to drown his sorrow in alcohol. Those last two years had not been favourable for Arlong at all. And he had come back here to Ryugu to have a fresh start in life.

But after seeing all those disgusting human meat bags, loitering everywhere, his good plan had lost all motivation behind it.

There was only rage left. Rage, that he had been able to quench with Arlong-park – at least for the time his small imperium had been able to implement the natural hierarchy between fishmen and human scum. Now however the only outlet were his own fists.

But Shyarly was determined to not let it come to that – not here and not now.

“Where have you been the last two years?”

Snarling again, Arlong was not fine with the direction this conversation took. “Why should that be of interest to you?! You just have to look into that crystal of yours!” His sister needn’t to know how much the alcohol had consumed him after his downfall. It was no glorious story.

“I am your sister after all and if you believe it or not – I care for you.” But seeing him sitting there still with folded arms and that angry look on his face, obviously blocking her approach, she knew there was no forthcoming at all. “Anyway, it is good, knowing you are well. I’m glad you have come back.”

“I should have stayed where I was… !” He commented in an angry mumble. And Shyarly knew immediately, what he meant by that.

Arlong’s gaze darkened further as rage gripped him again, as he remembered back. “Has that old fart become senile?! Has he forgotten what the world government had done to us?! Fisher Tiger did not die only for his grave to be trampled on! And I do not believe you have forgotten all about the many slaves he had freed that day. Only for Neptun to disgrace his dream and of all things go bow down to the Gorosei! The Gorosei!!! Can you imagine just how many fishmen and mermaids are still enslaved above us?! Think about that!!!” Arlong did not realize how much louder he had gotten in his growing rage. Gripping both armrests, he slowly leaned forward. “All because this witch of a queen had that damned naïve dream, he thinks he has to realise for her!”

Arlong had growled the last part and while Shyarly struggled to maintain her own inner fury, she knew he was still holding back most of his rage.

At last, his fury abated a bit and the shark leaned back into the armchair. “A dream does not fight for the slaves up there!”

She knew Arlong was in a way right, but his blatant one-sided view and ignorance was blocking his sight for the broader picture.

“A dream not - but acting upon a dream can.”

Intense eyes narrowed in on her, before the fuming red anger was again directed at her. “Don’t tell me you support all this?! You cannot tell me you are endorsing that Ryugu is swarmed by those critters!? Humans are still enslaving us! Just look at Sabaody – look at how much they pay for mermaids at the auction!”

“I am not defending slavery!” She shouted back, clear and loud. And quickly she had to take a drag of her pipe to calm down again. At least one person had to stay objective and focussed.

The ensuing silence was uncomfortable. Arlong silently growled, face contorted into discontent. Maybe it would have been better, if he had not come back. Maybe he should have stayed away. Because Shyarly was not sure how she was supposed to tell him the whole truth of Ryugu’s change and how it came to be.

She knew Arlong had once been defeated by Monkey D. Luffy. And opening this sore only to add to his hurt… . She wasn’t sure if he would be able to handle that piece of reveal.

Looking out of the window beside her, she saw a small child with her father and mother walking along the street, happily – a common, joyful sight, a small family.

She sighed - Shyarly could not give up on Arlong – he was her brother and was one of the few things that should matter the most to her.

And after an uncomfortable moment more, she tried again.

“You know Hody Jones right?” She started, while still observing the small family outside. Her gaze found his contemplating one again and she took another slow drag of her pipe, blowing the smoke sideways.

“That shrimp, who founded the “New Fish-Man Pirates”… .”

“That’s the one.”

“Have heard of him then and now.” Arlong scratched his throat, still trying to remember his interactions with him.

Shyarly took another drag from her pipe. “He tried to take over the throne not long ago.”

That made Arlong perk up. “What?!”

“He made an attempt for king Neptun’s throne together with Decken. It was quite shocking to see the Noah being dropped onto Ryugu.”

Arlong’s brow furrowed and an intense anger came again to surface. “Has he lost any sense?! Where is that shrimp!?”

“He is already imprisoned – calm down. And Ryugu is not in danger anymore.” And to her surprise Arlong did just that.

“The reason Ryugu had not been destroyed is thanks to our saviour.”

