Who will be the next SH?

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said someone who their only defence is
"Hurr Durr your agument is asenine cause i think it is!!!"
Throw bunch of strawman and headcanon and then
"your take is braindead, i discredit your argument and end conversation cause i know im right"

Counter my argument first instead of running and deflecting Mr.Discreditor
I know this is your alt Sigran. You’re not fooling anybody. :king:
said someone who their only defence is
"Hurr Durr your agument is asenine cause i think it is!!!"
Throw bunch of strawman and headcanon and then
"your take is braindead, i discredit your argument and end conversation cause i know im right"

Counter my argument first instead of running and deflecting Mr.Discreditor
Like I said, you've got nothing but deflection. Stop embarrasing yourself.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Morgans is interested in what is happening in egg head, he even intercepted the call btw SH and gorosei. Thats why I believe he is going to egg head right now to cover the incident.
Yep, this.

Oda is hyping Egghead as a "Huge Incident".

Who is famous for covering events like that? Morgans.

BUT, I think the difference is that, this time, he'll be forced to actually report the truth, which will cause a ton of problems for the WG. This was foreshadowed by Vivi calling out Morgans for his deceptive reporting earlier in the arc. I wonder if Morgans can possibly do live broadcasts?
Yep, this.

Oda is hyping Egghead as a "Huge Incident".

Who is famous for covering events like that? Morgans.

BUT, I think the difference is that, this time, he'll be forced to actually report the truth, which will cause a ton of problems for the WG. This was foreshadowed by Vivi calling out Morgans for his deceptive reporting earlier in the arc. I wonder if Morgans can possibly do live broadcasts?
I hope we will get to see a live broadcast - like in Marineford, with the execution of Ace.
see.. another deflection... Try to answer my previous argument then, without crying this time.
I literally made two seperate posts with multiple points adressing your argument and you still haven't responded aside from "lol this guy is scared". Here they are to remind you.

Nami wasn't a damn queen, she just lived there. Vivi running off to be a pirate would absolutely be abandoning her country because she has a responsibility to her people.

And her entire character from beginning to end was about her love for her people. If you really can't see that, then yeah, you don't understand Vivi. It's like saying in the current arc that if Kuma survives he should abandon Bonney on Egghead to sail with Luffy.
I agree with this. That's why she'll absolutely sail with them until Alabasta is safe. My argument is that that's no different than the first time she sailed with them as a temporary ally. Vivifornakama is saying she won't go back to Alabasta even after it's safe and just be a pirate permenantly. That's what I'm calling abandoning alabasta.
The ball is in your court man. If you have anything more to say other than trying to insult me to avoid responding, then say it. If not then leave me alone. I'm not going to humor this nonsense anymore, I have better things to do than argue about who's deflecting.
I literally made two seperate posts with multiple points adressing your argument and you still haven't responded aside from "lol this guy is scared". Here they are to remind you.
ups sorry my bad, doesnt read that one(the other is not for me)
And her entire character from beginning to end was about her love for her people. If you really can't see that, then yeah, you don't understand Vivi. It's like saying in the current arc that if Kuma survives he should abandon Bonney on Egghead to sail with Luffy.
well i disagree on that,she is more then that, her charachter is all about sacrifice, she always sacrifice herself in every situation.not just for country, but also her friend
-she lie to protect kohza after they fight as a kid.
-she hold the pain herself after getting hit by wapol to avoid war.
-she take risk at 13yo to join Baroque for her country.
-when igaram "died" you can see how angry she was when someone get hurt for her sake.
-she is fine to get shot as long as the people would save her friend.
- she doesnt even want SH get hurt fighting crocodile for her sake.

now after all she did, you can see that night she really want to go, even her retainer and her father think she probably would go,but she stay.

she sacrifice what she really want(travel with sh) to help heal her wartorn country therefore we have the tearful goodbye and promise that one day somehow sometimes somewhere in the future they meet again and being called nakama.

now in reverie she still sacrifice herself to protect shirahoshi.

and now we all know she and Sh gonna risk their life once again to fight Imu not just for alabasta but for whole world.

