Who will be the next SH?

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Nothing interesting is even happening on Egghead right now because Kizaru and Saturn decided to take a detour and get high, clearly
Seems like Stussy won't join

Oda is really good at character introductions but after that the character usually goes downhill and disappears into meaninglessness
Like Robin for example, who hasn't been doing much for many years.
Yamato, Law, and Vivi are the last three Straw Hats and Vivi will gain the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi

11 (inu) plus 08 (Ope) plus 29 (Nikyu) = 48 plus 325 (which is for all the Straw Hats pre-TS with devil fruits) = 373

3 + 7 + 3 = 13, which is the amount of Mugiwara we have with these three

Yamato will be the quartermaster
Law will be a number of things, probably most likely a surgeon or lookout
Vivi will be a diplomat