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kuma not dying imo, after he regains his memory recovery

oda had him die in flashback/death of mind

also earlier oda showed kuma head half blown off along with his foot cut off

(command chip is destroyed thanks to akainu, also prob self destruct switch)

if oda wanted him dead

he would appear damaged by akainu, instead his head is healed and his foot grown back. (also he looks bigger then before)

also this weird heal effect was shown back on okama island with kuma, before the wounds/swords showed up again.

i think saturn has the same healing effects as kuma. maybe he took some of kuma blood and experimented on himself for healing trait.


i want to see the funny gags after luffy finally befriends/meet kuma,
of luffy mistaking robots for the current kuma and getting yelled at. :suresure:
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People are now theorizing that because she received the powers of the Toshi Toshi no Mi through DNA splicing that she may be able to eat another Devil Fruit and the other fruit may not be biologically similar to a consumed fruit, if that makes sense?
i doubt it

she was drowning, sinking in the water and could not swim.

showing df rules still apply to her even if she didn't eat one, it still made her a anchor/weakness to sea water so eating other one would kill her.
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kuma not dying imo, after he regains his memory recovery

oda had him die in flashback/death of mind

also earlier oda showed kuma head half blown off along with his foot cut off

(command chip is destroyed thanks to akainu, also prob self destruct switch)

if oda wanted him dead

he would appear damaged by akainu, instead his head is healed and his foot grown back. (also he looks bigger then before)

also this weird heal effect was shown back on okama island with kuma, before the wounds/swords showed up again.

i think saturn has the same healing effects as kuma. maybe he took some of kuma blood and experimented on himself for healing trait.


i want to see the funny gags after luffy finally befriends/meet kuma,
of luffy mistaking robots for the current kuma and getting yelled at. :suresure:
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i doubt it

she was drowning, sinking in the water and could not swim.

showing df rules still apply to her even if she didn't eat one, it still made her a anchor/weakness to sea water so eating other one would kill her.
She could just not know how to swim because she thought she would drown if she tried.

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Why are we assuming Kuma's command chip or self destruct was destroyed by Akainu?

Kuma didn't start doing the dash after Akainu attackdd him.

Akainu was the last stop before here.

He left kamabakka and scaled the redline from redport even before that.

You want me to believe all those Marines didn't have command chips?
I agree, it's a bit of a reach.
she was drowning, i don't think df rules go away

even momo df was copy and rules still applied to him.
She's not drowning here. The bubble she was floating in just popped so there's water everywhere. And Momo actually ate a devil fruit, just an artificial one. Bonney's powers haven't even been stated to be a devil fruit. Saturn just said she was given "powers" through an experiment.
She's not drowning here. The bubble she was floating in just popped so there's water everywhere. And Momo actually ate a devil fruit, just an artificial one. Bonney's powers haven't even been stated to be a devil fruit. Saturn just said she was given "powers" through an experiment.
she was drowning in water bubble, even they said she die if they didn't rescue her

she coughing up water. not bubble of air.

also it shown df powers are a curse.

so rules still apply even if she didn't eat one. or she wouldn't be able to manifest the df powers.
she was drowning in water bubble, even they said she die if they didn't rescue her

she coughing up water. not bubble of air.

also it shown df powers are a curse.

so rules still apply even if she didn't eat one. or she wouldn't be able to manifest the df powers.
Right, but you'll drown if you're trapped in a water bubble whether you have a devil fruit or not.
Right, but you'll drown if you're trapped in a water bubble whether you have a devil fruit or not.
she couldn't even swim, jinbei had to save her along with luffy and chopper

and can see them have sink effect from df, as there smoke/cloud sink effect from there bodies(bubbles) also there upside down sinking! showing sink effect.

as chopper,luffy and bonney have it as they sink.

also bonney was chained up before with blackbeard (sea prism chains) as she couldn't use her df

rules are still showing to df, regardless if she didn't eat it.