Now my question is after root of all evil is no more, after the story of one piece reach the end, after all the sacrifice she made, from what danger vivi need to protect alabasta from? In the story where people go to get their want and dream, when is her turn? How much more she need to sacrificed her self?

if we dont even agree on that premise then we have no point to continue, i leave you alone cause there no more canon material i can use, we can continue later when there a new event or plot that increase or decrease vivi chance to join sh.
All things considered, I don't think Yamato had a dream, at least not one she was motivated enough to have a solid sense of satisfied finality to

I look back at the dreams of the other Straw Hats and it makes me consider more:

Luffy's overall dream has motivated him enough to sail out and try to become Pirate King.

Zoro's dream is to become the world's greatest swordsman, doing so when he defeats Mihawk.

Nami's dream is to draw a map of the entire world.

Usopp's dream is to become a brave warrior of the sea, presumably doing so when he becomes a top sniper like Yasopp.

Sanji's dream is to find the All Blue.

Chopper's dream is to become a great doctor that can cure any disease.

Robin's dream is to find the Rio Poneglyph which tells the True History of the world.

Franky's dream is to build and travel on a ship which can reach the end of the Grand Line.

Brook's dream is to return to Laboon to deliver the final song with his crew recorded in a tone dial before their death.

Jinbe's dream is the coexistence of humans and the undersea dwellers, presumably achieved when fish-man slavery is eliminated and the Celestial Dragons have been ousted from their power.

Now, what would Yamato have that's on par with all of that? I for one think she honestly doesn't. While all the Straw Hats have dreams that have motivated them enough to sail out, the fact that Yamato has stayed behind can speak to how she's honestly not motivated enough to sail out, in order to accomplish something with a sense of finality like the other Straw Hats do. All Yamato seemed to care about was admiring Oden just because he had the freedom she never had, and because he was a symbol of hope for the Wano people. And now that she has freedom and Momo is the new symbol of hope for the Wano people, the lack of strong enough motivation to sail out, and instead stay in Wano to make up for Momo's failure against that treebranch Admiral is evident of the lack of driven purpose Yamato had

So this is what I've concluded: Yamato didn't have a dream, she just had the illusion of one
ups sorry my bad, doesnt read that one(the other is not for me)

well i disagree on that,she is more then that, her charachter is all about sacrifice, she always sacrifice herself in every situation.not just for country, but also her friend
-she lie to protect kohza after they fight as a kid.
-she hold the pain herself after getting hit by wapol to avoid war.
-she take risk at 13yo to join Baroque for her country.
-when igaram "died" you can see how angry she was when someone get hurt for her sake.
-she is fine to get shot as long as the people would save her friend.
- she doesnt even want SH get hurt fighting crocodile for her sake.

now after all she did, you can see that night she really want to go, even her retainer and her father think she probably would go,but she stay.

she sacrifice what she really want(travel with sh) to help heal her wartorn country therefore we have the tearful goodbye and promise that one day somehow sometimes somewhere in the future they meet again and being called nakama.

now in reverie she still sacrifice herself to protect shirahoshi.

and now we all know she and Sh gonna risk their life once again to fight Imu not just for alabasta but for whole world.

Now my question is after root of all evil is no more, after the story of one piece reach the end, after all the sacrifice she made, from what danger vivi need to protect alabasta from? In the story where people go to get their want and dream, when is her turn? How much more she need to sacrificed her self?

if we dont even agree on that premise then we have no point to continue, i leave you alone cause there no more canon material i can use, we can continue later when there a new event or plot that increase or decrease vivi chance to join sh.
Do you really think Vivi stayed in alabasta to protect it? She's weak as fuck. Had to be rescued by Pell from a couple of fodder. She stayed because she's the future Queen, and she has to lead her people. That responsibility doesn't end when the world government is gone, every country still needs a leader in peace times. And what's your source on Vivi staying in Alabasta being a sacrifice? Given how much she loves her country and people, you're gonna need to prove that she loves the strawhats and adventures MORE if you want to claim that.
I literally have never said anything bad about Vivi. I'm just correcting headcannon. Even the weak thing isn't slander because she isn't supposed to be strong. It detracts nothing from her character to be a noncombatant because that's not her role. Vivi is a great character who fulfilled her role perfectly and looks to have an interesting role in the future. Just because I don't think she's going to eat Kuma's fruit and then abandon her country and her people to be a pirate doesn't mean I'm slandering her. If anything, I appreciate her more than ya'll because I don't have to make up ways for her to be stronger in fights and retcon her character and story to enjoy her. Ya'll even try to ruin her famous X on the arm scene just to fit your agenda.