“Please, no hero crap. I hate heroes. They think they must spread their goody two shoes thinking everywhere until you come around and beat them to a bloody pulp.”

Shyarly needed to smile at that. “Then you would like him, because he hates being called a hero.” Another drag of her pipe “And have I mentioned that he beat a celestial dragon at Sabaody two years ago?”

His brows rose again, but this time in surprised favour - he chuckled. “You’re kidding.”

“I’m not.” She replied calmly. “It rose quite a fuss. Admiral Kizaru even came down to deal with him.”

To her surprise Arlong chuckled a little. “That guy is already starting to grow on me.”

Alone this statement made Shyarly’s tense shoulder drop in relieve.

Should she try it? Should she convey it to him? She had to try, even knowing he would not like it.

“Jinbe joined his crew recently.” And immediately she could tell that Arlong took that like poison, given that he suddenly stopped laughing and had that damn unreadable look on his face. Was it rage?

It was the moment when it rapped at the door and a young human woman popped her head in.

“Madam Shyarly, it’s time to open the café again.” Reminded her the young beauty. But it was then that her eyes fell on Arlong and she immediately turned stiff in shock. Gaze focussed on the shark, Shyarly noticed the woman was more than tense, mostly afraid.

Trying to ease the atmosphere a little, the fortune teller motioned to the fishman “Sira, this is my brother Arlong. He came here today for a visit.”

Unfortunately, her easing made it seemingly even worse, as Sira was anything else but calming down. And Arlong also seemed to sense something was amiss.

At last the girl ripped her eyes off of Arlong and forced herself to come in – meek and small.

She made to stand before him and then did something, Arlong had not anticipated.

She bowed – low.

Looking over to Arlong, the man looked as flabbergasted as Shyarly felt.

“I … I want to thank you.” Sira began. “If it were not for Fisher Tiger, I would still be a slave.”

A few drops of water hit the ground under her.

“W… without the captain of the Sun Pirates, I wouldn’t be free.” She stammered on.

“Why would you scum than want to thank me!?” Arlong disgustedly asked.

Looking up, one could see that Sira tried to gather all her courage to face one of the fishmen, she was seemingly heavily indebted to.

“To apologize… .”

Now, this was all but odd. Never had a human being apologized to Arlong out of their own free will. But looking at her, the shark was sure she did it out of an inner moral obligation.

“Huh … what for?” Came it from him, not really interested.

“For the death of Fisher Tiger.” And now Arlong was interested! His glaring eyes trapped her in their intensity as if he was trying to pull out what she was hesitant to convey herself.

“I…, I... .” She took a deep breath as she made to calm herself before the fishman. “When I was a slave in Mary Giouse, there was no hope of ever getting free again. Constant work, day on and day out. The weeks melted together into an endless bleak ocean of despair.” Her head hung lower with every remaining image that haunted her memories.

“Until he came … and freed us all. He did not differentiate between human and fishman. He just did, what he thought was good… .”

Her crying intensified.

“I … wanted to thank him. But … . Seeing as he is no more, all I can do is thank the Sun Pirates and I thought… .”

“And now you think by thanking one of his crew members, your damn conscience is all but lifted?” Arlong leaned forward again small slits focussing on Sira. “I’m not Fisher Tiger, little girl.”

Had the girl hoped to once have a chance to convey her gratitude at least in some form, she was greatly mistaken – the chance had not even existed in the first place with Arlong.

“But you were in his crew.” She tried to reason.

“Do not think you can just make amends by simply … .”

“Brother… .” Shyarly interrupted, what was to make its way out of his mouth again and manifest itself in ways she was not eager to see. No! This time Arlong was to hear everything without him cutting off the most important part. Because hearing Sira’s story could also give her brother a way to at least start a much needed healing process.

His narrowed eyes found Shyarly’s again and she forced the slight wisp of fear down again, meeting his glare with one of her own. She was not going to draw back – and Arlong recognized this as soon as they made eye contact.

Finally, the tension eased a little as the fishman diverted his gaze again. It landed on the human once more, who tensed up under it.

“You were saying?!” Arlong growled impatiently.

Under his pressing eyes, Sira was searching for her next words. “I… . Back then … .”

“Come on – hurry up already.” He pushed.