blackbeard on the other hand his body is special and can have 3 df, unless you guys think he was sucking out dna from previous df user and consumed whitebeard/cannibal.
she couldn't even swim, jinbei had to save her along with luffy and chopper

and can see them have sink effect from df, as there smoke/cloud sink effect from there bodies(bubbles) also there upside down sinking! showing sink effect.

as chopper,luffy and bonney have it as they sink.

also bonney was chained up before with blackbeard (sea prism chains) as she couldn't use her df

rules are still showing to df, regardless if she didn't eat it.

blackbeard on the other hand his body is special and can have 3 df, unless you guys think he was sucking out dna from previous df user and consumed whitebeard/cannibal.
The sinking effect is more clear there, I agree it's not just not knowing how to swim. Still, we don't know all the implications of Saturn's experiment. It's possible that it still works differently in some ways, though it looks the same so far.
Why are we assuming Kuma's command chip or self destruct was destroyed by Akainu?

Kuma didn't start doing the dash after Akainu attackdd him.

Akainu was the last stop before here.

He left kamabakka and scaled the redline from redport even before that.

You want me to believe all those Marines didn't have command chips?
because he was walking corps/dead as people called him.

it either RA removed it when they had kuma, one of the scientist... but dragon states kuma ran back because of programming (command chip) which hints it not RA removing it.

so where did the command chip go? dragon states programming, then we got akainu blow half his head off (where command chip would be in brain)

also now he is using haki, which shows he recovered his mind/has a will.
also now he is using haki, which shows he recovered his mind/has a will.
Not really

CoA and CoO are just skills. All living things can learn them.

mindless Kuma could still use his DF techniques. No reason to think he couldn’t use haki. Especially when he was able to tank pre skip Ivankov’s attacks, whereas a haki jet pistol is enough to destroy a normal pacifista.
I feel aside from the amazing point about Bonney being an amalgamation of previous assumed nakama candidates. Including being a Princess like Vivi, technically. Daughter of a famous pirate like Yamato. Potential real time tragic loss of mentor or relative if Kuma dies here like some thought with Carrot and Pedro (Oda really cooked here and shows what that would look like through legit plot work) and she's a kid who transforms into an Adult with an adopted Father, Momonosuke.

What's also not being talked about is, now that we know Bonney's fruit ability is experimental and more than that she can channel Nika Nika abilities through distorted future, her becoming The Strawhats' and more specifically, Luffy's pirate apprentice makes too much sense right now. She doesn't even need Kuma's fruit.

Her dream could be expedited through simply witnessing Luffy's Gear 5 form for the first time and basically wanting to follow through Kuma's initial dream of seeing a world liberation through believing in Nika in honor of her Dad's memory. Bonus points that it's as his Nakama.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Biggest problem with Bonney is the fact that she was a last minute creation back in 2009. Oda had the SHs planned out since 1996 and re-used scrapped ideas.

Law was created last minute and was given a story with Doflamingo, was a D, and a strong interest in the Void Century but was never a SH. Bonney was created last minute, was given a story with Kuma, and a strong interest in Nika.
Law was created last minute and was given a story with Doflamingo,
Law had a connection to Doffy from the start, their Jolly Roger is basically the same. Oda mentioned every character he brings to the story (no matter how minor their role is) already has a backstory in his mind/drafts.
Bonney was created last minute, was given a story with Kuma, and a strong interest in Nika.
Yes this Bonney/Kuma connection was added later to Bonney I believe, because trough the entire Sabaody she didn't react to pacifistas even once or was put near them (it was the SHs, Law and Kid instead). If Oda created Bonney being Kuma's daughter from the beginning he'd definitely wouldn't skip the opportunity to show some crumbs of connection during the arc. But it were Law and Kid busy with pacifista instead.

Actually, I wish Oda never shared the information about what he planned or didn't plan with the reader. It destroys all the "magic" lol. I didn't have to know Ace being Roger's son or Miss Wednesday being a princess is a retcon, etc.
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