“I JUST, … I … .” She started to sweat. “Without Fisher Tiger many of us would have died. I am just grateful to see one of his crew to at least thank him for everything your captain did to us!” She hiccupped. “I’m so sorry that he had to pay the price for it!”

More tears fell over her cheeks to the floor. Arlong growled disgusted and propped his head on his arm in lazy support.

“I so had hoped to meet someone of his crew here, so I decided to move to Ryugu.” A little smile made its way onto her face. “It’s so nice here.”

“`Nice´ is the little sister of `Shit´.” Mumbled Arlong and Shyarly sighed.

“I know you do not like me and you have all right to do so. But at least know, that my thanks comes from deep within. I never wanted for my saviour to die! I came here on my own, to tell you that I’m so grateful for what your captain did.”

With her finishing, Arlong looked more than disgusted in his resentment. But at least he was silent, even as Shyarly knew hidden anger was already steaming of off him. It was good and a first step towards where she wanted him to walk. Towards what she wanted him to understand.

Unfortunately, something on the wall drew Arlong’s gaze towards it.

And on the black linen was again that damn straw hatted scull plastered for all to see.

“What is this?!” He miffedly motioned to it on the wall. “Why is everyone having that damn flag hanging somewhere?!” Turning around, Shyarly cursed herself for not having thought of it, before she entered the room with her brother.

“It’s the flag of the Straw hat pirates.” Sira explained matter of fact.

Arlong threw her a hateful glare. “I know, whose jolly roger it is!” He barked out. “I want to know why you have it up on the damn wall!”

Now, this was going to become ugly, if Shyarly was not threading with utmost care, she could trigger… .

“Because he is the saviour of Ryugu. He and his crew liberated everyone from Hody.” Came the happy reply from Sira.

One could clearly see how Arlong needed to first process what he had just heard.

For a few seconds, everything was silent with only Shyarly’s shocked gaze intently fixed upon him. His right eyelid twitched unnaturally. She knew this was going to blow up – however, how bad it was to get, she could not fathom.

And she was right: Not a moment later an unprecedented rage contorted Arlon’s features into the most disgusting visage of hatred, Shyarly had ever seen on him. Especially the word `saviour´ seemed to make something work in her brother’s brain, which Shyarly did not like.

Small veins popped up, marmoring the whites of Arlong’s eyes. He threateningly growled, because this was all he could bring out, between clenched teeth.

But young Sira, oblivious to the utmost dangerous aura, thickening Arlong’s direct vicinity, did in her youthful ignorance not really consider, how much her well-meaning next words gave the fishman the killing blow.

“The king was so indebted to him, he even put the flag at the gates of the palace entrance.” She explained in her naivety. No care at all.

“NO!” Arlong suddenly screamed into Shyarly’s direction, unable anymore to hold his anger in. Sira drew back, shocked with that reaction and at last very much intimidated.

Then the shark shot up and marched over to the door, pushing Sira out of his way. The horrified young woman landed on her behind, crawling further back to not anger the enraged fishman, who stormed out of the room.


“Do not feed him fries. You know it causes him flatulence.” Admonished one of the mermaids a young human woman, who had the see-cucumber on her lap and was holding a piece of fried potato in front of the hole at one of its `ends´. But the see cucumber was obviously not hungry at all.

“By the way – you are trying to feed fries to his butt.” Another mermaid commented matter of fact.

Disgustedly, the woman immediately withdrew her hand from the wrong end, she had been petting for the last five minutes. At least it now made sense why it didn’t want to eat – suck.

Urgs… .

The door at the back of the room banged open and a shark fishman came storming out. Everyone’s surprised eyes turned to Arlong, who was angrily marching out of the main entrance and onto the street.

The outside was bustling with people as a fuming Shark marched across the street, uncaringly cutting off people’s ways.

Arlong hoped it was no more than a joke – a morbid prank his sister was trying to pull on him.

Sharp, slit-like eyes shot up, focussing on the entrance of the palace. And yes – there it was, billowing mockingly in the wind.

“FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!” Arlong screamed at the top of his lungs. In hot fury he then threw his own hat down onto the street and kicked it away in an impulsive outburst. Several venes on his forehead pulsed dangerously close to bursting as an unprecedented rage engulfed him.

People on the streets were moving to avoid the seemingly angry fishman and a cluster formed around him, while here and there murmurs rose throughout the throng of people.

Behind him Shyarly and Sira rushed out of the café, concerned for his safety. Both stopped short in their tracks as they saw the scene outside. Their concern growing with a certain individual being the centre of said situation. Trashing and unable to handle his fury that was so predominantly taking hold of him there, Arlong screamed out to no one.

It didn’t sound strong, but broken and painful – an animal in pain.

Suddenly his scream stopped. And for a short moment Arlong stood there, tense and stiff as yet another comment punched its way back into his memory –

`Jinbe joined his crew recently. ´

Jinbe – his comrade and friend. One of the few people Arlong would have considered family… had joined Straw hat Luffy, his enemy, the person, who had destroyed his dream and life.

The tension in his face smoothed over by a broken and sad softness.

A gust of wind played happily with Arlong’s Hawaiian shirt. And blew by and was gone. It was then, that his legs gave out and he sank down onto the cobble stone street.

A beating could hurt – very much so. It could cut your flesh and bruise your honour. But nothing could compare to the emotional breakdown, which could rip you apart from the inside. Nothing could compare to the loneliness of knowing that your worst enemy was celebrated by your race and your family had turned against you.

Everyone had turned their back on him - his crew, his race and his brother. Arlong was defeated, - trice now.

Tears began to stream down his blank face.

This time not even alcohol seemed to be enough to numb his pain.


It was in the morning with the change of guards, when a soldier came upon the grizzly sight of a large body hanging from the eaves of one of the many shops in the shopping district right under the palace entrance. It swayed in the wind quietly and calmly. A stark contrast to the violent and painful life it had lived.

That pain was finally gone.


This is the prime example of how words can hurt if not conveyed carefully and with all consideration to the situation and background. I think the real Arlong needs psychological help. And I hope he gets it.

I had so many ideas with the obese see cucumber! I didn’t write them all down, because I didn’t want to lose focus of the actual matter - but I hope you like it – its name is Jiji.
Beautifully written! I was not expecting the ending. Thanks for sharing!
Imu vs Luffy
9 holy knights vs 9 SHs

It’s over
This was the main thing I knew would happen when early spoilers said there was 9. When in truth they're not specified. Don't jump the gun on Shadow Piece cause we know where that road led before.

Either way 9 or not there are more groups with 10 to compare to than some nameless nights. Some of Luffy's biggest parallels, Blackbeard, Shanks, and Oden all had 10. A random group of knights being introduced that could easily be Number-tier is not something to try to close the book on.
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Remember, when I told you a few months ago that if Lucci joins the SHP, "then we will have part of the SH-crew shaken and see Luffy justifying himself."? (For those who have not followed the thread for long, here is what I said back then: Background information )

The reason I am bringing that up gets clearer when you see how Oda is setting Vivi and Lucci up this last chapter. Especially Vivi outright seems to hate Lucci in 1083, just for how he wanted to sacrafice Shirahoshi. And she will hate him even more now, because we already saw her generally declaring that she hated the WG back at Morgans.

And it would not surprise me if the WG was the party, which had killed her father - I think we are all thinking this way by now. (Back in February I secretly had hoped it was going to be Lucci, who would assasinated Cobra, but the setup now looks like pigeon guy is not anymore within the palace. I would have loved the drama this little detail would have birthed - but apparently Oda hasn't the guts to go that far. :lusalty:)

Now imagine that Lucci joins Luffy's crew and they all somehow end up meeting Vivi again. This is going to be the moment when Luffy will have to face Vivi's outrage about his choice of crew member. And then he will have him justifying himself.

I hope Vivi doesn't regret telling her father that she trusts Luffy "whatever he does", when Cobra brought up the matter of Robin joining Luffy's crew back in chapter 439.

And this whole affair could give Lucci the chance to make amends and help Vivi, who obviously cannot turn abck now.

In the end she will probably forgive Lucci... . He already looks like her father only younger. No way she can stay mad at him, when he resembles Cobra that much.

(Also, wasn't her father's last wish for her getting married? Well, women tend to choose their partners by how much they resemble their own father - this is what is commonly spread where I life - but this is highly speculative...)
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Rambles would cream...
Yes, I like "creaming".